Hair coloring according to the lunar calendar: features, signs and recommendations

Everyone knows that hair coloring and cutting can change not only the appearance of a person, but also his aura, biofield. Since ancient times, beauties were serious about changing their appearance, did not experiment, like today's girls, with their hair too often. It was believed that together with the color of hair and hairstyle, a person changes his fate, but in which direction - in a good way or not, it depended on the moon phases.

lunar calendar hair coloring

Forgotten Traditions

From time immemorial, people have been guided by our celestial companion the moon. All great decisions were made taking into account its phases, including a change in image.

So, for example, a woman never cut her hair at a time when the celestial body was waning. Haircuts and hair coloring according to the lunar calendar were planned, and were considered a good idea only after the full moon. Until that moment, all barbers offered only shaving to men and laying curls for the fair sex.

A hundred years ago, a woman always had a lunar calendar of haircuts and hair coloring. It was believed that changes in hair on some days are favorable for fate, and on others - they can ruin your whole life, for example, contribute to the bankruptcy of your spouse, take them to the groom, and so on.

They also believed that dyeing hair according to the lunar calendar is necessary, since it is the phase of the Earthโ€™s satellite that can give the curls health, bright color and shine, or, on the contrary, deprive the hair of its former beauty.

An important role was played by the Moon in the first haircut of the child. People believed that it was the Moon and the haircut that affect the whole future life of the baby, on his character, well-being and health. For this procedure, we chose the period of the growing satellite when it is in the sign of Leo or Libra.

lunar calendar haircuts and hair coloring

Is it possible to dye and cut hair in the full moon?

More recently, girls were skeptical of the phases of the celestial satellite, but today the fashion for old traditions is returning and more and more women are dyeing hair according to the lunar calendar. Signs and superstitions are once again popular, many people hesitate to argue with the once created traditions.

It is believed that staining curls during the full moon is more than favorable. At this time, the Moon has the most powerful energy and is able to invest it in the color and condition of the hair. They say that dyeing hair in the full moon is less fatal, curls will not lose vitality and health, oxidizing agents and dyes will not be so harmful.

Also, many are advised to cut their hair in the full moon so that hair grows faster, becomes thicker and stronger. It is believed that after a haircut during this period, the curls become obedient and soft, their ends cease to be split.

But it is recommended to refuse epilation on such days. To combat unwanted hair, it is better to choose a period when hair manipulations are not recommended.

lunar calendar auspicious days for hair coloring

Moon in the zodiac signs: auspicious days

To begin with, itโ€™s worth understanding the lunar calendar itself. As you know, the celestial body is in different signs of the zodiac every day, and this is what you should start from before signing up for a haircut or hair coloring in a beauty salon.

If the Moon is in Taurus, Leo, Capricorn or Virgo, then these days are auspicious. It is believed that in this position the Moon helps to restore the structure of the hair, accelerates their growth, gives strength and health.

The moon in Taurus or Leo contributes to a good result of hair coloring, bio-curls of curls. It is believed that during this period of time the hair is more supple, and the result will be perfect.

When the Moon came in the sign of Virgo, you can do wellness treatments. Hair is able to absorb more nutrients during this period, and the process of their restoration will become more productive.

Moon in the zodiac signs: adverse days

On certain days, you should not cut your hair and dye your hair. According to the lunar calendar, the most unfavorable periods for any manipulation of hair are those when the satellite is in Cancer, Aries or Pisces. It is believed that the hair during these periods has a rest and any changes in it can lead to fluffing, split ends, loss, slow growth and even dandruff.

lunar calendar hair coloring features

Lunar calendar haircuts and hair coloring

In order not to spoil her hair and not change her life for the worse, many women use the lunar calendar. Today we provide a full lunar calendar, favorable days for dyeing hair and their haircuts are painted from the first day after the full moon.

  1. The first day is favorable for dyeing hair only with natural means. If you perform this procedure, you will have a chance to advance up the career ladder.
  2. To attract wealth, you should dye your hair on the second day. The most optimal remedy for this procedure will be mousse or tint balm.
  3. On the third day, you can dye in any color and by any means, just do not fade.
  4. In the fourth - it is not recommended to dye and cut hair.
  5. The fifth day is ideal for lightening the tone and wellness treatments.
  6. It is better not to dye your hair on the sixth day, you can get the result that is not expected at all.
  7. The seventh day is suitable for enhancing libido and hair coloring.
  8. Color change on the eighth day does not bode well for a career. Better wait it out.
  9. The blonde will be repainted ideally on the ninth day.
  10. On the tenth day, henna will be the best dye for hair.
  11. If you give your hair a golden hue on the eleventh day, then money will be drawn to the person.
  12. The twelfth day portends success to everyone who dyes their hair only with natural means.
  13. Thirteenth - the day off at the hair.
  14. On the fourteenth day, you can dye, but only with gentle means, for example, ammonia-free.
  15. On the fifteenth and sixteenth day, dark hair dye is best taken.
  16. Seventeenth and eighteenth days promise success in coloring in red shades.
  17. Twentieth day - ideal for any hair coloring.
  18. On the twenty-fifth day, refuse any manipulations with the hair, otherwise conflicts may arise at work.
  19. To lure luck, you need to dye your hair on the 26th and 27th day.
  20. On the 28th, 29th and 30th day of the procedure should be avoided.

lunar calendar haircuts and hair coloring

Lunar calendar for hair coloring: features of a lunar eclipse

Since ancient times, people refused all affairs in the days of a lunar eclipse. It is believed that this is the time of Satan and it is better not to leave the house at all, and especially not to make any manipulations with the hair.

It is not recommended to dye your hair on such days. It is believed that the color will not be bright and the result will not last long. Also wait with a haircut, as the curls can grow slowly after this period, become lifeless.

hair coloring according to the lunar calendar


Hair coloring according to the lunar calendar may be of interest to many, but nevertheless, one should not start only from his advice and recommendations. It is worthwhile to carefully select the hair dye, as well as its manufacturer. Buy only quality products, be sure to choose trusted craftsmen. And then you will get a good result, and your hair will remain healthy and strong. Forgotten traditions about manipulating hair according to the lunar calendar will simply add confidence.

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