Inspection and medical examination of children

medical examination of orphans
Clinical examination is considered the leading method for the prevention of diseases used in medical institutions. This method provides preventive care to the state population. Of particular importance in this work is the medical examination of children.

Regardless of where the child was born, in the countryside or in the city, he is under the supervision of medical workers from the first days until the very end of high school. It should be noted that clinical examination of children up to a year is of great importance.

The observation method under consideration is divided into two interconnected working sections. The health of patients largely depends on the successful implementation of the activities of each of them.

Clinical examination of children, thus, includes :

  1. Periodic outpatient examinations with a preventive purpose. Examinations begin from the first days of life. The purpose of such events is to evaluate and study the development of the child, his state of health, as well as to identify the initial stages of pathologies or their predisposition to them. As a result of these examinations, health and preventive measures are prescribed.
  2. Repeated active monitoring of patients taken to the dispensary, as well as their recovery and treatment.

Supervision is carried out by the local pediatrician, a polyclinic nurse, nursing staff of a preschool institution and other specialist doctors.

medical examination of children under one year old
It must be said that activities carried out by parents are also of great importance. They must understand the importance of preventive examinations that are carried out in one or another age period of the child. Parents can receive timely and correct recommendations on the organization of the daily regimen, care, hardening, nutrition, and disease prevention at the next examination in a preschool institution or clinic. It should be noted that the medical examination of orphans is also carried out. As a rule, activities include standard surveys.

It must be understood that the intensive development and growth of a child, especially in combination with an unfavorable environmental situation, can provoke the development of various deviations in health. The main task of specialists is to timely identify the initial stages of change. As a result of the examination, a certain regimen is assigned to the child in accordance with the age, physical exercises, nutrition, hardening methods, and preventive measures are recommended.

It has been proven by medical practice that the sooner health abnormalities are identified, the easier and faster you can cope with them. So, by means of clinical examination it is possible to prevent such serious pathologies as anemia, exudative diathesis, rickets, neurotic reactions, as well as various diseases of the respiratory, cardiovascular and other systems. Early and preschool age are characterized by rapid morphological growth and development of body systems and organs. At this time, there were several transitional periods: admission to a preschool, and then to school.

medical examination of children

Often sick children, predisposed to acute respiratory viral infections, otitis media, rhinitis, are placed on a special medical observation.

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