Qualification exam: tasks, preparation, procedure for passing

Qualification exam - the procedure for checking a professional or educational level. In accordance with the legislation, certain categories of civil servants must pass it. Regulatory acts also provide for a qualification exam in the PM (professional module). Students of educational institutions of secondary vocational education are taking it.

qualification exam

Employees Qualification Exam

Checking the professional level of civil servants is organized by an authorized state body. The direct conduct of the qualification exam is entrusted to the competitive (certification) commission.

Testing a professional level includes an assessment of knowledge, skills.

A civil servant should know the basics of the constitutional system, public administration, public civil service. The employee must have professional knowledge in the specialty corresponding to the position.

Skills - a set of techniques used in solving problems using knowledge.

Qualification Exam Tasks

The audit is carried out primarily to resolve the issue of assigning a civil servant a class rank for a replaced position.

qualification exam

At the same time, the qualification exam is aimed at ensuring the aspiration (motivation) of employees to:

  • achieving the best results of their activities;
  • increase their professional competence.

Organizational matters

A qualification exam can be conducted on the initiative of either the civil servant himself or a representative of his employer. However, in any case, the decision is made by the representative of the employer.

The qualification exam is intended for civil servants filling public service positions with an unlimited term of office. An employee who has entered into a fixed-term contract is not involved in the examination when deciding whether to assign him a rank.


A qualification exam can be regular or extraordinary.

The first is carried out at the initiative of the representative of the employer, if necessary, but at least 1 time in 3 years and not more often than 1 time per year. An application from a public servant is not required.

An extraordinary qualification exam is initiated by an employee. It is held within three months from the date of submission of the application for assignment.

PM qualification exam


A class rank can be awarded without a validation exam . This rule applies to categories of civil servants replacing categories of posts:

  • "leaders" assigned to the highest group;
  • "advisers" / "assistants", the appointment of / exemption from which is carried out by the President of the Russian Federation;
  • related to the main group, the appointment for which and removal from which is carried out by decision of the government.

Certification and Competition Commission

Their compositions are regulated by part 10 of article 48 and part 8 of article 22 Federal Law "On Public Service".

The attestation commission must include representatives of:

  1. The employer or employees authorized by him. The latter include employees of the personnel, legal departments, as well as the department in which the subject who passes the exam replaces the position.
  2. Civil Service Directorate .
  3. Educational, scientific institutions, other organizations invited as independent experts. Their number should be at least 1/4 of the total composition of the commission. For example, out of 7 members, two should be independent experts. The same amount should be, if the commission includes 5 people.

Important point

A qualification exam may be conducted using:

  1. Individual interview.
  2. Testing.
  3. Exam papers.

For verification, only one of the indicated procedures should be selected.


The exam includes:

  1. Training.
  2. Holding.
  3. The final stage.

Preparation for passing the qualification exam begins with the fact that the personnel department of the state body or the employee responsible for working with personnel forms a list of employees who need to be tested. The list must be submitted to the representative of the employer for approval and decision on the organization of the audit.

employees qualification exam

For the direct examination, a normative act (order / order) is issued. It states:

  • schedule;
  • date and time of verification.

The local act also indicates the documents necessary for organizing and conducting the exam.

The decision is communicated to employees one month before the date of the event. At the same time, the direct head of the examining civil servant forms a review about the level of skills, knowledge and abilities, about the possibility of assigning a class rank to an employee. This document is sent to the commission.

The civil servant must be familiarized with the response 2 weeks before the date of the exam.

Commission meeting

Personal presence of the examinee is required. The procedure for passing the qualification exam depends on the chosen procedure. The following actions are common:

  1. The chairman opens the meeting, voices the composition of the commission and the agenda.
  2. Members of the commission receive materials: information about civil servants who pass the exam, test options and test results, job descriptions, individual plans for professional development, other documents required for the meeting.

At the meeting, there is a mandatory presence of a secretary, who keeps a protocol and records all decisions, as well as the results of voting.

Job interview

It is considered the most common qualification exam procedure. However, with its external simplicity, it is quite laborious, requiring careful preliminary preparation.

procedure for passing the qualification exam

The key purpose of the interview is to obtain information that allows you to assess the level of skills, abilities and knowledge of a civil servant.

The interview is conducted as follows:

  1. Subject submitted.
  2. Members of the commission get acquainted with the recall of the immediate chief of the civil servant.
  3. Familiarization with the results of the first stage of the exam (if it was conducted).
  4. A conversation is held with the examinee in the form of a "question-answer".

All members of the commission should participate in the process. In this case, the questions should concern exclusively the professional activities of the employee.

Testing civil servants

It can be carried out in two forms: computer and blank.

The first form has recently become increasingly popular. However, the blank form does not lose its relevance. In the first case, employees receive tasks using specially designed computer programs, in the second - on paper.

The list of tasks in the test should cover knowledge of the legal basis:

  • public administration;
  • civil service;
  • anti-corruption;
  • conducting administrative reform.

In addition, test questions should concern:

  • knowledge of legislative and other normative acts, the application of which is mandatory in the performance of duties in accordance with the official regulations of the position being replaced;
  • the ability to apply the provisions of legal documents in the performance of official functions.

Private security activities

For citizens who have studied under the "private security guard" program, a qualification exam is required. According to its results, qualification is assigned to the selected category.

qualification exam tasks

To pass the exams you need the following documents:

  1. Passport.
  2. Certificate of completion at the school of guards.
  3. The conclusion of the medical board.


It is served by the head of the security company. The statement shall indicate:

  1. The number of employees assigned to the exam.
  2. Personal information about each citizen.
  3. Ranks claimed by employees.
  4. Contact information of employees.

Where is the exam for security guards held?

Confirmation of qualifications is carried out either at the address of the citizen's registration, or at the place of registration of the enterprise in which he works.

Documents for passing the exam are sent to:

  1. Commission of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
  2. Educational institution on the basis of which qualification confirmation is carried out.

As a rule, verification is carried out by testing.

Test Features

Tests are closed and open. The forms of the tasks are selected in accordance with the objectives of the exam. It is recommended to include different types of tasks in the test.

The sum of the points determines the level of knowledge, skills and abilities of the subject.

Professional Module Exam

It is an external assessment procedure in which representatives of the employer participate.

The qualification exam for PM includes one or more tests, for example:

  1. Protection of the course project. The commission evaluates the knowledge demonstrated by the student, and also compares the product of the project with the standard.
  2. Implementation of a practical (comprehensive) task. The commission compares the learned algorithms of activity with a given standard and puts an appropriate rating.
  3. Portfolio Protection. For assessment, a set of documented evidence is compared with established requirements.
  4. Protection of industrial practice. For evaluation, the data of the certification sheet is considered - a characteristic of the professional activity of the examinee.

Rules for conducting an exam on a professional module

The conditions and types of tasks are determined by the educational institution. To do this, control and evaluation tools for professional modules are developed. Students receive KOSy six months before the date of the exam.

preparation for passing the qualification exam

Tasks can be of three types:

  1. Verifying individual competencies within the professional module.
  2. Oriented to verify the level of development of activity in general.
  3. Checking the development of a specific group of competencies in accordance with a specific section of the module.


When forming tasks, it should be taken into account that information that has professional significance, used to master the type of professional activity, aimed at creating special and general competencies, is subject to assessment. Tasks for assessing the assimilation of information to the required extent should have a practice-oriented integrated nature. Their content should be brought as close as possible to the real situation.

When developing standard tasks, criteria for assessment are simultaneously established. They are fixed in the expert sheet. Its members of the commission use when forming a conclusion on the results of the qualification exam.

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