The composition of the painting "Driver Valya" by Vera Alexandrovna Repka. Women of the Soviet era

In this article, we will familiarize ourselves with a brief biography of the Ukrainian talented artist Repka Vera Aleksandrovna, one of the famous works of which is the painting “Valya Driver”. The composition of the picture is written in any form.

driver valya picture composition

Brief biography of the artist

In the summer of 1942, in the sunny Feodosia, the future artist, master of portrait and landscape genres, Vera Alexandrovna Andrievskaya was born. At the Crimean Art College, a young talented artist was educated in the 60s. The year 1964 became crucial for Vera: she married Sergey Nikanorovich, Honored Artist of Ukraine.

an essay on the painting driver val

Personal exhibitions of the artist were held in Kiev. Also, paintings were presented in countries near and far abroad: Canada, Japan, Germany, in the United States of America. The painting by V. A. Repka “The driver of Valya” was painted in 1971.

Detailed description of the painting

Presented to your attention is a canvas from the Soviet era, written by the talented Vera Alexandrovna Repka - “Val's Driver”. The composition of the picture will be a reflection of the era of socialism.

Life does not stand still, the world is constantly changing and developing, striking in its diversity. So in art: looking at the paintings of masters of different eras, I would like to note how people are changing. In the past there were beauties with magnificent forms, ladies in tightened corsets, languid young ladies in shady arbors. The work of Vera Alexandrovna fell on the 60-80s, in those days, Soviet girls did not aspire to be just housewives, they actively mastered the male professions, for example, the work “Val's Driver”.

The essay on the painting by V. A. Repka just touches upon such moments. The canvas depicts a girl driving a trolley bus. Her gaze is directed forward, she is attentive and collected. Thin girlish hands hold the steering wheel of a heavy car. The profile of the heroine of the picture is beautiful, clearly defined. Dark hair is gathered in a high tail. A serious and strict girl chose a black and white sweater that suits her very much. She looks like a chess queen. The essay on the painting "Val's Driver" should reflect the spirit of the Soviet era. The girl is sitting in the driver's seat, confident, calm. It is evident that she likes the work, and she feels herself in her place.

The master wanted to convey her thoughts to the viewer, portraying a girl who had mastered the male profession. Behind external fragility lies a strong, strong-willed personality. Outside the window of the trolleybus, autumn is visible, trees dressed in yellow foliage. In general, the landscape is boring, gray and monotonous. Only the beautiful profile of the girl, her intense look refresh the picture, fill the canvas with energy. We see that the author treats his heroine with warmth and admiration.

Impressions from viewing the picture

The power of art is tremendous. It is she who makes you see something unusual and amazing in everyday life. We are in a hurry about our business and do not pay attention to what is happening. And thanks to art, we can enjoy the real, real world around us and appreciate its beauty.

It is this thought that is displayed in the essay on the painting “Val's Driver”. 8th grade of the school is exactly the age when children begin to think about their future profession. At the wheel of a trolleybus a girl, a contemporary of ours, is engaged in her usual business. This is the driver of Valya. The composition of the painting by Vera Repka makes you think about many things: the rhythm of life, the power of art, the choice of a life path. The work evokes very warm and positive emotions.

essay on the painting driver valia grade 8

Conclusion Total

Summing up, I would like to note that it is thanks to this work that the viewer can see something new and special in familiar landscapes, and see the everyday life of a big city in a different way. The essay on the film "Val's Driver" does not present any particular difficulty in writing. The main thing is to correctly maintain the structure of the text (introduction, main part, conclusion) and correctly, in detail, present on paper your vision written by the artist.

The master of his craft managed to convey his thoughts to the viewer and make him think about many things. This is the whole power of art, and it is impossible to argue with this.

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