The most popular animes - the best way to expand consciousness

Anime is a Japanese animation. The most popular anime, unlike animated films of other countries, are designed for a special age category - these are teenagers and adults. Depending on the target audience , the gender and age of the central character are selected. This genre is distinguished by an original manner of drawing backgrounds and characters. Sources for the storytelling are mainly Japanese comics (manga), light novels (ranobe) and computer games (visual novel). During the film adaptation and adaptation, all the features of the original are traditionally preserved, including the graphic style.

most popular anime


The most popular anime is extremely difficult to attribute to a particular genre. They are conditionally classified according to:

  • Target audience (teens, children, boys, men, girls, women).
  • The style of storytelling and narration (romance, drama, thriller, mysticism, comedy, fantasy).
  • Used technologies and surroundings (school history, steampunk, cyberpunk, fur).
  • The motives, the nature of the relationship and the goals pursued by the main characters (harem, spokon, makho-shojo, sentai).
  • Detailing and having sex scenes (yaoi, etti, yuri and hentai).

most popular anime

5 best

Not a single list of the most popular anime will reflect the opinion of absolutely all fans of this genre, it will always be somewhat subjective. This list contains films named by the best editors and critics-reviewers, i.e. animation industry experts.

  1. "Spring and chaos." This creation is formally an animated biopic about the famous Japanese storyteller and poet Kenji Miyazawa, but instead of people, cats became his characters.
  2. "Perfect sadness." The main theme in this project was the illusory nature of being and eternal attempts to fight Mara. This is a real bloody thriller about the madness of the main character - the singer. This is the most popular anime and the worst of those that seem to drive you crazy. At a certain moment, the viewer begins to think that he becomes insane with the heroine or instead of her.
  3. "My neighbor Totoro." Beautiful anime about the most wonderful time - childhood. According to the plot - this is the story of two sisters who became friends with a huge troll. But the moral subtext is an animated analogue of the Buddhist world without sadness, grief and evil.
  4. "The girl who conquered time." A unique story about the growing up of an unusual schoolgirl who is able to move into the past and change chronoclasms. The hard way of knowing the main character is generously seasoned with science fiction.
  5. "Five centimeters per second." Short story about eternal love. The plot consists of three life stories of a boy - the main character in love with a dream. A piercing and beautiful movie without a happy ending.

list of the most popular anime

Outstanding storyline anime

The most popular animes, therefore, become all loved and known that have a unique and memorable plot. The animation projects listed below can amaze you with their storytelling to the depths of your soul and will certainly be remembered by the viewer.

  1. “From the slopes of Kokuriko” is a story of either friendship or youthful love of two teenagers, which unfolds against the backdrop of a fierce struggle for the dilapidated school club building. Elegantly expands the mind of the viewer.
  2. “Porco Rosso” is a story about the fate of an Italian pilot who, unnoticed by himself after the First World War, turned into a pig. Critics put this story on a par with Casablanca.
  3. “Paprika” is an instruction on how to win a holy spiritual war. The legend of a woman who not only knows how to penetrate other people's dreams, but also fights with psychopaths who decided to subjugate the world of dreams. The plot action is completely unpredictable.
  4. "The red line." A parable about the races of the future, which are complicated not only by romance, politics, but also by the mysterious weapons of the cyberdictator.
  5. "Heavenly Wanderers" - an essay on karma. The main character is a pilot who fights for world peace with the same unfortunate fighters. The list of the most popular anime would not be complete without this minimalist and deadly accurate film.
  6. The End of the Evangelion . The bike is about a bunch of originals that do not stop to sort things out even during the end of the world. As the fans say, Evangelion has a beginning, but no end. ”

most popular anime series

Episode by episode

The most popular anime series attract the attention of the viewer and keep his interest from series to series. Mostly, a standard element is used: at the beginning - recap and at the end of the episode - cliffhanger. The most outstanding are:

  1. "Gargantes on the Green Planet." The story of the survival of a demigod soldier (who is only 16), abandoned with his battle robot on the flooded Earth. Professionally produced fiction, with a lively pace of narration and a chic visual component.
  2. Academy of Little Witches. A continuous celebration of animation, a benefit of novice artists and directors working on the project.
  3. "Red Data Girl." The main character, a schoolgirl named Izumiko, destroys all the electronics around her. As it turned out, the girl is a refuge for the goddess Himegami, so she is provided with a peer-protector Sagaru, and together with him they are sent to a boarding school. The anime is full of magic, the pace of the story is unhurried, the color scheme is gray-green, the emotional atmosphere is quiet sadness.
  4. "The flowers of Evil". The most popular animes can not be compared with this masterpiece in a nervous, on the verge of hysteria, production. The main characters - a schoolgirl and her classmate, having torn off the coils, are trying to get out of the monotown in the mountains.
  5. Attack on the Titan. The story of the growing up of a warrior hero in a medieval setting in which all of humanity, fenced off by high fortress walls, tries to defend themselves against the titans (unreasonable cannibals - humanoids).

most popular anime 2014

2014 - Harvest on the anime

The continuing demand for this genre of animation is evidenced by the number of paintings produced annually. The most popular animes of 2014 may be inspired by time-tested masterpieces in the top of audience sympathy. Especially successful are: “Silver Argevollen”, “Beautiful Librarian”, “April is your lie”, “Psycho-passport 2 season”, “Avatar Legend of Korra season 4”, “Invasion of the giants OVA 2”.

Best Forever

The anime world is fascinating and diverse, cinema can envy the abundance of its subgenres. The most popular animes are considered psychologically a deeper art form than cinema, since the boundaries of evil and good are quite blurred, and the warring parties have their own motives. They include tolerance to different cults, ideas, opinions, and even deviations from generally accepted norms, which fosters independent thinking and individualism in the viewer.

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