Mask for edema under the eyes: an overview of popular remedies, folk recipes, reviews

Even a perfectly even complexion can ruin the presence of bags under the eyes. The reasons for their appearance are different, ranging from physiological characteristics and the ability to accumulate a lot of fluid in the body and ending with psychological factors. Masks for edema under the eyes can be made independently from completely natural ingredients or you can buy a ready-made product in a cosmetic store.

eye mask

Causes of edema

Fighting with bags only with cosmetics is a bad idea. Indeed, this is how the body signals about malfunctions in any systems, and you need to pay attention to this, and not mask the problem.

The cause may be diseases that affect the metabolic rate, liver and kidney function. Due to diseases of organs or systems in the body, complex failures and serious deviations can begin.

If, in addition to the bags, fatigue and irritability, drowsiness, systematic pains of a spasmodic nature, dizziness are manifested, you need to consult a doctor and pass the necessary tests.

In addition to diseases of internal organs, the appearance of edema can be affected by:

  • vitamin deficiency, a lack of B vitamins;
  • allergic reactions that manifest as a rash;
  • hypertension and heart disease;
  • obesity;
  • damage to nerve fibers;
  • facial injuries.

Lifestyle also affects. If you have bad habits, have little rest, spend a lot of time indoors and not get the right regeneration due to lack of sleep, then no masks from swelling under the eyes will help. Only a harmonious and complex combination of relaxation, nutrition, emotional background and care products will give a long-term result.

gel patches

Brand Masks Rating

Thanks to the rating, you can find out which means are better and more effective. Popular masks for edema under the eyes are designed using the latest formulas and technologies specifically to achieve maximum effect.

In the first place - Eye Zone Transforming Mask, created on a cream basis for transforming the skin around the eyes. The tool does not just cope with the main problem, but also returns the normal tone to the skin and moisturizes this area well. Home masks from edema under the eyes will not be able to give an effect to the extent that this remedy.

Eye Zone Transforming Mask

In second place is the decongestant cream mask for the eyes Masque Yeux. She not only fixes the problem, but also struggles with the cause. Several applications of the mask - and you can not be afraid of edema.

The third position in the leaderboard is Eye Firming Mask. She copes with circles and swelling under her eyes. The tool is a gel-like mass that must be applied to the problem area and left for some time. To improve the effect and continue its manifestation, the procedure can be repeated. This is an effective mask against edema under the eyes.

Home remedies

It is not difficult to make a mixture to remove edema at home from natural components, but cosmetologists advise to test for allergic reactions before starting so that the skin does not turn out to be sensitive to one of the elements.

Proportionality is also important. Those substances that will exhibit the main effect should be added in larger quantities. The consistency mask for edema under the eyes should be uniform, without lumps and rinse well.

You do not need to add too many oil bases, as they clog pores and do not allow active substances to act inside. If the product is too liquid, it can get into the eyes or on the mucous membrane. No need to combine components that can corrode the skin. Masks based on citrus, berry juice or lemon should not be used on delicate and sensitive skin under the eyes.

As for the place of application, the mixture should be applied only to those areas where there is swelling. If the upper eyelid also suffers from accumulation of fluid, then you can put a little money on it.

repair mask

Natural recipes

The instant mask for edema under the eyes is made from aloe juice. It is necessary to take 15 ml of aloe juice and mix with 20 ml of cucumber juice, 5 ml of almond oil. To thicken add a little potato starch. Leave the mixture for a few minutes, so that all components begin to interact and the consistency is slightly thickened.

The mask with parsley not only helps to quickly remove the bags under the eyes, but also tones the skin well and even has a whitening effect. To prepare 30 g of chopped greens, you need to pour green tea at room temperature and let stand a little. After this, strain and apply the resulting mass to the problem area. This mask is effective if used on a regular basis. This is confirmed by the reviews of women.

Cucumber mask is considered the fastest. It’s easy to cook. To do this, cut the cucumber into rings and simply attach it to the eyes. You can turn the vegetable into gruel, pour milk for several minutes, squeeze it, put it on the problem area.

Reviews of masks for edema under the eyes are positive, many are advised to use a tomato mask with cucumber or add ethereal extracts to the finished mixture. It is not advisable to mix purchased products and masks prepared on their own, because they have different active substances.

mask with cucumber

Protein and potato mask

The first option will require one protein, a little starch, aloe juice and a few grams of honey. Mix all components and apply to the problem area. Keep on the skin for no more than 10 minutes, then rinse with warm water. The mask will be more effective if you add a few drops of vitamin B to it.

A potato mask is made from ingredients that are always at hand. For cooking, you need gruel of potatoes, some milk and flour. The mixture should be homogeneous and without lumps, medium density. After application, wait a few minutes, then rinse with warm water. You can alternate these masks. To achieve a good result, it is recommended to use them regularly.

removal of bags under the eyes

Multi component mask

For cooking, you will need the pulp of fresh apricots, chamomile broth, 1 egg and potato starch. The last ingredient is added for density. Mix all the components, let stand a little in the refrigerator, after which the mixture can be applied to problem areas.

To improve the effect, a decoction of chamomile can be replaced with parsley. This will slightly whiten the skin and give it an even beautiful color. In addition to apricots, you can add the pulp of apples. They have many useful vitamins and minerals that not only nourish the skin, but also help get rid of the problem faster.

quick mask

Decoctions against bags under the eyes

To achieve an instant effect and tone the skin, cosmetologists advise using ice based on herbs. For brewing can be used as ready-made pharmacy collections of herbs, as well as homemade, hand-picked.

For the manifestation of the maximum effect, it is not necessary to mix more than three components so that allergic reactions do not occur. The combination of chamomile, peppermint and linden blossom is considered universal. Together, they not only soothe the skin and relieve puffiness, but also tone and even smooth out facial wrinkles.

If ice is used only from chamomile, it will have a calming effect on the skin. Slight redness or irritation is easy to remove with grass ice.

A decoction of green tea will well remove traces of fatigue, and if you add a little grape seed extract to it , you can get an excellent tool for toning the skin. According to the girls, the tool is effective and affordable.

Simple methods

A good option would be a mask of salt from edema under the eyes. To prepare it, you will need a little ordinary salt, a few drops of water, potato gruel and peach seed essential oil. Mix everything well and apply to the problem area, but avoid contact with eyes. Salt not only tones, but also draws moisture from the skin.

After using this product, cosmetologists advise applying a nourishing cream so that the skin does not get too dry. Gel patches are a good option for a quick fight, but you must first place them in the refrigerator so that they are cool, so the effect of the action is amplified several times.

cream mask

Beautician Tips

Often, the causes of edema do not hide in the body itself, but in the handling of decorative cosmetics. Inexpensive shadows, poor powder, which contains many preservatives, quickly clog pores, which causes a delay in moisture in the body.

No need to wear makeup for more than six hours. This greatly spoils the skin. In this case, no masks will cause swelling under the eyes and wrinkles. Therefore, if there is no problem with the bags, then you do not need to use these funds for other purposes.

In order to avoid such problems, cosmetologists advise to control the amount of drinking water, diet and avoid bad habits.

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