Vulgar - what is it? Origin, meaning, synonyms and interpretation

Of course, it is difficult to understand what is vulgar, and this is no accident. Because vulgarity is many-sided. But such a circumstance does not bother us. We will arm ourselves with dictionaries and still go out into the light. We learn the meaning of the word, its synonyms, give examples. And of course, there will be a story related to the origin of the adjective. We’ll start with her.


Rough, vulgar image

We were lucky this time, because the history of the word in the language is recorded in the wonderful book of Lev Vasilyevich Ouspensky “Why not otherwise?”. The science fiction reveals all the possible secrets that the word keeps.

For example, it is known that in Latin there is "vulgus" means "mob." And also the word "vulgaris", which means "simple", "ordinary". Surprisingly, the Russian did not borrow an adjective from Latin or from French, as is usually the case. Even Pushkin, using the adjective, wrote it in Latin and could not translate. In a classic, it looked like this: vulgar. English is responsible for the borrowing. And A.S. himself may have acted as a kind of "postman" Pushkin.

In the upper London light, the vulgar is “simple,” “popular,” “vulgar.” There is also an important note: it is customary in our language to put an equal sign between “vulgar” and “indecent”. Then it’s actually “plebeian”, “common people”, “rude”.

Meaning in the explanatory dictionary and examples

A lot of money

But one source, of course, is not enough for us, in addition, we cannot offend an indispensable assistant. To understand vulgar is what, you need to open the explanatory dictionary on the corresponding page and read the following:

  1. Vulgar and rude; obscene.
  2. Simplified to distortion, vulgarization.

Since the word is quite difficult to understand, we puzzled for a long time how to make sure that, on the one hand, we do not offend anyone, and on the other, we convey the main meaning of the concept and, it seems, we came up with. But let the reader judge for himself by the examples that we have selected:

  • When a woman is deliberately and brightly made up, then this is a vulgar make-up. There was such a pun magazine on Russian television, and “incomparable Miss Murple” flashed through it. A character like this is a great example of what is meant.
  • When relations between people reduce to one parameter, for example, money, then such an understanding can be called "vulgar." Perhaps this is not entirely clear, but we will explain below.

Imagine the situation. One person succeeded, while another found an average job and lives an average life. In doing so, the first helps the second when it can. An outside observer could reduce this relationship to the use of one by the other, and this is a vulgar interpretation. Why? Perhaps a more successful buddy helps a friend from pure philanthropy and completely controls the process, not allowing the addressee of benefactions to sit on his neck. In other words, vulgarity is where there is a distortion of truth. But events happen to which the simplest explanation applies. In such situations, the interpreter can hardly be blamed for vulgarity. But let the reader think about it on their own.

Definition of the subject of vulgarity and synonyms for the adjective

Janice Joplin. She successfully created the image of a vulgar, hooligan girl

Here we will be unusually concise. Who can be called a vulgar person? We give two options:

  • dork
  • habalka.

Both concepts are the embodiment of rudeness, vulgarity and plebeianism, of course, according to the explanatory dictionary. The reader can easily verify our statement. And we turn to the synonyms of "vulgar":

  • obscene;
  • vulgar;
  • defiant;
  • rude;
  • uncouth;
  • simplified.

We apologize for the involuntary repetition of some adjectives. Yes, they have already appeared in the text. But it seemed to us that the list with replacements for the object of study would still be out of place: it would be more convenient if someone needs only synonyms.

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