An independent examination of construction documentation is regulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation. In accordance with the rules of law governing this procedure, both public and private entities can solve such problems. What is the specificity of work and those and other structures? What is the difference between the approaches of public and private organizations when checking the quality of construction documents from customers?
What is the examination of design documentation?
Examination of design estimates according to the legislation of the Russian Federation can be:
- state;
- private.
At the same time, its second option is still considered traditionally independent. True, even when applying to government departments, the assessment of the quality of design estimates is generally based on independent criteria, since it is based on the provisions of the law, which should be treated equally by all subjects of legal relations.
Legal validity of public and private examination results
It can also be noted that a private independent examination of design estimates is carried out only by authorized organizations and with the use of official legal norms. Another nuance is that both examination options require the issuance of documents to the customer confirming the legal right to implement a construction or engineering project. From a legal point of view, the relevant sources are equally valid.
Therefore, both of the noted mechanisms for checking the quality of construction documents are implemented in general according to similar principles and differ mainly in organizational criteria. Consider the features of each type of relevant expertise - public and private.
State Independent Examination of Construction Documents: Preliminary Review
The first stage of checking the quality of construction documents carried out by competent government agencies is a preliminary study of a set of documents from applicants. This procedure must be performed within 3 days.
After the preliminary verification of the submitted construction documents has been carried out by the competent state body, an agreement is sent to the applicant to implement the examination - if everything is in order with the documents. If this is not so, then a motivated refusal is sent to the applicant.
The procedure in question involves the applicant submitting to the competent state authority:
- basic construction and engineering documents;
- statements in the prescribed form;
- copies of documents confirming the ownership of the plot, urban development plan, tasks for the development of the project, as well as for the implementation of engineering work.
In a number of cases, documents submitted to the government department, whose competence is to conduct an examination of design estimates, are returned to the applicant. This is possible if:
- The examination should be carried out by another state organization;
- documents cannot be checked for quality according to the criteria that are set for construction and engineering documentation.
In turn, the grounds for refusal by the state body to accept documents for quality control purposes may be the absence of mandatory sections in the documentation or the mismatch of sources that were submitted for examination to established criteria.
Let us now consider how the examination of design estimates is carried out after a successful preliminary check of the sources provided to the competent government department by the applicant.
Independent State Expertise: Document Quality Check
The condition for the implementation of the procedure in question is, first of all, the conclusion of an agreement between the applicant and the state agency that conducts the examination. In addition, the state examination of design estimates should be paid in advance by the construction company. Therefore, when drawing up the agreement, she must present to the expert organization documents confirming the payment of the fee for the provided public services.
The procedure under consideration should be carried out by a state body within 3 months. If the quality control of documents on projects of buildings that are not unique is carried out, the examination is carried out in a period not exceeding 45 days.
Correctness of documents: feedback from expert structures
During the period when the documents are checked, interaction between the experts and the customer can be carried out for the operational correction of errors detected in the construction and engineering documentation during the examination. In addition, if the inspection organization discovers the absence of any significant document, without which the examination of design estimates cannot be completed, the applicant will also be notified. And at the same time - an order to eliminate errors in the sources provided, as well as to prepare and submit to the inspection organization the missing construction or engineering documents.
Correctness of documents: terms of completion of documentation
The period during which project documentation must be adjusted is defined in contracts between applicants and expert structures. As a rule, it does not exceed 10 days from the moment a notification is sent to the customer about the presence of errors and missing documents in the provided set.
Coordination and examination of design and estimate documentation within the framework of the procedure in question may involve the provision by an expert organization of various calculations for constructive as well as technological solutions that are used in the submitted documents. Engineering materials may be required. As a rule, such sources are provided to expert structures within 5 days from the moment of receiving a request from a competent state organization.
Registration of the examination result
After the state examination of design estimates has been carried out as part of the procedures established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, its result is drawn up. It can be presented with a positive or negative conclusion on the provided construction and engineering documents. If everything is OK with them, if they comply with the established technical regulations, then it is likely that the competent state organization will make a positive conclusion.
Non-state examination: nuances
Let us now consider how, in turn, a non-state independent examination of design estimates is organized. Most often, private companies that check the quality of construction and engineering documents are contacted by investment companies and major contractors.
Non-governmental independent examination of design and estimate documentation is generally similar to the state one in terms of studying the basic characteristics of construction and engineering sources, however, the content can be supplemented by a large number of procedures that are not carried out under the legislation as part of an examination by state structures of the type. Such as, for example, analysis of the quality of documentation for optimal structure, supplementing the relevant documents with other useful formulations.
Consider the main tasks that in most cases are solved by private entities that verify building and engineering sources.
Tasks of private examination of construction documentation
It is mainly about tasks such as:
- assessment of compliance of documentation with technical regulations;
- analysis of the quality of construction and engineering documents from the point of view of the wording in them that meets the criteria of sanitary and epidemiological legislation, environmental regulations, the protection of cultural objects, and the requirements of fire laws.
According to the agreement between the customer and the expert organization, other tasks may be formulated. Their list, in principle, is not limited to any rule of law.
Let us now consider in which varieties a private examination of design estimates can be presented.
Types of private examination of construction documents
When customers interact with non-governmental entities, quality control can be carried out:
- the project itself - for compliance with statutory requirements and standards;
- construction estimates - on the subject of the quality of the development of indicators of the cost of various materials and work in relation to market prices;
- engineering developments - for compliance with the main parameters of the project.
Let us now examine in which stages the procedure in question is carried out.
Stages of non-state examination of construction documents
As in the case of applying to government agencies, documents prepared by the customer must be submitted to private entities for prior approval. Examination and approval of design estimates estimate primarily the completeness of the sources.
A partner of a construction company may be interested in this in order to get the optimal result. If the set of documents does not contain the sources without which it will be difficult to conduct an examination, or if errors are found, the customer is notified about this. In many cases, both in accordance with the contract, and on the initiative of the contractor, experts assist the customer in eliminating flaws in the completion of documents.
The next stage is a direct examination of construction and engineering documentation. Based on the results of the verification of the provided sources, a positive or negative decision is made, as is the case with state expertise. A private examination of design estimates for construction involves, as we noted at the beginning of the article, the issuance to the customer of a document giving the legal right to implement a construction project. Of course - only if the sources provided are all right.
There is a point of view according to which the examination and approval of design estimates carried out during the interaction of the customer and private entities have a number of significant advantages. Consider what they may be.
The advantages of private expertise: efficiency and benefits
The main advantage of contacting a customer with a private expert organization is the ability, first of all, to get the result more quickly than in the case of an examination in a competent state structure. Of course, with a large flow of customers, the efficiency of solving problems by the relevant organization can be reduced, but given the rather high competition, firms, of course, try to withstand attractive conditions for the customer in this regard.
The next possible advantage of contacting private expert organizations is cost. The fact is that state organizations are obliged to set prices for the services provided for the examination of project documentation based on the requirements established by law. In the general case, they do not depend on the volume of provided sources, its complexity. In turn, these criteria are usually taken into account by private expert organizations. They are not obliged to set prices in accordance with the requirements of the law and therefore can conduct policies in this direction as they consider the business development strategy optimal from the point of view of the market situation. In many cases, the examination of design estimates in a private structure is characterized by a lower amount of costs than when a customer contacts a competent state organization.
Private examination: manufacturability and quality
Another advantage of contacting a non-state company is the ability to use in many cases a wider range of communication channels between experts and customers. In particular, communication can be done via Skype, e-mail. These communication tools are not always supported by government organizations.
Another nuance that characterizes the procedure for the examination of design estimates in a private company is the use of internal corporate quality control standards that complement those established by law. This allows experts to provide the customer with a work result that meets not only the basic criteria, but also those that may be determined by the specifics of a particular construction project. This feature of organizing a business by many builders is considered as a significant competitive advantage of contacting private structures in order to conduct an examination of project documentation.
Private examination: current consultations
Another nuance that you can pay attention to when studying the features of the work of non-governmental expert organizations is the presence in most cases of high-quality advisory support of clients, which, again, is based not only on the requirements of laws, but also on various internal corporate standards aimed at improving the level of customer service, as well as to achieve high results.