Species of pigs. Description and characteristics of pigs of different breeds

Pig farming is considered one of the most popular livestock industries. Currently, at least 100 species of pigs are known. They, in turn, are divided into several groups: decorative, meat-greasy, sebaceous and bacon breeds. The species of these animals will be discussed in this article.

Large white

Universal types of pigs are widely used in large farms and in private enterprises, as well as in small farms. Representatives of these breeds give both meat and bacon. However, due to the late formation of fat, piglets are slaughtered for meat products.

The stock of large white pigs, for the most part, is concentrated in Russia and the CIS countries, China, as well as the United States. They were brought to our country from England. Local farmers liked them immediately, as they are unpretentious in food and gain weight quickly. In addition, the taste of meat and fat in these animals is very high. The meat is very tender, it is called "marble" because it contains fat.

Species of pigs

With quality care and good nutrition, pigs gain a mass of 200 kg in one year. Boars, that is, males, reach a weight of 370 kg, as do sows. The body length is 195 and 160 cm in males and females, respectively. The neck is massive, long. The head is large, the forehead is high. Short ears tilted forward. The growth of white pigs is not very large.

At one time, the female can bring from 10 to 12 piglets. It is necessary to introduce mineral substances and various vitamins into the diet of animals so that the meat has good taste. In order for pigs to be healthy and large, they should be regularly walked. So, here are the main advantages of this breed of domestic pigs:

  • The ability to quickly adapt to the conditions of detention.
  • Unpretentiousness in food.
  • Good fertility.
  • Fast weight gain.

As mentioned earlier, these animals adapt well to climatic and feed conditions. However, they may suffer from extreme cold or heat.


Breitovaya breed of pigs is the most common in the west and north-west of Russia. Representatives of this species early become sexually mature, and also gain weight in a fairly short time. If you often walk them on pastures, this will affect their size and taste of the meat. For one farrow, females bring at least 11 piglets. Possessing high immunity to many diseases, they reach a weight of one third tons in the second year of life.

Breeds of domestic pigs

Siberian North

In ancient times, it was difficult to engage in pig farming in the northern regions, since most individuals are poorly adapted to environmental conditions and can not tolerate cold. As a result, they slowly gain weight and do not differ in taste. However, breeders are currently working on breeding pig species that could be raised in the northern regions.

Such breeds include the Siberian north. Its representatives feel comfortable not only in the Urals, but also in Siberia. Such pigs are unpretentious to food and conditions. They are not afraid of the cold, since their whole body is covered with thick bristles that protect them from frost. This is their main feature. The number of representatives of this breed is constantly increasing.


There are a large number of breeds of pig meat. They have little fat, but there is a lot of meat, on the contrary. They mainly spread in such regions of Russia as the central and central black earth.

The Urzhum pig of a meat direction was bred in Soviet times by domestic breeders. Representatives of this breed have a strong physique. They have high fecundity. You can breed them in any part of European Russia. The head of these pigs is round, the backbone is strong, and the snout is elongated. The skin is covered with thick bristles. The limbs are stable, albeit small. The back is elongated, a rather large round belly almost touches the ground. With proper care, boars gain weight up to 330 kg, and females - up to 240 kg. At one time, the sow brings at least 12 piglets, among which the mortality is very low. Piglets gain weight quickly: a pound is added every day. Thus, after six months, their mass can be about 10 kg.

Bellied pig


This variety of meat pigs was widely distributed in Russia, Canada and Europe after it was introduced to these countries from Vietnam in 1984. These meat pigs have a small amount of fat, large sizes. Vietnamese bast-bellied pigs reach a weight of 160 kg. After slaughter, from 74 to 85% of live weight goes on sale. These are record numbers. The meat is very high quality, it contains little cholesterol, as the body of pigs perfectly processes plant foods.

Animals are characterized by early maturity and high fecundity. For one farrow, the female brings at least 15 piglets, which become sexually mature already in the fifth month of life. The first farrow occurs at the age of six months. Piglets live for a long time, about 15 years. During this time they give great offspring. Vietnamese whiskers are clean. They relieve themselves in one place, during the walk. At night they suffer. In the rooms where they are kept, it is always clean and dry. Animals also have excellent immunity, calm disposition. They are omnivorous and unpretentious. Because of these qualities, they have gained great popularity among farmers.


Landrace pigs are representatives of an elite variety of beef cattle. They have lean meat with good taste and a thin layer of fat. These animals were bred at the beginning of the last century in Denmark.

The body of these pigs is strong, well-fed, slightly elongated. The ham is quite thick. A small rounded head is located on a thick massive neck. Long ears hang on the organs of vision. The chest of a pig Landrace is not wide, the back is elongated and even. Light bristles are quite rare. The body length of adult boars reaches 2 meters, chest circumference - 160 centimeters. Sows are not much smaller than males. Their body length and chest circumference are 1.5 m. The males weigh up to 300 kg, the body weight of females reaches 210 kg. Pigs in just a couple of months gain weight up to 19 kg, and in six months they have 100 kg of live weight.

Landras Pig

Representatives of this breed are considered one of the best of its kind. However, several nuances must be observed so that the animals grow quickly and have good taste.

  • The pigsty needs to be insulated, otherwise in the cold season pigs will grow with thick bristles, and not gain weight.
  • It is necessary to include cereal products, fresh vegetables, greens in the diet. Serum, bone meal, reverse, silage will have a beneficial effect on the health and growth of animals. Do not forget about feed.
  • In the summer, animals should be regularly released into the pasture.


This species of pig was bred at the end of the 19th century in the United States of America. The main feature of this breed is its unusual color. Their skin is brown, with a touch of red. The pigs received their color from their ancestors: Guinean and Berkshire pigs. In the sun, the skin can acquire a golden tint.

Initially, Duroc pigs were raised for lard. However, due to the high demand for meat products, they began to breed them for meat. They have a strong physique. Their long ears almost completely close their eyes. The back is slightly curved upwards. The limbs are very well developed, the ham is thick and well-fed. Both females and males reach large sizes exceeding 300 kg. Newborn piglets weigh about one and a half kg, but in half a year they reach a body weight of 175 kg. What are the benefits of duroc pigs?

Pigs duroc
  • They are actively growing and are literally gaining mass at the speed of light.
  • Their meat and products made from it have excellent taste.
  • Young growth is very fast.
  • Animals are calm and non-aggressive.
  • Endurance and ability to adapt to grazing conditions.

However, there are a number of disadvantages that are characteristic of representatives of this breed.

  • Lower fertility compared to other breeds of pigs.
  • Food whimsicality: be sure to include protein feed in the diet.
  • Low resistance to ailments.

Berkshire Sow

There are also varieties of sebaceous pigs. At an early age, their muscle mass growth is inhibited, they gain weight due to an increase in body fat. Despite the fact that these types of pigs can give not only fat, but also good meat, they are bred quite rarely.

In England, a breed of Berkshire pigs was bred. Its representatives are characterized by unpretentiousness and the ability to quickly adapt to conditions of detention. They spend a lot of time on pastures. Due to the dark color, they can live outdoors. Piglets grow fast. What they will give depends on their diet: meat or bacon.

Large black breed of pigs

Large black

Another variety of pigs brought to Russia from England quickly gained popularity among farmers from all over our country. Representatives of the large black breed of pigs reach large sizes. At six months they weigh about 100 kg, and at an older age they reach a body weight of 300-350 kg. For one farrowing sows bring 12 piglets, which gain half a kilogram of live weight daily.


This breed was bred as a result of crossing domestic and foreign varieties of pigs. It is widely used in Russia and the CIS countries. The main advantages possessed by representatives of the Mirgorod pig breed include their unpretentiousness, high resistance to environmental conditions, as well as fast weight gain. These animals can be kept on pastures. To grow quickly, you need to add turnip, sugar beets and potatoes to their diet. Newborn representatives of the Mirgorod pig breed daily gain from 600 to 650 g of weight.


This variety of pigs came to Russia after the end of World War II. She was bred in Hungary. In Russia, it is bred in the central regions, as well as in the Caucasus.

Mirgorod breed of pigs

From other breeds of these pigs is distinguished by thick coat that covers the whole body and warms the animals in the cold season. In summer, it protects pigs from annoying insects. Because of the wool, representatives of that breed are called "sheep pigs." Bristles form curls. However, if pigs are bred in warm regions of the country, then the bristles will not grow so actively. The coat may be white, reddish, or black. Animals are medium in size. They have strong, strong limbs. The advantages of this breed of pigs are as follows:

  • Unpretentiousness to the conditions of keeping and feeding: animals do not need a warmed room, vaccinations and expensive feed.
  • Meat is considered a delicacy. Due to the fact that it has a unique taste, the number of pigs is reduced.
  • The rapid growth of piglets. By the age of six months, young individuals are fully formed.

Thus, representatives of the Mangalitsky breed are very productive and prolific. They not only give high-quality meat, but also have a unique appearance.

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