Have hair grown after hair removal? Learn how to solve the problem easily!

Summer is the time to flaunt skirts, dresses and shorts! However, such outfits require perfectly smooth legs from the hostess. Therefore, depilation is indispensable. Most popular methods of hair removal cause such an unpleasant problem as ingrown hair. The causes and solutions of such a delicate problem will be discussed in this article.

grown hair after hair removal

Causes of hair ingrowth

The use of an electric depilator, shaving, waxing, cream, shugaring - all these methods of getting rid of hair have one drawback: they leave the hair bulb intact, removing only the visible cutaneous part of the hair. After depilation, the skin becomes coarser, and the growing hairs can not break through it. The result - the hair bends inward and grows under the skin. Black dots after epilation look extremely unaesthetic, especially when the skin is thin and light. Hair growth under the skin may also be accompanied by itching, inflammation and redness. Self-removal of the ingrown hair can aggravate the inflammatory process: an infection can get into the wound, suppuration will occur, and a pigment spot will appear at the site of ingrowth, which will be noticeable for several months.

Ways to solve the problem

after depilation
What to do if hair has grown after hair removal? The easiest way to cope with the problem is to apply a wet compress to the inflamed area. After some time, you need to pick up the hair with a disinfected needle, pull it out with tweezers, and wipe the ingrown with alcohol. Have hair grown after hair removal in large quantities? In this case, it is best to contact a dermatologist or cosmetologist, since a seemingly innocuous problem can cause serious inflammation. In addition, you can try changing the method of depilation, before waiting for the decline in inflammation. In order not to grow hair after hair removal, the first removal procedure after a break should be done in the direction of their growth - the irritation will not be so strong.

How to prevent hair ingrowth

black dots after hair removal
Every woman needs to know about this. To avoid unpleasant procedures and visits to doctors, you need to do a few simple operations. For instance:

  • so that the hair does not grow after epilation, before the procedure, it is necessary to steam the skin qualitatively by taking a hot shower;
  • the skin should be clean, because if dirt or sebum gets into the hair follicles, inflammation will occur;
  • if the main method of hair removal is shaving, you need to shave along the hairline and wash the blade as often as possible. It is very important to use a quality razor;
  • upon completion, it is necessary to apply a special tool to slow hair growth;
  • the day after depilation - time for peeling your feet with a hard washcloth or scrub. This must be done several times a week;
  • no need to remove hairs if the skin has inflammation and irritation;
  • Depilation is best done before bedtime.

In addition to hair removal at home, depilation can be done in the salon. Laser and photoepilation is popular, after which the hairs do not appear for a long time. Be healthy!

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