How to recover without harm to health at home: nutrition, exercise, tips

Most people on the planet dream to get in shape and finally say goodbye to the hated excess weight. To do this, they are forced to torture themselves with tedious exercises in a simulator, constantly count calories eaten, limit themselves in everything and generally monitor their lifestyle. But there is always a flip side to the coin, there are people who every day wonder: "How to recover and stop being like a prisoner of a concentration camp?" Not all thin people can boast of an accelerated metabolism, most often the reason for excessive harmony lies much deeper.

Reasons for excessive thinness

refusal of food cause thinness

If you wondered about the causes of insufficient body weight, then first of all it is worth contacting the clinic for a comprehensive examination. There you can find out what malfunctions of the body do not allow you to come back to normal. The most common causes of thinness are the following factors:

  • Heredity. If people in your family or among your immediate family met with similar problems, then the reason for everything is the genetic factor. Unfortunately, in this case, it will not be possible to radically change the situation for the better, and you will have to come to terms with such a constitution of the body.
  • Disease. A person does not know how to recover, but the root cause lies in the elementary failure of the body's functions, namely, in the disease. Unfortunately, this can even be connected with oncology or hormones, but even a simple infectious disease can play a trick on you.
  • Emotional condition. Are you nervous a lot? But in vain! Stress hormones adversely affect the work of the body and provoke the destruction of muscle fibers, and accordingly, the weight will rapidly fall.
  • Lack of appetite. Perhaps you are leading an overly active lifestyle, an endless string of thoughts and urgent matters dulls your hunger. Some people may even confuse this feeling with a feeling of thirst. In this case, you only need to pay more attention to the regime of the day and put reminders that it's time to eat.

Problems of people with underweight

underweight person

It often happens that a person has consciously brought his weight to a critical point, and the question of how to get better does not bother him at all. After all, doctors persistently repeat to us about the dangers of being overweight and the dangers that await obese people. But there is a flip side to the issue, weight deficiency is no less dangerous and harmful to the human body. What unpleasant surprises can bring thinness?

  • The skeleton and ligaments need a certain load for normal functioning. Any deviations from the reference weight — in excess or underweight — can lead to osteoporosis. Accordingly, the fragility of bone tissue will be accompanied by numerous injuries, among which there may be ruptures of ligaments and fractures.
  • Weakened immunity. If a sufficient amount of nutrients does not enter the body with food, then it becomes very difficult to maintain the functioning of all systems at the proper level.
  • Anemia, hair loss, brittle nails and worsening skin conditions - these are just the main symptoms of severe vitamin deficiency.
  • Hormonal instability. Low weight can cause malfunctions in the reproductive system of the body, as well as thin people are more prone to depression and aggression. All this is not the best way affects the endocrine system and the work of hormones.

The principles of proper weight gain

thinness and fullness

If you have a goal - to gain the missing kilograms, then it’s not enough to know how to recover in general, it is worth raising the question a little differently, namely: how to recover without harm to health? It would seem that what's so complicated? You just need to create a surplus of calories in food and devote less time to physical activity. Then the treasured kilograms will begin to be postponed both there and here with incredible speed. But this may not lead to the desired result at all, and, in the aggregate, significantly spoil your health. But what if the girl, for reasons beyond her control, lost a lot of weight? How to recover in a short time? Unfortunately, mass gain, as well as weight loss, is not a fast and rather complicated process. All issues related to the transformation of the body do not rush and require a professional approach. Remember that your body is unique, so do not use other people's experience on how to recover, the tips here will not help. You can be guided by two main principles in mass gain, and this is guaranteed to lead you to the result:

  • The main and decisive principle in matters of normalizing weight is the balance between the intake and consumption of calories. In the calculations, it is important to take into account all the physiological characteristics of your body at this stage, as well as the rhythm and pace of your lifestyle, including the emotional component. First of all, you need to pay attention to age-related features: since a teenager is much easier to recover than an adult, due to a faster metabolism. Do not forget about gender differences, but there is no such fundamentally different policy. A well-designed weight gain program can help both a girl and a guy recover. If everything is extremely simple with the calculation of calorie intake: you just need to summarize everything that you ate during the day, then you will have to sweat a little on the calculation of expenses. After all, calories are burned not only under the influence of physical activity, we expend energy, even when we digest food, try to warm ourselves up, work hard with the brain, actively show emotions, get nervous and worry a lot. There is an easy way to determine a comfortable calorie balance that is right for you. To do this, on Monday on an empty stomach it is necessary to carry out a control weighing, then every day throughout the week eat the same amount of food. Next Monday, we carry out another weighing and see: if the weight has not changed, then we spend exactly as much as we consume. If the weight has increased - it is necessary to reduce the diet, if it has decreased - you are experiencing a calorie deficit. In this way, you can calculate your starting point calorie and continue to act according to plan.
  • The second principle of safe weight gain is the quality of food consumed. Since it is possible to recover without harm to health, only following a certain diet, and not uncontrollably eating everything in a row. Food should be quality in terms of nutritional value, contain a large amount of protein, healthy fats and fiber. And empty carbohydrates and trans fats should be minimized, otherwise the final result of weight gain is unlikely to suit you. You do not want to have a flabby and loose body, do you? Follow a clearly defined plan, here are the specific steps that will help you get better both at home and under the supervision of specialists.

Step 1. Identify the causes of thinness

Before you begin, you must rule out the medical reasons for your thinness. To do this, undergo a comprehensive examination of all digestive organs and the endocrine system, as well as take tests for parasites and dysbiosis. Most often, the problem lies in the last two paragraphs, because people can not even guess about problems with microorganisms, their activity may remain without symptoms for many months and even years. Once the causes have been identified, and more often than not one problem is revealed, we can proceed to the next step.

Step 2. Tidy up your digestion.

nutrition in order to get better

If it turns out that your body is inhabited by foreign microorganisms, do not panic. Most of them can be deduced using folk remedies and methods. Try to include herbs and spices in your diet, which are natural antibiotics, such as garlic cloves (preferably raw), onions and green onions, thyme and oregano (suitable both fresh and dried), olive oil and olive leaves. However, if the problems with parasites are quite serious, you can not do without powerful antibacterial therapy.

If the examination revealed problems with digestion and a slowdown in the digestion process, a number of measures are necessary to eliminate these malfunctions in the body:

  • Grind food in a blender and make it more liquid, this will facilitate the work of your stomach and help to absorb much more nutrients and calories.
  • Food must undergo mandatory heat treatment, whether it is boiling or steaming. Such food is digested faster, and, accordingly, will bring more benefits.
  • Increase the acidity of the food you take, this will be an additional help to your stomach, for this you can use lemon juice, wine vinegar or bitter and spicy herbs (dandelion, cilantro, arugula) in dishes.
  • Acceleration of digestion using hydrochloric acid tablets (strictly from a pharmacy and a doctor’s prescription!), As well as powder or tablet enzymes.

Step 3. Fighting Annoying Factors

nutrition - weight control

This step can be carried out simultaneously with the previous one. It is usually impossible to recover quickly, but in order to speed up this difficult process, you must try to eliminate all factors that slow it down. To do this, first of all, you should abandon all products that irritate your digestive tract and expose the body to stress. These include:

  • Dairy products. It is no secret that most people suffer from one form or another of lactone intolerance.
  • Gluten - for the same reason as milk. Many people simply do not know about hidden allergies.
  • Coffee, since it has a strong effect on the nervous and circulatory systems.
  • Sugar - provokes insulin jumps.
  • Alcohol - in fact, is generally toxic to our body.

But this does not mean that all of this should be abandoned forever, perhaps none of these products does you any harm. This can only be determined empirically. To do this, you can apply the method of rotation diet. First, we completely eliminate this entire list from use for 1-1.5 months, then gradually begin to introduce one at a time. If at the stage of introducing a product you felt unpleasant changes in the body, then it does not suit you. This method is much cheaper and more effective than an allergen test, which is sometimes inaccurate and even erroneous.

Step 4. Restore intestinal microflora

As a rule, several factors interfere with recovering from the worst, one of them is severe dysbiosis, especially if the first step revealed problems with parasites. After treatment with antibiotics and any other potent drugs, you need to colonize the intestines with favorable microflora as quickly as possible. Here, only special probiotics from the pharmacy that the doctor will prescribe will help you. They should be taken before bedtime, not less than 2 months, if necessary, the course is repeated after six months. But you can’t cope with medications alone, it’s important to change the diet, which will help maintain the result and retain the beneficial microflora in your intestines. Otherwise, how can you recover and gain weight if there is simply no one to recycle all the nutrients you receive? Eat more vegetables and fiber to feed bifidobacteria, lean on nuts and healthy fats, and don't forget about proteins to build muscle. A good complex of vitamins, and in particular vitamin C in a large dosage, will not be damaged, since it intensely launches all recovery processes in the body.

Step 5. We work on the psychological side of the issue.

Sometimes the problem of weight loss is far from being a malfunction of the body, the whole point can be concentrated in your head. In especially severe cases, you should contact a specialist, he will help you analyze the events in your life, perhaps you will find the reason why you started to lose weight. It could be extreme stress or emotional shock, or maybe even a mental disorder against the background of obsessions, complexes and self-doubt. It is usually more difficult for a girl to recover, because of her prejudices and fear of spoiling her figure. Between thinness and fullness, anyone will probably choose the first option, because a complex of excess weight and low self-esteem are inherent in many people of the fair sex.

It is also worth considering that the process of weight gain can be significantly delayed, people lose weight much faster. In order not to get out of the way at first or not to retreat ahead of time, it is necessary not only to have hellish patience, but also to create a powerful motivational base, as well as gain the support of the people around you. Weight gain is a complex and complex process, a positive outcome is possible only with the coordinated work of all factors, including the psychological component.

Weight Assistants

food is a major factor in weight gain

Speaking about weight gain, you can not help but raise questions about food. After all, food is the key to everything. If you establish nutrition, recover, as a rule, is not difficult, the main thing is to enrich the diet with useful calories and try to adhere to a certain regime. It is worth eating at least 5 times a day, you should not experience a feeling of severe hunger, this triggers catabolic processes in the body, and this will only slow down weight gain. Do not be lazy and make a menu. It will not work out in any other way, you need to eat a lot and correctly, otherwise you can forget about the result. What will help to gain weight?

  • Legumes This is a great source of vegetable protein, make friends with beans and peas - and your weight will move off the ground.
  • Cereals and grains. What could be more nutritious than porridge? That's right, nothing!
  • Starchy foods. Favorite potato, adored pasta, pumpkin and corn. These products should become regulars on your desk.
  • Dairy products. Preferably homemade and fatter.
  • Rich broths. Soups, meat souffles, jellied meat - all this will help you gain weight.
  • Meat in all its manifestations, as well as fish and poultry. These are the main sources of protein.
  • Nuts, seeds, dried fruits - ideal for snacks.
  • Oil (both butter and vegetable analogues). Do not spoil the porridge with oil, and the salad too. A few spoons will significantly increase the calorie content of any dish.

Fitness and sports: harm and benefit

weight training

We are used to the fact that sport is an assistant in the fight against hated weight, and does not contribute to its weight gain. Are you sure? Think of weightlifters and bodybuilders, do they look emaciated? Sport will help you gain kilograms in the right places and beautifully distribute them throughout the body. Coming to the gym, girls are primarily interested in the question of how to recover in legs and pope. After all, the volumes of precisely these parts of the body make the figure more sexy. Here you can’t do without a good sports program, only exercises with weight will help to achieve the desired results. Weight gain exercises and good nutrition will turn your body into a standard of beauty, and will not make it shapeless and flabby like chaotic eating of junk food.

But there is another side to the issue, not all sports are equally useful. If you have taken a course on increasing body weight, then you should limit aerobic exercise and cardio training. After all, these exercises trigger catabolism and will work to reduce weight by burning fat deposits, and in the absence of those, they will switch to muscles.

To summarize, we can draw the following conclusions. If you don’t know how to recover quickly, first of all, find out the reasons for your thinness, and then, using a set of measures and a balanced diet, put your body in order.

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