How to help with alcohol poisoning: first aid for alcohol intoxication

Everyone can be poisoned by alcohol. Most often this happens with alcohol abuse, but recently, an increasing number of healthy people who drink moderate doses of alcohol are in hospital beds. Such situations are the result of negligence in the production of many alcoholic beverages. Cases of individual intolerance also increased. Regardless of the reason behind this condition, everyone should know how to help with alcohol poisoning for themselves or their loved ones.

Signs of Alcohol Poisoning

Alcohol intoxication is a pathology requiring immediate medical attention. Therefore, if any of its signs appear, you must call an ambulance to get medical help. You can distinguish alcohol poisoning from a usual hangover by the following signs:

  • Severe redness of the skin.
  • Excessive sweating.
  • Slow pulse and pant.
  • Incoherent and unconscious speech.
  • Great thirst, dry mouth.
  • Lack of coordination.
  • Vomiting, persistent nausea.
  • Fainting and fainting.

If measures are not taken in time, the above symptoms can intensify and even go into an alcoholic coma, which often ends in death. That is why it is so necessary to be able to provide first aid for alcohol poisoning at home. Such actions can significantly improve a person’s condition and, possibly, save his life.

how to help a person with alcohol poisoning

Home Cures for Poisoning

By following a series of simple steps, you can reduce the level of intoxication and ease the well-being of someone who has suffered from alcohol. If a person is conscious, it is necessary to provide the following assistance with alcohol poisoning:

  • Induce vomiting. To do this, open the victim's mouth and put a tablespoon on the root of the tongue. You can also ask him to induce vomiting on his own by placing two fingers in his mouth.
  • Do gastric lavage. After most of the toxins have been eliminated by vomiting, it is necessary to thoroughly rinse the stomach. To do this, prepare 2-3 cups of warm salted water. After a person drinks several glasses of water one by one, he must again induce a vomiting. Washing should be done until the stomach is cleansed of decay products.
  • Drink warm tea or milk. Tea should be weak and preferably green. Poisoned should drink at least 1 liter of warm liquid.
  • Use sorbents to make you feel better. Most often, in a home medicine cabinet you can find activated charcoal, "Smecta" or "Enterosgel". It is these drugs that best cope with the removal of toxic substances from the body. Surely many are wondering if Smecta helps with alcohol poisoning. After all, it is most often taken to eliminate indigestion. However, in case of alcohol poisoning, this powder will be more than appropriate.
  • Provide the victim with comfort. To do this, you need to put him to bed and cover with a blanket. You should also make sure that the person lies with his head on a high pillow. Otherwise, during an attack of vomiting, he may choke.

The above recommendations should be able to apply only when a person is conscious. But no less important is the knowledge of how to help with alcohol poisoning, if the victim is in a swoon or coma. If alcohol poisoned is unconscious, you will need to use other first aid methods. Given his condition, you need to do the following:

  • Bring ammonia to the nose and rub the tips of the ears. These manipulations can bring a person to consciousness.
  • Provide fresh air. To do this, open the windows in the room and loosen the collar or tie on the victim’s neck.
  • Turn it to one side to avoid choking.

When figuring out how to help a person with alcohol poisoning, one should not forget that first of all it is necessary to call an ambulance. Only after that you need to rush to make the victim feel better. The brigade may take too long. Therefore, the sooner you make a call to doctors, the better it will be for a loved one or friend who has been poisoned by alcohol. If the patient is unconscious, he should not wash his stomach or try to induce vomiting.

how to help with alcohol poisoning at home

Emergency poisoning assistance

Thinking about how to quickly help with alcohol poisoning at home, you should use the emergency method. However, you must know that its use will result in the next day a severe headache. Therefore, it should be used only in extreme cases, when it is necessary to quickly restore the sane state. A folk recipe is prepared as follows: in a glass of warm water, 10 drops of ammonia must be diluted. Drink the solution in small sips every 10-15 minutes. Intoxication will begin to pass literally before our eyes. When considering how to help a person with alcohol poisoning in such an emergency way, one should not forget that he will provoke unpleasant consequences.

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What you need to eat with alcohol poisoning

With mild intoxication or after arriving from the hospital, toxins and toxins must be removed using food. The following food will help relieve symptoms of poisoning:

  • Sauerkraut, pickled tomatoes and cucumbers.
  • Beet.
  • Strawberry.
  • Cereal cereals.

To remove alcohol from the body, you need to eat fruits, vegetables and cereals. They contain a large number of pectins and fiber, which are natural sorbents. Leaning on apricots, strawberries, raspberries and apples, you can quickly feel better. It is not recommended to aggravate the condition of the stomach and intestines with meat, foods with a high content of fats and cholesterol, pastries, smoked meats and sweets. Such food will only aggravate the condition and slow down the withdrawal of alcohol.

When figuring out how to help with severe alcohol poisoning, keep in mind that a cold shower will not help relieve symptoms of intoxication. Although many believe that it is he who is needed by people who are intoxicated. The thing is that the vessels are narrowed by cold water. And they are already much narrowed already at the time of drinking. Therefore, it is better to take a contrast shower. It normalizes the state of blood vessels, improves blood circulation, relieves heaviness in the body and leads to tone.

Treatment with folk remedies

Everyone should know how to help at home with alcohol poisoning. If there are no medicines in the medicine cabinet that have an absorbent effect, you can use alternative methods. They will make you feel better and reduce the level of intoxication effect of alcohol. Of the most effective and popular recipes, we highlight the following:

  • Tea. If a person is tormented by constant vomiting, it is necessary to brew black or green tea. You can add a little sugar and a slice of lemon to it. Herbal infusions can also improve the condition of alcohol poisoning. How to help in this case, even the victim himself can remember. Surely everyone in the kitchen will find ordinary tea or a bag of dry mint for brewing.
  • Rosehip. The fruits of this plant contain a huge amount of vitamin C, which will increase the body's ability to restore strength. You can brew dried rosehips in a thermos and drink one mug every hour. This natural diuretic will help get rid of toxins in a natural way.
  • Ginger and lemon. To make a drink, you need to cut the lemon into thin and small slices, and grate the ginger root or grind it in a blender. Then it is necessary to fill in a mug 1 teaspoon of grated ginger, a few slices of lemon and pour boiling water. Cooled to a comfortable temperature, the drink should be drunk as often as possible. You can brew it in a teapot and use it as tea, sweetened with a small amount of honey.
  • Milk. This product cleans the stomach well of toxins and toxins. Therefore, you can try to drink it with alcohol poisoning. It is advisable to warm the milk a little and add 1 teaspoon of honey to the mug.
  • Decoction of tansy. To make a healing drink you will need at least five tablespoons of dried inflorescences and two tablespoons of chamomile flowers. The dry mixture must be filled with 500 ml of boiling water, close the container with a lid and leave to insist. Drink the medicine should be at a certain dosage: one spoon of broth for every 10 kg of poisoned weight.
  • Brine. What helps with alcohol poisoning? It is this product. There is hardly a person who has not heard about the benefits of this product. Nevertheless, not everyone knows that it is not necessary to use the brine the next morning after a stormy feast, but as soon as possible. You can drink a pickle of absolutely any pickles: tomatoes, cabbage, cucumbers, etc. It is very important to take at least 0.5 liters of the healing drug in the first 1-3 hours after alcohol poisoning.

Each loved one of the victim will be wondering what to do with alcohol poisoning at home. With vomiting and constant urges to her, it will be difficult to independently prepare a medicine for yourself. Therefore, you should use folk recipes to alleviate the condition of the patient.

The above folk methods will be effective if alcohol poisoning was mild. Strong forms of intoxication simply need to be treated with drugs and sorbents, as well as contacting doctors as soon as possible.

which helps a lot with alcohol poisoning

What affects alcohol poisoning

Ethanol is a well-known depressant that has a pronounced toxic effect. Nevertheless, the level and form of intoxication with alcohol, as well as its fakes, depends on many factors. Among them are:

  • The physical and mental state of human health.
  • Weight and age.
  • The quality of the drinks.
  • The strength of alcohol.
  • The regularity of the drink.
  • Mixing drinks.
    alcohol poisoning

Alcohol poisoning stages

In addition to factors affecting the human condition, three stages of poisoning should be distinguished:

  • Easy stage. The concentration of alcohol in the blood is in the region of 20-100 mmol / L. At this stage of drinking, a person is in high spirits. He is very talkative and sociable, trying in every possible way to attract attention. Moreover, his movements are inhibited, chaotic and not controlled by the mind. External signs of mild poisoning are the expansion of the pupils and redness of the face.
  • Middle stage. The concentration of ethanol is in the range of 100-250 mmol / L. A person begins to lose the ability to move, walk or perform the simplest manipulations. His legs begin to get confused when walking, which leads to a shaky gait or constant falls. In addition, speech and the ability to evaluate the environment are changing dramatically.
  • Severe stage. Doctors call it alcohol intoxication. The amount of alcohol in the blood begins to exceed 250 mmol / L. In humans, memory can fail, sensitivity and perception of reality are lost. He ceases to feel pain, heat, heat or cold. Quite often, at these stages, spontaneous urination occurs. Severe alcohol poisoning can cause fainting, coma and death. Observing this condition in a loved one, everyone will be wondering how to help with severe alcohol poisoning. However, the best thing to do in this case is to seek the help of doctors.
    which helps a lot with alcohol poisoning

Drug Poisoning Treatment

With severe alcohol intoxication, the victim may begin vomiting. On the one hand, this is good, since a certain part of toxins and toxins will be excreted from the body naturally. But if vomiting is permanent, and a person is constantly tormented by urges even from one sip of water, dehydration may occur. With alcohol poisoning, this condition is extremely undesirable. Therefore, it is necessary to call an ambulance, and while she is traveling, find any of the following medicines in a home medicine cabinet:

  • "Rehydron". The finished solution should be given to the patient to drink in small sips, since its taste can cause an emetic urge.
  • Smecta powder. Does Smecta help with alcohol poisoning, everyone should know. After all, this medicine is one of the most effective means aimed at combating alcohol poisoning. In addition, you can drink it with an ordinary hangover. "Smecta" envelops the stomach, relieves poor health.
  • Activated carbon. Black and white coal are natural sorbents that effectively rid the body of the toxic effects of alcoholic beverages. It must be drunk only after gastric lavage.
  • Magnesium sulfate. Not everyone knows whether magnesium sulfate helps with alcohol poisoning. All are aware only of the laxative and choleretic effect of this powder. But with severe alcohol poisoning, this is exactly what the body needs. Therefore, you should dilute the contents of one sachet in 100 ml of water and drink in small sips.
  • Polysorb. In case of alcohol poisoning, it will be useful to drink this effective sorbent. It quickly removes all toxic substances from the body. Drink the powder in diluted form 3-4 times a day.

When using drugs, as well as in providing first aid to a loved one, it is necessary to comply with the conditions prescribed in the instructions. Particular attention should be paid to the dosage, as well as possible contraindications. From a severe form of intoxication, medications will not help. Therefore, one should reasonably evaluate one's own condition or well-being of a loved one. In any case, it is important to call an ambulance. Only doctors can prevent a fatal outcome, which is quite possible after alcohol poisoning.

how to help with alcohol poisoning at home

How to prevent poisoning

In order not to suffer from intoxication with alcoholic beverages and not to wonder about how to help with alcohol poisoning at home quickly and effectively, you should carefully monitor your consumption and know the measure. You can avoid getting to the hospital if you treat your own health with all responsibility. Basically, alcohol poisoning occurs in those cases when an impressive amount of alcohol was drunk or if a poor-quality type of drink was caught. The latter include:

  • Too cheap and fake alcoholic drinks.
  • Alcohol-based tinctures of drugs.
  • Cosmetic or perfume liquids.
  • Moonshine.
  • Alcohol-containing household chemicals.

The most serious danger is represented by those surrogates that do not contain ethanol, but methanol. They have a high content of toxic substances, and can also cause damage to internal organs. If you drink liquid with methanol in the composition, severe cramps may occur. The optic nerve is also instantly affected and blindness develops. In case of poisoning with large doses of methanol, help at home may not give the desired result, since this substance is extremely rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream and spreads throughout the body.

how to help with alcohol poisoning at home

What doctors can help

Thinking about how to help a loved one with alcohol poisoning, it is worth remembering that only doctors will provide him with all the necessary help. Only qualified specialists can relieve the symptoms of poisoning and return the victim to normal. Of course, first aid is a necessary and vital process. However, further treatment should be carried out only by doctors. First, all the manipulations are done by the duty of the ambulance crew. Already in the hospital, they transfer the patient to other specialists, namely the toxicologist and narcologist. If a person is in a severe form of intoxication, which led to an alcoholic coma, convulsions or respiratory arrest, he is taken to intensive care, where the resuscitator does his work.

Treatment for patients with alcohol poisoning can be continued by psychiatrists and neurologists. The desire to drink large doses of alcohol is often accompanied by mental problems. Therefore, a person is recommended to visit these doctors, as well as a consultation with a psychiatrist. However, this is done only after the necessary assistance has been provided.

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