Thyme: contraindications and use in the treatment

Due to its specific aromatic qualities, thyme is used as a seasoning for many dishes. There are many legends about the Bogorodskaya grass . Since ancient Russia, it has been considered a talisman from evil spirits, from the evil eye and damage.

But the main benefit of thyme is its unique healing properties. Medicinal plants, including thyme, have long been used by people as potions from various ailments. This tool is an excellent natural antiseptic. It is used for prevention in the treatment of diseases of the nervous and genitourinary system. The presence of a large amount of essential oils in the thyme contributes to its use in the treatment of colds and respiratory organs.

Today, thyme is common in the East and in the West. For example, in Bulgaria, thyme decoction is used in the treatment of flatulence, diarrhea, diseases of the upper respiratory tract, peptic ulcer. In Germany, thyme is harvested during the flowering period and used for coughing, adding to various anti-inflammatory preparations, as well as an aromatic and wound healing agent for bathing.

Along with so many positive properties, unfortunately, the plant is not useful to everyone, since thyme contraindications are serious and very strict. It is undesirable for women to use grass during pregnancy and breastfeeding, and for diseases of the thyroid gland.

Thyme in its composition has a high content of essential oils, so the independent use of drugs with it, especially for children, is not recommended. Treatment and prevention for children is prescribed only by a doctor.

All essential oils, including those included in thyme (thyme), before use for inhalation and skin application, must be checked for tolerance by the body, as they may well cause skin irritation.

You can not use thyme for diseases associated with heart failure, cerebral arteriosclerosis. Thyme, the contraindications of which are so significant, is by no means recommended without the recommendation of a doctor. There are also contraindications to the use of drugs containing thyme for people with kidney or liver failure, gastric ulcer, gastritis, as well as those with high sensitivity.

Many doctors advise taking thyme, since its proper use is much more effective than other dosage forms of anti-inflammatory action, but if used lightly, it will lead to impaired thyroid function. In case of an overdose, there is a feeling of nausea, vomiting may occur. With prolonged use of the plant, even in the absence of problems with the thyroid gland, symptoms of the disease may occur. Thyme is to blame. Contraindications for its use are very significant, therefore, the use of dosage forms made on the basis of thyme should be taken very carefully, since your health is on the scales.

Usually, seeds, leaves and flowers of a plant are used in medical practice, they are dried in a well-ventilated, dark room. The preparations made on the basis of thyme help restore potency in men and are indispensable in the treatment of prostatitis and other diseases of the reproductive system.

In pharmacies, medicines based on thyme are freely available, you can also grow thyme in your summer cottage, it is completely unpretentious to the composition of the soil.

Thyme is widely used in cooking. Due to the fact that it contains essential oil, in fresh or dry form, this herb can be used as a spice in the preparation of meat, vegetable, mushroom dishes, here thyme has no contraindications, and the possibilities for its use are unlimited.

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