Lyubertsy, "Institute of Health": address, prices and reviews

Health is the main value for any inhabitant of the planet, a luxury that everyone wants to possess. The preservation and maintenance of this wealth is the task of workers in the field of medicine. In every city in Russia there are many institutions where every citizen in need of medical care can go to. One of such organizations is discussed in the article.

"Institute of Health" in Lyubertsy, general information

This institution is a center for the diagnosis and treatment of various diseases. Doctors of various profiles carry out their professional activities here. This organization carries out procedures for the examination, therapy, restoration and prevention of pathologies. Here, each patient can get clear information about their physical condition. The clinic has all the necessary equipment for medical research: equipment for ultrasound diagnostics, tomography, an X-ray room, a laboratory for analysis and study of biological material. This institution has many highly qualified and experienced doctors who provide assistance to patients of different ages with various pathologies.

The Institute of Health is located in Lyubertsy, on Komsomolsky Prospekt, in building No. 11 B.

Lyubertsy Institute of Health

About the doctor who played an important role in the clinic

The gynecology unit of the Institute of Health Medical Center in Lyubertsy was named after the famous professor and doctor Landekhovsky Yu. D. He was convinced that the main task of any woman is the birth of children. Landekhovsky conducted many successful surgical interventions, giving many women the chance to become mothers.

Health Institute Lyubertsy Komsomolsky Prospekt
This professor also performed operations and therapy for serious pathologies of the reproductive organs, for example, for uterine tumors. He is the author of several outstanding scientific works. The doctor devoted himself fully to his professional activities. He worked until old age. In October this year, in honor of the ninetieth anniversary of an outstanding doctor, a gala event was held at the clinic. And although Yu.D. Landekhovsky is no longer alive, many women whom he helped to cope with serious pathologies recall with gratitude.

Diagnostic base

The clinic offers a large selection of measures for the diagnosis of various diseases. Surveys are carried out using innovative technologies available at the Health Institute in Lyubertsy. MRI is performed on a quality German-made apparatus.

Institute of Health Medical Center
With its help, an examination is carried out not only of the brain, but also of the musculoskeletal tissue. Other diagnostic procedures that are offered at the center include the following:

  1. Surveys using an ultrasound device and an encephalograph.
  2. Diagnosis using an endoscope.
  3. Different types of blood tests and other biological material.
  4. X-ray examination.
  5. Diagnosis of pathologies of the heart and blood vessels using special equipment.

Directions of professional activity of the center employees

The Institute of Health in Lyubertsy employs doctors who provide diagnostic and treatment services to both adult and minor patients.

health institute lyubertsy reviews
For children and people of puberty, medical observation services and various vaccinations are offered. Also, small patients are assisted with pathologies of the genitourinary system, heart, blood vessels, skin, musculoskeletal tissue, with allergic reactions and deviations of the nervous system. Adult clients are given the opportunity to treat teeth, gastrointestinal tract, diseases of the gynecological sphere. Women who have a baby can regularly go to the center for examinations and examinations. Adult clients of the medical center receive medical care for diseases of the skin, mammary glands, in the presence of cosmetic problems. Physiotherapy procedures are carried out here. Various activities are offered in the cosmetology office (skin tightening, correction of body defects, body piercing, acne treatment on the face, and so on).

As for the cost of services, prices in Lyubertsy, in the "Institute of Health", are very diverse. For example, an injection to determine an allergic reaction will cost 600 rubles, a gynecologistโ€™s consultation on menopause - 1700 rubles. Back skin cleaning costs 7500 rubles, cheekbones correction - 35000 rubles. Massage procedure for the head will cost 700 rubles.

Positive characteristics of the institution

Residents of different regions of the capital of Russia seek medical help from this organization because it enjoys a good reputation. Reviews about the "Institute of Health" in Lyubertsy are different, but the majority are positive. This organization is characterized by a variety of good quality diagnostic equipment. The atmosphere in the center is pleasant; the room is kept clean and tidy.

MRI Health Institute Lyubertsy
Polite and attentive employees work here who are well aware of their work. Some patients say that they went to doctors in emergency situations (intense toothache, leg injury, etc.) and received highly qualified medical care. There are clients who visit the center with the whole family. The gynecology department of the center enjoys a good reputation among a large number of clients. After all, it is with the help of doctors and the treatment that they prescribe to women that many of them can get the long-awaited chance to conceive and give birth to a healthy child.

The advantages of the clinic, many call the ideal cleanliness in the corridors and toilets, the availability of elevators, a good playground, where kids can play, waiting for a doctor's appointment.

Clinic Disadvantages

Unfortunately, not all patients are satisfied with the quality of services provided to them at the Health Institute in Lyubertsy. There are visitors who are not satisfied with some of the nuances in the organization. For example, some clients claim that clinic doctors set prices that are too high for their services. Some customers are unhappy with the rude and impolite treatment of the center administrator and the negligence of this employee. There are patients who experienced certain difficulties in obtaining sick leave in this institution.

Also, some visitors attribute the disadvantages to the fact that sometimes you have to wait a long time for your turn, although each patient has a ticket with the time indicated on it.

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