Personnel management of the organization: methods, goals and objectives

Personnel management of an organization is the activity of management in developing personnel policies, methods and principles for working with employees. We can say that this is the process of forming an effective team taking into account the present and future needs for employees.

organization management

HR goals

The main goal of personnel management of an organization is to provide personnel, their rational use and continuous development.

To achieve a global goal, goals of the second level are distinguished, namely:

  • development of a personnel management strategy that will take into account fluctuations in the external and internal environment;
  • forecasting staffing requirements for the future;
  • building a personnel motivation system.

In turn, the achievement of goals of the second level occurs through the achievement of goals of the third level, namely:

  • analysis of the organization's need for personnel;
  • revision of requirements for new employees;
  • the study of the dynamics of staff development;
  • analysis of the quality of work and life of employees.
organization personnel management technology

Organization Human Resources Tasks

The essence of any business unit is determined by the list of operations performed. Managing staff in an organization covers a wide range of tasks. Here are the main ones:

  • search, hiring and placement;
  • assessment of employees during the selection and during the scheduled certification;
  • labor adaptation and professional orientation of employees;
  • development and application of a staff motivation system;
  • implementation and observance of standards of etiquette of business relations;
  • management of conflict and stressful situations in the team;
  • search and application of innovative personnel management methods;
  • staff development and retraining ;
  • management of professional promotion of employees;
  • regulation of employee behavior in the organization;
  • social development of staff;
  • dismissal of employees.
personnel management methods

Main functions

The organization’s personnel management system has nine core functions. Their list and details are given in the table below.

Staff planning

- development of personnel policy;

- analysis of the labor market;

- analysis of human resources;

- forecasting future labor requirements;

- establishing links with external sources of personnel

Direct personnel management

- recruitment for vacant positions;

- conducting the selection of the most suitable applicants;

- accounting for the movement of personnel within the organization and beyond;

- organization of workflow

Staff development

- training, retraining and advanced training of staff;

- development of a system for adapting new employees;

- assessment of staff;

- career development of employees

Staff motivation

- rationing of labor;

- tariffication of remuneration;

- development of methods of material and non-material incentives;

- development of a system of moral incentives

Social development of staff

- satisfaction of natural needs in the process of work;

- protecting the health of employees;

- Organization of recreation for workers and their families;

- development and maintenance of physical education;

- social insurance

Legal support

- compliance with labor law requirements;

- creation of internal rules for personnel management

Information Support

- maintaining personnel records;

- information and technical support for personnel management;

- providing personnel with regulatory and scientific and technical information

Ensuring normal working conditions

- Bringing working conditions in line with ergonomic and psychophysiological requirements;

- environmental responsibility

Line guide- coordination with the heads of human resources divisions

Key HR Principles

The personnel management system in the organization works in accordance with the following fundamental principles:

  • Objectivity. The selection of personnel should be carried out solely for business reasons, and not according to personal preferences.
  • Continuity. The team should be attended by both young beginners and mature experienced employees.
  • Promotion Employees should be able to grow.
  • Open competition. In order to grow high-quality personnel, it is necessary to encourage healthy rivalry between employees.
  • Trust and verification. Management should rely on employee responsibility, but not neglect periodic monitoring.
  • Conformity. Work entrusted to a particular employee must fully meet his qualifications.
  • Substitution. Missing employees should be automatically replaced by others.
  • Legal security. All management decisions in the field of personnel should be made in accordance with labor legislation.
personnel management process in the organization

The main methods of personnel management

High-quality labor resources are the basis for the effective functioning of any organization. Therefore, the organization of personnel management is a paramount issue. In this regard, it is worth noting the following basic methods of personnel management:

  • Economic - this is all that is associated with material remuneration and meeting the needs of workers. This is a decrease or increase in the size of wages, the appointment or withdrawal of bonuses, accrual of vacation pay, and payment of sick leave. Thus, this is all about financing employees.
  • Organizational - this is the direct management of the activities of workers. We are talking about labor discipline, which determines the list of rules, as well as sanctions following their violation.
  • Psychological is the personal and collective motivation of employees. The main goal is to maintain a healthy atmosphere in the team.
organization personnel management system

Ways to build a personnel system

The management system of the organization’s personnel can be built in several ways. Namely:

  • Decomposition. Complex phenomena are broken down into simpler ones in order to penetrate their essence. After this, the reverse process occurs - the system is brought together.
  • Alternate substitution. Allows you to study every factor that affects the process of personnel management in the organization. Thus, it is possible to identify weaknesses and make the necessary amendments.
  • Comparison The existing personnel system is compared with a similar, but successful enterprise. Thus, you can understand in which direction you need to make adjustments.
  • Morphological analysis. Various combinations and scenarios of the development of the personnel system, as well as the performance of certain functions, are investigated. It turns out a morphological matrix, thanks to which problem questions are distinguished from the overall picture.
  • Parametric. A relationship is established between the characteristics of parts of the personnel system, as well as the overall control system. In this way, inconsistencies are identified.

Basic strategies

There are several basic strategies according to which the personnel management of the organization is carried out. Their description is given in the table.

EntrepreneurialUsed by organizations that engage in new activities.

- selection of initiative employees who are prepared for risk;

- remuneration in accordance with the expectations of the employee;

- performance evaluation based on real results;

- taking into account the interests of employees during personnel changes;

- encouraging personal growth

Dynamic growthLow risk associated with deliberate decision-making based on the conformity of goals and means

- search for employees who are loyal to the organization and able to respond flexibly to changes;

- fair remuneration for labor;

- clearly established evaluation criteria;

- encouraging growth in the field of activity of the organization;

- implementation of permutations based on the needs and capabilities of the organization

ProfitabilityThe purpose of existence is to maintain the existing level of profitability and its further increase

- stringent requirements in the selection of personnel;

- clearly thought out placement of personnel;

- remuneration is formed on the basis of personal merits and position in the organization;

- encouraged the development of employees in the framework of the tasks;

- rigid planning of permutations based on the presentation of management on their appropriateness

LiquidationRealization of enterprise assets to cover losses, reduction of production and staff

- the recruitment of new personnel is not carried out or is unlikely;

- payment for labor is carried out without additional incentives and prospects for improvement;

- development and training is not carried out, except in cases of emergency

The cycleSaving a company by reducing staff

- only highly qualified irreplaceable employees remain in the organization;

- payment is made based on the results of work or past merits;

- professional development after careful selection of applicants

Management technology

Depending on the scope of activities and goals, different technologies of personnel management of the organization are distinguished. Here are the main ones:

  • Traditional technology. They are applied in any organizations. As a rule, they are fixed at the legislative level, and also developed during the operation of the enterprise. As a rule, management of personnel in a labor organization is carried out on the basis of the Labor Code.
  • Branch technologies. They differ depending on the specifics and scope of the enterprise. The technological component leaves its mark on personnel issues.
  • Professional technology. They are created by consulting agencies for a special order of a particular organization. This allows you to take into account the specifics of the work, as well as a specific period and situation.
  • Innovative. Created to solve the urgent problems of the organization. For the development and implementation of highly qualified personnel.
organization personnel management tasks

Traditional and innovative models

Personnel management of an organization is a whole science that does not stand still. This industry is constantly evolving, as a result of which traditional models are replaced by innovative models. Their comparative characteristics are given in the table.

Traditional patternsInnovative models
Human resources management is divorced from the overall development strategy of the organization. It is carried out as a reaction to changing working conditionsHuman resources management is an integral part of an organization’s development strategy. The main task is to anticipate and timely cover the need for personnel
The employee is assessed as a labor resource that is designed to fulfill the functions specified by the managerThe employee is assessed as a person who seeks to meet current needs through the implementation of his labor abilities.
The main function of the personnel department is the recruitment and distribution of personnel, as well as maintaining their recordsThe personnel department must apply modern developments in the field of personnel management, deal with adaptation, motivation and career planning of employees
Occasional interaction with senior management in the event of serious personnel problemsThe HR manager is integrated into senior management and works closely with the heads of functional units
No personnel trainingThere is vocational training and a system for advanced training of personnel officers

Conditions for the transition to an innovative model

At this stage, the domestic approach to personnel management is outdated and needs to be reformed. To improve the personnel management of the organization and bring this sphere in line with current trends, the following essential conditions must be observed:

  • Increasing demand for educated and qualified employees with high intellectual and creative abilities.
  • Improving the regulatory framework designed to guarantee the human right to education and work.
  • The increase in the value of labor resources, expressed in the growth of wages.
  • HR market development.
  • Further training of managers in the field of personnel management.
improving the personnel management of the organization

Quality indicators of working life

To understand how effective the personnel management policy is in an organization, it is worth evaluating the quality of working life. This can be done by the following parameters:

  • labor collective (emotional climate, relationships between themselves and with leaders, participation in managing the organization, compliance with norms and rules, level of stress, the presence of motivation);
  • salary (salary, matching remuneration with the results achieved, the presence of bonuses and surcharges, a sense of material well-being);
  • workplace (ease of location in relation to the house, interior decoration and ergonomics, modern technical equipment, the presence of official vehicles, safety);
  • management (trust on the part of subordinates, respect for the rights of employees, stability in matters of personnel management, devotion to the interests of the enterprise);
  • social guarantees (following the vacation schedule, paying sick leave, paying benefits, life and health insurance, compensation for communication and transportation expenses);
  • social benefits (material assistance, uniforms, sports and fitness programs, gifts, benefits).

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