Pension: indexation of working retirees in Russia

For several years now, retirees who continue to work have been faced with the fact that payments are made in a smaller amount compared to non-working older people. This is because the indexation of pensions to working pensioners was suspended. This category of citizens still has a slight annual increase in payments, but this concerns other reasons, and this recalculation is carried out at another time.

recalculation of pensions to working pensioners

What is indexing?

Monthly pension payments are set in a certain amount. However, food prices are periodically rising, a living wage of a larger size is established. In order to keep the pension payment at a level capable of ensuring normal functioning, annual indexation is carried out. It lies in the fact that due to inflationary processes and a decrease in purchasing power, a pension is rising. Indexation of working and non-working pensioners was provided for by the Law on State Pension Support No. 166-FZ. However, later the situation changed.

Types of pensions that do not index

Pension indexation in 2017 for working pensioners, and then in 2018 and 2019. ceased to be held. Therefore, those pensioners who continue to work cannot rely on an increase in pensions based on rising prices for staples.

True, for retirees, this situation will not remain unchanged. After the dismissal, a recalculation will be made, in which all indexations not previously performed will be taken into account.

types of pensions that do not index

Comparison of the pension of a non-working and working pensioner

The following examples will help to understand how much the pension is changing (indexation to working pensioners is not considered, but not working - it is taken into account). In connection with the ongoing pension reform, this payment consists of:

  • a fixed part, which remains unchanged for all pensioners;
  • pension points, the amount of which is calculated individually, based on the labor activity of a citizen.

In 2015, the fixed part was set at 3,935 rubles, and the cost of 1 pension point was 64.10 rubles. As a result of the indexation of pensions in 2017 (it was no longer counted for working pensioners), the unchanged part became equal to 4,805.11 rubles, and the score increased to 78.58 rubles. In 2019, the fixed part will be increased to 5,334.19 rubles, and the cost of a pension point - to 87.24 rubles. Thus, taking into account the changes, the pension payment increases significantly.

pension of a working and non-working pensioner

The following example will show the amount lost by an elderly person who continues to work due to lack of indexation. For example, he retired in February 2015 (it was during this period that the last indexation of pensions was made for working pensioners). At that time, he accumulated 120 pension points. Therefore, the amount of the insurance pension will have the following size: 12,952.79 rubles. (4 383.59 + 120 * 64.10).

If he quit immediately after reaching retirement age, then in 2019 the payment will amount to 15 802.99 rubles. (5,334.19 + 120 * 87.24). If he continues to work, then with the same number of points, the amount will remain in the amount of 12,952.79 rubles. However, the number of pension points is increasing every year, and at the same time the pension payment will slightly increase. But more on that later.

There are also certain categories of citizens who, despite continuing work, receive full pension benefits. It's about the military. The indexation of pensions for working military pensioners (for seniority) is carried out along with non-working military pensioners. However, if the issue concerns the old-age insurance pension for former military personnel, then this procedure is not carried out in the same way as with other citizens. Therefore, depending on whether pension indexation will be for working pensioners, the insurance payment of this category of citizens will also change. The same rule applies to other special categories of citizens.

pension indexation for military pensioners

Indexation of retirement pension

As mentioned above, after the dismissal of an employee, due to recalculation, the pension increases. Indexation to working pensioners, which was not carried out, after the dismissal is completely recounted. Thus, the difference between the old and new amounts is adjusted.

This procedure takes 3 months, during which all data is confirmed and processed, after which a decision is made on the appointment of a new payment amount. The new payment amount starts on the first day of the next month after leaving, and not after 3 months. The money will be transferred to the pensioner's account later.

Three months is the maximum period during which a recalculation must be made. But there are times when this does not happen. A reasonable question arises: will there be a pension indexation for working pensioners after dismissal? Perhaps the reason lies in the late submission of documents by the employer. To clarify the situation, you need to contact the FIU.

post-retirement pension indexation

When is it better to quit your job?

Given the above information, a pensioner can independently calculate when he is better off. Some citizens are fired specifically for indexing purposes. After that, they are again employed, often at the same place of work. The Pension Fund does not have the right to deduct the recalculated amounts of indexations. Therefore, a pensioner, on the one hand, continues to work and receive wages, and on the other hand, an indexed pension in the amount paid to unemployed elderly people.

Other pensioners who feel they have the strength and desire to work in the future, but are not going to put up with the fact that pension indexing is not carried out for working pensioners in Russia, are dismissed from official work and are arranged informally without contributions to the Pension Fund.

Pension increase due to pension points

Despite the lack of indexation, the pension of working pensioners is still increasing every year. This is due to the fact that the employer periodically transfers amounts to the FIU for a working pensioner. Based on this, pension points are awarded. For pensioners, a restriction applies. The maximum amount that he can count on is 3 points. Therefore, the payment increases by only 200-250 rubles. in year. Such recalculation is done in August, while pension indexation is carried out in February and April.


Elderly people who continue to work are paid a lesser amount than those received by non-working pensioners, to whom the pension is indexed. Indexing to working retirees was suspended several years ago, and when it will be renewed is not yet known.

when a retiree better quit

Citizens find for themselves a different way out of the situation. Some continue to work and expect recalculation after dismissal. Others decide to continue working unofficially. Still others are fired specifically to get all the indexations, and then they are again employed.

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