Factories in Omsk and the Omsk Region occupy an important place in the Russian economy. The strategic location in the very center of the country allows local companies to establish business partnerships with East and West. The region has developed aircraft, engineering, metallurgy, defense and electronics.
Pre-revolutionary development
Until the end of the 19th century, there was no factory production in the Omsk Territory where cars and steam engines would be used. The construction of the railway in 1890 changed the situation: a sawmill and sleeper impregnation enterprise arose near the railway line on the left bank of the Irtysh. Soon, a brick production and a mill were built near the station.
Only in 1893 the first plant in Omsk appeared, where a mechanical engine was installed. Before the revolution, the largest production was a plow building plant (today it is an aggregate plant named after Kuybyshev).
The first five-year plans
Civil strife after the revolution led to the shutdown of enterprises. Only with the establishment of Soviet power in 1919 did production begin to recover. In particular, the Omsk metalworking plants: the 1st mechanical, the Energia factory, the Red Plowman (Randrup plant before the revolution) were merged into the Metallotrest organization.
In the mid-1920s, the largest enterprise in the region was the Siberian Agricultural Machine Plant, the number of employees of which exceeded 500 people. In 1938, the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR decided to build the Omsk Tire Plant, which is still the pride of the region. In the same period, a cord factory and car assembly plant were erected.
War period
The outbreak of World War II contributed to the explosive development of industry in the region. In 1941-1942, Omsk received more than a hundred large and small enterprises evacuated away from the front. The pillars of the defense sector were three production sites:
- Omsk plant them. Kuibyshev, combined with the plant number 20 of the Peopleβs Commissariat of the aviation industry. Ammunition was manufactured here, including components for rockets.
- Leningrad plant them. Voroshilov No. 174. It was organized by the assembly of the legendary T-34 tanks.
- Three Moscow aircraft plants (later incorporated into the Polet flight aerospace enterprise) began production of Tu-2 and Yak-9 aircraft.
In the spring of 1942, the production capacities of many enterprises of the medical, light and food industries were relocated to Omsk.
Post-war development
With the end of hostilities, the vast majority of industries remained in the city, which allowed the Omsk region to become one of the leading industrial centers of the USSR. In the 50s of the twentieth century, the list of Omsk plants was replenished with the largest domestic oil refinery. Its construction began in November 1949, the first production was received on September 5, 1955. At the Omsk Oil Refinery, gasoline, heating oil, diesel and other petrochemical products are produced.
1959 became the year of birth of the carbon black plant in Omsk (today the carbon black factory). In 1960, the laying of the next giant of the petrochemical industry, the enterprise for the production of synthetic rubber, took place. The first rubber was obtained on October 24, 1962, and on May 15, 1963, the production of divinyl was mastered. Also in the 60s, large plants of gas equipment, oxygen engineering and others were launched.
By the 80s in the Omsk region, agricultural, petrochemical and machine-building complexes received the greatest development . They accounted for 70% of the total industrial production of the region. The most important were the Omsk MPZ, a carbon black plant, and defense industry enterprises, among which the PO Flight program stood out.
In the era of market relations
The 90s are characterized by an almost twofold decline in the regional economy. Engineering was particularly affected. For example, in 1995, the utilization of the capacity of the defense industry plants did not exceed 40% on average. On the contrary, the Omsk Oil Refinery demonstrated enviable stability. He was and remains the leading Russian fuel supplier in Russia.
List of factories in Omsk and Omsk region that made the largest contribution to the regional budget:
- Omskenergo (electric power industry);
- Sibneft-Omsk Oil Refinery (fuel);
- Omskshina (chemical);
- "Rosar" (food);
- meat factory "Omsk" (food);
- Omsktekhuglerod (chemical);
- transport engineering plant (engineering);
- TF βOmskayaβ (food);
- ATPP "Osh" (food);
- "Matador-Omskshina" (chemical).
By 2015, the leading sector of the regional economy remains manufacturing. Omsk Oil Refinery has become the second largest refinery in the world (up to 29 million tons of oil annually) and the most technologically advanced in the country.
Omskshina OJSC accounts for 20% of tires produced in the Russian Federation. Tire brands "Matador-Omskshina" and "Matador" are in demand in the domestic and foreign markets. The carbon black plant is one of the petrochemical leaders in Russia.
The growth of state defense orders contributed to the development of Omsk engineering in the defense industry sector. Research Institute of Instrument Engineering became part of the Orion concern, Omsktransmash was transferred to Uralvagonzavod, Moscow Oblast Baranova joined the structure of the Salyut gas turbine construction center, PO Polet was transformed from an independent enterprise into a branch of the State Scientific and Production Center named after Khrunicheva. The inclusion of these plants in large holdings allowed them to gain access to public funding.