Unfortunately, many of us have faced such a problem as split ends. Eliminating this is extremely problematic. Promotional balms and shampoos can not help in this situation. And sometimes the only way out is a haircut. But do not immediately resort to radical methods. Cope with this problem will help home masks for split ends. They are easy to use, but rich in vitamins, which are so necessary for their beauty and health. Almost any hair mask, for split ends, is moisturizing and not only makes them beautiful, but also contributes to better growth.
Why split ends
Before you look for a good recipe for home mask hair from split ends, you need to find out the cause of this unpleasant and ugly phenomenon. The most common cause of cross-section of tips is improper care of them. Frequent use of a hair dryer or other heat treatment can also cause this drawback. Affects their health and water quality, as well as the food we consume.
The tips can begin to cut off even if they are extremely rarely trimmed. And, of course, the lack of vitamins and other nutrients has a great impact on the health of not only them, but the whole organism.
It is very difficult to get rid of this problem, but hair masks, for split ends, invented by our grandmothers, will come to the rescue.
How to cure hair
It is impossible to get rid of split ends by masks and other folk remedies instantly. Proper care and prior treatment are required. If the problem is very severe, then the first thing to do is remove the split ends with scissors.
Nowadays, many hairdressers offer hot scissors. This procedure is recommended every three to four months.
If you often use curling irons, you need to purchase or make at home a thermal hair protection product.
Do not use metal combs or with sharp teeth. Ideally, the brush should be wooden or natural bristles.
When treating and restoring much attention should be paid to proper nutrition and the use of vitamins. Well, of course, you need to regularly do hair masks for split ends.
Egg mask
A very effective treatment for hair is egg yolk. It enriches curls with vitamins, makes them smoother and more obedient. By the way, it can be used instead of regular shampoo. It foams and rinses hair very well. In order to make a hair mask, we need medium-length hair:
- 2 raw egg yolks.
- One tablespoon of any hair balm.
- Lemon or lime juice - one dessert spoon.
Rub the egg yolk with balsam until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Next, add lemon juice to the resulting mixture and mix again.
The mask is applied to the hair, starting from the basal zone, for about forty minutes. To achieve the best effect, we cover our heads with cellophane and wrap ourselves with a towel.
This procedure must be carried out at least once a week. Mask does not require rinsing off with shampoo. Rinse your head well enough.
Kefir mask
To make a mask for split ends at home is not at all difficult. Sometimes they are much better than purchased, because they do not contain any chemical additives, only natural and very useful components. A mask of kefir or yogurt has an excellent effect. It perfectly moisturizes hair, makes it smooth and shiny.
To make a mask, we need:
- One large and juicy carrot.
- One third of a glass of kefir or yogurt.
- Dessert spoon burdock or castor oil.
Grate the carrots on a fine grater and squeeze the juice out of it in a separate bowl. Add kefir and castor oil to it. We mix everything well and apply the resulting mass to slightly damp hair. Leave the mask for fifteen to twenty minutes. After thoroughly rinse your hair with shampoo, warm, but not hot water.
Hot water reveals the scales of the hair, and this, in turn, leads to their cross-section. To do such a mask is once a week.
Mask with burdock oil
A very effective mask for damaged, split ends is a mask based on burdock oil. It strengthens the hair and accelerates the process of their natural growth. But it is worth considering that for oily hair this mask is not recommended. To prepare it for medium-length hair, we need:
- Seventy milliliters of burdock oil, you can take with any additives. It is sold in any pharmacy and is quite inexpensive.
- Half a glass of lemon juice.
Pour burdock oil into a deep metal bowl and set to heat in a water bath. When it becomes slightly above room temperature, pour lemon juice into it. All mix well. If desired, you can add a teaspoon of an oil solution of vitamins A and E.
Warm oil is applied to the hair and wrap head with cellophane, you can use a bathing cap, and a towel. So the heat will remain much longer. The mask must be kept on your hair from thirty minutes to one hour. This procedure is recommended three times a week.
Mask for dry hair based on egg yolks
Dry and damaged hair needs special care, which is significantly different from the care of other types. They need nutrition and hydration. In these cases, cosmetic oils help a lot. An excellent option would be an egg mask for dry and split ends with oils. You can take absolutely any of them, but in the classic version, preference is given to burdock and castor.
To prepare the mask, we need:
- Yolks of chicken eggs, two or three pieces, depending on the length and thickness of the hair.
- About 30 ml of burdock oil, this is approximately one tablespoon.
- Spoon of castor oil.
- A spoonful of any vegetable oil.
All components are thoroughly mixed together, until a homogeneous mass. The mixture is applied to dry and unwashed hair, trying to distribute the mask as evenly as possible, along their entire length. After the head you need to cover with cellophane and a towel. The mask is kept on the hair for one hour.
After the head, rinse twice with any moisturizing shampoo. Perform this procedure several times a week. Such a hair mask (for split ends) will not only eliminate this problem, but also relieve excessive dryness, as well as contribute to the faster growth of thick and beautiful hair.
Honey mask
If you do not suffer from allergies, then you will like the recipe for a mask against split ends based on honey. Everyone knows about its benefits to the body. Well, it helps in hair care. In order to cook it, we need the following ingredients:
- One yolk of a large chicken egg.
- Approximately 30 ml of any vegetable oil.
- Any liquid honey, about two tablespoons.
If your honey is already sugared, then it must be melted in a water bath. Then add the egg yolk to the liquid honey and beat well. Next, we pour absolutely any vegetable oil into the resulting mixture. This can be a standard sunflower or castor or burdock. Unusual oils such as coconut or peach can also be used. All components of the mask are well beaten with a whisk and applied to the locks of hair along the entire length. If you have oily or combination hair, then the mixture should not be applied to the roots. The mask is kept from forty minutes to one hour.
This medical procedure is carried out two or three times a week, for two months.
Milk masks
One of the best hair masks (for split ends in particular) are those based on dairy products. It can be kefir, yogurt or sour cream. They should be applied to the hair, evenly distributing along the entire length. Masks based on dairy products are kept on the head for about one hour. For dry curls, you can add a tablespoon of any vegetable oil.
The course of treatment with milk hair masks lasts approximately three calendar months. In this case, the procedure must be carried out twice a week or more.
Herbal decoctions
How many of us have not heard about the benefits of herbs ?! They contain not only vitamins and minerals, but also useful essential oils. In hair care, it is difficult to find a more useful component than herbal decoction. It can be added to any hair mask instead of water. And if you have oily or combination hair, then he will be able to replace popular oils. For medical procedures after washing, it is recommended to rinse the head with a herbal decoction. The most popular and therapeutic effects are:
- Chamomile, it eliminates dandruff and gives blond hair a pleasant golden hue.
- Calendula improves the general condition of hair and scalp.
- Nettle is perfect for all types of hair, strengthens them and restores damaged structure.
In addition, hop cones, oak bark and burdock root are used in hair care. Rinse your head with a decoction of herbs every time after washing and after just one or two weeks you will see the result. Your hair will not only cease to split, but also gain a healthy shine and smoothness.
Hair oils
Many people have been talking about the benefits of hair oils for a long time. They saturate the hair and scalp with vitamins A and E, which are so necessary for their growth and beauty. In addition, vegetable oils contain a large number of trace elements, without which it is impossible to ensure their health and well-groomed appearance. Oils make hair smooth, thick. They activate dormant hair follicles, thereby accelerating the process of natural hair growth.
But, unfortunately, most masks with the addition of oil are not recommended for oily hair. But there are some tips that will help to use such masks for any type of hair.
First of all, do not apply oil to the roots themselves. In order to get rid of the cross-section, it is enough to apply oil to the middle of the length. It is also recommended that owners of oily and combination hair use oils only in combination with mustard, onion juice or cognac. These components slightly dry the skin, thereby neutralizing the excessive fat content of vegetable oils.
Using home masks for hair from split ends, you will make them beautiful and you can choose any length that you like. You don’t have to worry that the tips will look scruffy.