Where is Lake Rudolph located? Photo and description

There are many mysterious places on our planet that people bypass. The mystical corners enjoy a bad reputation, but curious tourists visit the anomalous zones, trying to solve their secrets on their own. Such an ominous glory was acquired by the abandoned island of Irrevocable located in northern Kenya.

Lake Rudolph, which is Africa's largest body of water, is located next to an uninhabited local attraction that claimed the lives of many people. Before starting the story about Lake Rudolf, let us stop on a mysterious island where no one has lived for many years.

The mystery of the disappearance of scientists

A strange incident occurred in 1935, when an ethnographic expedition from Great Britain worked in Kenya. Two scientists who arrived on the island to study the life of the tribe living here gave signals to their colleagues every day. After they stopped, the troubled rescue team turned the area upside down, but did not even find any signs of scientists being there. Aborigines joined in the search, but everything was in vain. Many years have passed, and the mystery of the disappearance of people has not yet been revealed.

rudolph salt lake

Disappearances Continue

Over time, this strange story was forgotten, and new inhabitants appeared on a small island, tired of fighting with their neighbors. Members of the Elmolo tribe built a whole village, but one day their relatives, who arrived to visit close people, did not find anyone. It seemed that all the inhabitants left the island overnight, without taking anything of value with them.

Two centuries ago, members of the German and Dutch expeditions disappeared, and in 1982 a couple of newlyweds who arrived here on vacation disappear without a trace.

Abandoned island

Experts who were responsible for unraveling the loss of several dozen people found that the first mention of mysterious disappearances dates back to the 17th century, when the natives evicted on a desert island. They were incredibly surprised by the oppressive silence: there were no birds or animals, only in the full moon there were incomprehensible moans. Later, residents found that they could not get to some parts of the island because of the woven trees that blocked the path. Then the aborigines began to die as a result of ridiculous accidents, and a few days before the death of the inhabitants, strange visions were visited. They were frightened by terrible creatures, only remotely resembling people.

Soon, the monsters materialized: they suddenly appeared before the natives, and those who could not escape disappeared forever. When relatives heard about the incidents visited the village, they did not find a single person. The island was completely empty.

Unanswered questions

Scientists have suggested that the whole thing lies in the volcanic origin of the island: poisonous vapors released through crevices in the earth affect the psyche of people who fall into real madness and kill themselves. However, no one can explain where their bodies go. And the locals believe that there are gates to another dimension.

island irrevocable lake rudolph

A pond more like a sea

Lake Rudolph, in the middle of which lies an island abandoned by people, is located in Africa. Most of it is located in Kenya, and only the northern section belongs to Ethiopia. Having a tectonic origin, the reservoir is considered the largest in the desert. Its size is simply amazing, and tourists who are not afraid of the notoriety of this area often confuse it with the sea.

A natural attraction, the area of ​​which exceeds 6.4 thousand square kilometers, was discovered in 1888 by the traveler S. Teleki, who named it in honor of the Austro-Hungarian crown prince. Lake Rudolph really resembles a sea coast with high waves and long sandy beaches. Severe storms that occur quite often turn into a terrible element.

where is the rudolph lake

Later, when Kenya gained independence, the reservoir was renamed in honor of one of the tribes that had long lived on its territory, and was named Turkana (Lake Turkana). True, on many maps it is indicated under the same name.

Over the long history of its existence, the level of a natural phenomenon has changed: the deep Rudolph Lake, which is located in the east of the Great Rift Valley, spilled up to 400 kilometers in length and shrunk to modern sizes. He was constantly surrounded by volcanoes erupting, and the ash settled in a thick layer at the bottom. Around the lake you can see basalt deposits of the most bizarre forms, which remind us that once they were flows of red-hot lava.

Rudolph Lake: Salty or Fresh?

Kenyan landmark is a closed lake. The water in it stagnates, as a result of which salts are not carried away by underground sources. It is unsuitable for drinking, and its saturated jade shade, according to scientists, is associated with a high concentration of salts.

rudolph lake salted or fresh

Loving crocodiles

The main feature of the lake are crocodiles, which have a fairly good-natured disposition. Ferociously looking and reaching five meters in length, they do not rush to tourists. The predators, whose number has exceeded 12 thousand individuals, are not touched by hunters, and the thing is that their skin is not suitable for sewing handbags or shoes. Lake Rudolph is salty, and due to the huge amount of sodium carbonate, ugly growths appeared on the skin of reptiles.

Amazing find

The main sensation was the discovery of archaeologists who discovered on the northern coast of a natural pearl the remains of the most ancient man on earth, who lived several million years ago and already then moved on two, not four limbs.

rudolph lake

So the famous Lake Rudolph gained even greater popularity. This area, which has become an archaeological site, was called Koobi Fora, and now scientists continue to explore it. Valuable exhibits found in the area have been donated to the Kenya National Museum.

Environmental problems

Rudolph Lake in Africa, located in the middle of the desert, may soon disappear. The Ethiopian government is building a dam on the river that feeds the pond. Scientists regretfully predict that after a large-scale construction project, humanity will face another environmental disaster.

rudolph lake in africa

The most unusual place on earth

In our article, we found out where Lake Rudolph is located and what secrets are hidden by the nearby island. The dead desert landscape scares and delights tourists. Many sections of the coast, on which there is no vegetation, are covered with frozen black lava.

However, the magnificent view of the lake is a real pleasure for the eyes. An inaccessible place protected by UNESCO, wildlife lovers admit that this is one of the most unusual places in the world.

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