Summer natural phenomena. Examples, description, photo

Summer is the most favorite time of the year for schoolchildren and their parents. This is a long awaited time for vacations and vacations. Summer is characterized by an increase in temperature indicators to a possible maximum, as well as distinctive signs, natural phenomena. This time of year lasts three months. Nevertheless, in different geographical latitudes it occurs in different ways. In the Southern Hemisphere, December, January and February are the summer months. In the north of the equator, this time of year extends to June, July and August. In cold countries, a warm season can last no more than one month.

Natural phenomena in the summer

Each season is characterized by certain climatic features. In winter, snow falls, frosts come; trees begin to bloom in spring, birds fly in, there is a flood; in autumn we notice leaf fall, constant rains. But what phenomenon observed in nature characterizes summer? This time of year is determined by several meteorological changes.

All summer natural phenomena (examples: thunderstorm, dew, rainbow, etc.) are associated with significant warming. At this time of the year the weather is hot, dry, however, it is considered favorable for humans. It should be noted that meteorological summer natural phenomena are highly variable. Examples: rain, hail, wind. In days when the sun and the clear sky shine brightly, cumulus clouds can gather in a matter of minutes and a real thunderstorm with thunder and lightning can go. In the case of a short-term rain in half an hour, the temperature rises again and the sun continues to shine brightly.

summer natural phenomena
Precipitation in summer always lies in a short interval, but they are characterized by high intensity. Along with thunderstorms, a strong wind often rises with sharp gusts. After rainfall, you can often see a phenomenon like a rainbow. In the mornings, dew often appears.


This natural anomaly is a stream of air, which is mainly directed relative to the horizontal surface of the earth. Wind is classified by power, speed, scale, level of distribution. To determine the category of anomaly, one should take into account its strength, duration and orientation.

On land in summer, winds are heavy only during or before a severe thunderstorm. This is due to the collision of two opposite in temperature and direction of air masses in different layers of the atmosphere. On the American continent, powerful hurricanes often occur at this time of year. What phenomenon observed in nature in summer occurs in the waters of the sea or ocean? Most often there are short-term storms, which differ in intensity and strong gusts of wind. Often they raise waves up to several meters high.

It is noteworthy that global monsoons play an important role in changes in seasonal temperature indicators of winds. Their duration varies within a few months. Monsoons have different circulation and temperature, strength and direction. It depends on them what the season will be: warm or cold.

The clouds

As a result of condensation, water vapor rises into the upper atmosphere. Particles crystallize under the influence of low temperatures and combine into air masses. This is how clouds form in the sky (see photo of natural phenomena below).

summer natural phenomena examples
Each cloud consists of particles of water and has a unique shape, which changes under the influence of air flow and temperature. If in the upper atmosphere the temperature is above -100 degrees Celsius, then the clouds will consist of droplet elements. Otherwise, ice crystals will prevail in their composition.

Summer clouds are usually divided into thunderstorms, rain clouds, cumulus, cirrus, layered and others. If the air elements are connected in the clouds, then there is a high probability of precipitation. The most severe showers fall from layered and cumulus clouds. If the air masses have a uniform composition, then precipitation will be insignificant and short-term.


In the hot season, precipitation is considered a rather rare climatic anomaly. Rain itself represents a continuous vertical drop of water. The starting point of the movement are the clouds. Rain is a cumulative phenomenon of nature. Until the clouds collect a large amount of moisture, precipitation will not begin.

To date, it is customary to distinguish between five types of summer rains:

1. The ordinary. Drops out without such pronounced features as power or duration.

rain phenomenon of nature
2. Short term. Its main sign is transience. Such summer natural phenomena both read and end unexpectedly.

3. Mushroom. Precipitation is determined by low intensity and transience. During rainfall, the sun continues to shine.

4. Stormy. Determined by surprise. In a short period of time, with great power, a large amount of water falls on the ground. Showers are often accompanied by strong winds, lightning and thunder. In summer, these rains are called thunderstorms.

5. City-shaped. Together with droplets of water, ice of various sizes fall on the ground. Such precipitation is characterized by transience and power, negatively affect agriculture.


Mixed rains with ice require special attention because of their danger to property, and sometimes to people's lives. Hail is a type of rainfall when frozen water falls on the ground. Not to be confused with mixed rain with snow. Here, the combined ice particles can reach sizes up to several centimeters. The city has high strength and transparency (photo of the phenomenon of nature, you can see below). This makes it dangerous for small animals and birds, as well as for larger individuals.

what phenomenon is observed in nature
Precipitation of this type falls during a thunderstorm from large cumulus clouds. In turn, the clouds differ in black or ashen color and white tops. Hail is formed in ordinary rain clouds as a result of hypothermia of moisture drops. Ice particles gradually increase, bonding together. Precipitation with hail can last from a couple of minutes to half an hour. Large ice floes can completely destroy entire crops.


This meteorological phenomenon belongs to the most powerful form of precipitation at positive temperature. Rain and hail and thunderstorms are summer natural phenomena that are assigned an orange hazard level. Such precipitation is accompanied by strong sharp gusts of wind, sometimes heavy.

Distinctive climatic features of a thunderstorm are lightning and thunder. A powerful charge of electricity is ejected from the clouds to the surface of the earth. Lightning is formed in the atmosphere due to the collision of negative and positive charges. The result is electromagnetic induction of hundreds of millions of volts. When the charge reaches its maximum, a lightning strike is formed.

Thunder is a consequence of the rapid expansion of air as a result of a sharp heating of particles around an electromagnetic arc. Sound waves bounce off the clouds and cause a strong echo.


Today it is one of the most amazing and amazing natural anomalies associated with precipitation. A rainbow is a phenomenon that can occur both after rain, and in the process or in front of it. The time of formation of the phenomenon directly depends on the movement of storm clouds.

rainbow phenomenon
The color scheme of the rainbow is reflected at an angle of 42 degrees. The arc is visible through the curtain of rain on the opposite side of the sun. The rainbow spectrum is represented by seven colors. So many components in sunlight. Mostly this phenomenon occurs as a result of short-term precipitation in the summer.

The human eye determines the colors of the rainbow through raindrops, which play the role of a prism. This is a kind of large spectrum of natural origin.


In calm weather, as a result of cooling at night and warming in the morning with the first rays of the sun on the surface of the earth, grass, flowers and other plants and objects, water droplets form. This meteorological phenomenon is called dew.

At night, the earth's surface cools. As a result, the vapor in the air begins to condense and turn into water, settling on objects. It is generally accepted that dew is formed only with a clear sky and light wind. It is worth noting that the lower the temperature, the more droplets will be.

photo of natural phenomena
Most often, this phenomenon is formed in the tropics, where it is accompanied by a humid climate and long cold nights.

Summer natural phenomena. Examples: Grade 2

In the school curriculum, the introductory basics of climate anomalies are studied using the textbooks β€œThe World. The first lessons are already held with second graders. At such classes, they talk about what summer phenomena of nature are, what are their signs and features.

Familiarity with the seasons should take place with the inclusion of available examples in the program. In summer it gets warmer, days are longer, nights are shorter, birds begin to sing, mushroom rains come, the water in rivers and lakes warms up, the grass turns green and so on.

For eight-year-olds, summer natural phenomena are a mystery. Therefore, one should definitely reinforce theory with practice. For this, various excursions are conducted. In June, you can introduce kids to summer flowers, trees, insects, birds. July is the right time to walk through the arboretum or forest, where you can listen to the sounds of nature. In August, it will not be amiss to get acquainted with berries, mushrooms, and fruits of trees.

Signs about summer events

  • If the south wind blows, then it is worth waiting for bad weather, if the west, then there will soon be a cooling.
  • To quickly stop a severe thunderstorm, you need to throw a broom out of the window in the direction of the rain.

signs about natural phenomena

  • It is impossible to extinguish a tanned object after a lightning strike, since the devil burns there.
  • Continuous wind with constant gusts - to the drowned man.
  • If thunder is heard from the north, summer is expected to be cold, if peals are heard in the south, then it will be hot.
  • If large puddles form in the puddles from the rain, this is a severe storm.

There are signs about natural phenomena regarding the rainbow:

  • If the arc is full and high, it is worth waiting for warming.
  • Green rainbow - to a long rainfall, red - to a barrage of wind, yellow - to calm.

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