Civil defense defenses: classification, types

Civil defense defenses shall be equipped in accordance with building rules and regulations No. II-11-77. According to this document, such objects can be built-in, as well as stand-alone, if there is no possibility for installation. The document provides for the possibility of placing shelters in the basement and basement, as well as on the ground floors, if this is possible to do the design features of the building.

civil defense defenses

What should be in the shelter?

Civil defense defenses should be equipped with sanitary posts for every 500 people sheltered. In this case, their sizes should be at least two square meters per each. If the shelter is designed for 900 received or more, then in addition to the posts, a medical center (with an area of ​​at least 9 square meters) should be equipped in it.

Used when there is no war

Civil defense defenses in accordance with the above SNiP can be used in wartime, for wardrobes, trade and public catering facilities, cultural service areas, garages, sports and auxiliary facilities. Their planning and design decisions depend on the method of application. In general, at least half of the square meter is expected to be allocated per person. square meters with bunk placement (for seating). If the shelter has three levels, then the individual area is somewhat reduced, with a volume of at least one and a half meters per person.

types of protective structures of civil defense

Protective structures of civil defense are equipped with seats, beds for bedridden people, sanitary hygiene devices are installed in them in a certain amount relative to the mass of arriving people. For example, in shelters there should be at least one wash basin per 200 people, if it is in production (at least one per 100 people, if the shelter is organized at the hospital). They are built with ceilings according to the beam scheme or with beam-free ceilings. The thickness of reinforced concrete walls in them is from ten centimeters to 0.5 meters. The walls are supplied from the outside with a heat-insulating layer of concrete, slag concrete, slag or vegetable soil, a ventilation system, waterproofing, etc.

Types and classification

The classification of civil defense defenses is based on dividing them into shelters, simple and anti-radiation shelters. The former are supposed to protect against toxic substances, biologically or chemically hazardous products, etc. Anti-radiation shelters are designed to shelter the population from ionizing radiation, radioactive dust, light exposure, shock wave, explosive exposure and debris. Simple structures in the form of trenches and pits with ceilings, cellars, dugouts to a lesser extent can protect against the above factors, as well as from the weather.

classification of civil defense structures

Existing types of civil defense defenses differ in property classes, construction conditions (pre-built or built quickly), and capacity (a shelter with more than 1000 people is considered large). Anti-radiation complexes are also subdivided according to the principle of erection into specially constructed and adapted for protection from existing buildings.

During the last military operations, many people took shelter of various kinds. For example, almost all pre-war Moscow metro stations have become bomb shelters. Not only were people hiding here, but important objects, such as a command post (Kirovskaya station) were also located, and solemn meetings were held, for example, the celebration of November 7th.

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