How to make a gauze bandage yourself?

General information

In the Soviet Union, every schoolchild knew how to make a gauze bandage, although he doubted the need for such knowledge. It was assumed that such a remedy could be needed only in the event of World War III. In the 21st century, it turned out that there are other threats to human life, such as new influenza viruses and other infectious diseases. In this regard, already millions of people during epidemics do not hesitate to wear a gauze bandage, since pathogens are transmitted by airborne droplets.

Many countries produce disposable protective equipment that is worn for only a few hours and then thrown away. A cotton-gauze dressing, which you can buy in our pharmacies, is quite expensive, so not every family can provide themselves with this means of protection during the epidemic in sufficient quantities. What to do in this case? More and more people are wondering how to make a gauze bandage on their own.

Necessary materials

How to make a gauze bandage

If a person already knows how to make a gauze bandage, he can only visit a pharmacy to purchase a wide bandage or gauze, as well as sterile cotton wool. Since this is an individual means of protection, it must be made for each family member according to previously taken sizes. You should not buy too much cotton wool, since its layer in the bandage should not be too thick so as not to interfere with normal breathing. In the absence of cotton, the gauze layer should have at least 4 layers.

How to sew a gauze bandage

How to sew a gauze bandage

The simplest mask can be sewn from a wide bandage (14 cm). A strip of the required length is deployed and measured out (it depends on the size of the head). The bandage is rolled up in 4-8 layers and cut off the excess. The edges of the mask are stitched. For ties, you can use pieces of bandage rolled up into a tube, or elastic bands that are sewn to the edges of the resulting rectangle on four sides. The mask should cover the nose and mouth well. The upper ties should be located above the ears, and the lower ones below them.

More reliable is another bandage, which is made from a piece of gauze (for an adult, the size is 60x50 cm) and a thin layer of cotton wool. How to make a gauze bandage with cotton? A rectangular piece of fabric is folded several times, placing a thin layer of cotton wool in the middle of one of the long edges. The width of the mask is 10-15 cm. Folded gauze is folded in half. From its center lay the same number of centimeters on both sides and mark the edges of the mask. The ends of the workpiece are cut in the middle to the designation. Thus, on both sides get 2 strips of gauze. Their edges are sheathed in any way. The upper ties are tied at the back of the head, and the lower ones at neck level.

Rules for using a gauze mask

Cotton-gauze dressing (buy)

Even if a person knows how to sew a gauze mask, do not forget about the rules for using it. The simplest means of protection, consisting of several layers of a bandage or gauze with sewn elastic bands, should be changed at least 4 times a day. It is best to replace the dressings every 3 hours. With longer use, a gauze mask will become a source of various germs, and not a means of protection. It must be used in public places, transport and facilities. If a person doesn’t throw away, but erases a gauze bandage, it should be periodically treated with antiseptic agents and ironed with a hot iron to destroy germs.

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