Currently, many work part-time, having a permanent job. Naturally, when the opportunity arises to get an additional source of income, not everyone wonders if the second job will be somehow taken into account in the work. Nevertheless, this issue is relevant. Let us consider what a sample of a part-time work record looks like and what are the main nuances of working as a part-time job.
What the law says
The employment form contains all the information about all the official places of work of a citizen and is an important document in calculating the length of service. According to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, if an individual has another place of work, in addition to the main one, this information can not be entered into labor. But in practice, you can meet several situations:
- A citizen takes a combination at the main job (internal part-time job), where he can be recorded in labor without any problems. At the same time, no additional documents need to be submitted; everything necessary is in the personnel department.
- The citizen expressed a desire to find a part-time job in a third-party company (external combination). There may be problems with the recording, since the boss at the first job may be against it.
The legislation does not regulate specific rules for the preparation of a written statement regarding the recording of external part-time jobs. In other words, the employee can both expressly and verbally express his desire.
But many lawyers, relying on practice, advise nevertheless to competently draw up a written request to make an entry in the labor form for a second job.
Below is a sample entry in the work book about part-time work.
Time limits
If an employee of the organization intends to be a part-time worker, he needs to know that Russian law provides for time limits for additional official earnings. It turns out that the number of part-time workings of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation does not limit, but the time frame exists.
It turns out that, according to the rules, a part-time worker can work no more than four hours a day, which is 16 hours a week. That is, in addition to the main work, a citizen can work the specified amount of time (less is possible, but more is not). Based on this, the maximum number of part-time jobs cannot exceed two.
It turns out that filling out a work book while working part-time is not so important, compliance with the temporary regime is considered more important.
Concurrent Rights
Regardless of the position in which the person is working, and also whether this is a part-time job or main job, the rights of the employee should not be violated. Therefore, on each of the work, the employee retains privileges. These include the full social package, as well as the right:
- for lunch break ;
- sick leave payment;
- annual vacation;
- free education;
- benefits.
In other words, multiple jobs should be perceived with respect to human rights in the same way as a first job. The exception is unofficial work. An employment contract is not concluded here and, accordingly, no entries are made in the employment form.
A sample entry in the part-time workbook for official employment is presented below.
Why make a record
If legislation allows you to not record additional official work, why do many employees insist on entering part-time information?
Firstly, everyone knows that any record is a seniority, and its presence affects the calculation of pensions in the future. Secondly, an additional record of the work performed can greatly help with further employment. A part-time record will be direct evidence of the professional competence of the employee.
There are situations when the organization’s management is categorically against extraneous entries in the labor, so the employee will have to defend his desire to make an appropriate mark.
Before you make notes in the job about part-time work, you need to correctly hire such an employee to work. The registration procedure is not much different from the usual. The process of creating a part-time is as follows:
- Interviewing.
- Writing by the applicant of the application for admission to combination.
- Submission to the applicant of regulatory documents for review.
- Drafting and signing of an employment agreement (here the main difference from the usual agreement is that it is necessary to indicate that the employee will work part-time).
- Issuing an order for admission to a combined position.
- Filling out a job (a sample of a part-time entry in a work book can be presented to an employee before filling out the form).
- Registration of the personal file of the employee.
The employer may require a certificate from the new employee about the first place of work, which is the basis for accepting the employee as a part-time job. Otherwise, the head has the right to refuse employment.
After the certificate is submitted, we can talk about the fact that the work book was filled when working part-time. The features of its filling will be considered further.
Recording of part-time jobs is no different from filling out work at the main place of work. All columns must be filled out, indicating the serial number of the entry, the date of hiring, the full name of the employee’s position and information about the document, on the basis of which the employee received a part-time job.
A significant difference when filling out a document is only in the forms of combination. With internal combination, the organization that accepts the employee for the position is not indicated, but with external combination it is indicated.
Before making an entry about the second position, the employee can look at a sample entry in the part-time work book, which must be submitted by the personnel officer or any authorized person.
Outside employment
Outside employment is understood as official employment with another employer. An employment agreement must contain, in addition to the main points, additional ones. They contain information about the fact of combining jobs and the timing of the duties.
As for the development of time, then, as mentioned earlier, the employee should not work on additional work for more than four hours. But these standards apply to civil servants, but as for private organizations, there are no strict standards, although processing is not welcome. A citizen should work no more than 40 hours a week.
Also, part-time should not take more time than the main work.
How should work be paid? Payment is established by the employer. It can come from hourly pay, from the amount of work performed, general indicators, etc., and can set the full rate, which is determined for a particular position. Any of these facts should be reflected in the employment agreement.
Whether to make an entry in the work book about external part-time jobs or not is a citizen’s private affair. If the employer does not mind at the main place, then the employee can submit all the information from the second job for registration.
Internal combination
Internal part-time job involves an additional position at the same employer, where the main work is carried out. Here it is not necessary to submit additional documents, it is enough to express a desire to work in another position (if there is one in the open vacancies of the company).
Consider filling out work books in the examples. Combination of internal and combination of external will differ only in the form of recording, otherwise filling out the form is standard for any type of employment.
From part-time to employees
It also happens that a part-time job leaves the main job and wants to get a second job in the state. In this case, an additional agreement is drawn up on changes in working conditions. The document contains the following information:
- work schedule;
- changes in pay;
- labor duties.
At the main place of work, the citizen must quit of his own free will, about which an entry is made in the labor. And at the place where the part-time job was executed up to this point, - sign an additional hiring agreement on an ongoing basis. The labor record also makes an appropriate entry.
The form of entry in the workbook when transferring a part-time job on an ongoing basis is presented above.