Mustela - cream for children and their mothers from France

Skin care during pregnancy plays an important role in the struggle for beauty and youth. The choice of cream is a very responsible task, because it must meet all safety requirements for both the future mother and the baby. In this article, you will learn about what Mustela cream emulsion is and how to use it correctly.

What is a Mustela?

Products of the French manufacturer Mustela occupies a leading position among skin care products for expectant mothers and babies. The company conducts research and successfully launches its products for about 60 years. During this period, unique technologies have been developed that allow you to create special creams and caring emulsions suitable for any skin type.

mustela cream

Among the wide range you can find emulsions, shampoos, shower gels and many other safe care products "Mustela". Cream against stretch marks is the company's most popular and best-selling product, whose quality has been evaluated by thousands of women around the world.

Mustela for women

Almost every woman is faced with the problem of stretch marks on her stomach during pregnancy. Mustela cream emulsion is intended to prevent this unpleasant problem and at the same time to care for breast skin. Safe raw materials used in the manufacture of the product allow you not to be afraid for the manifestation of allergic reactions or rashes.

In addition to cream against stretch marks, the Mustela company offers a special corrective gel that will help return the figure after childbirth to its original form. This tool will be a great addition to proper nutrition and gradual physical activity, included in the complex of postpartum recovery procedures.

The manufacturer assures that the cream can be used even when breastfeeding. It has a slightly sour taste, but is quickly absorbed into the skin, without bringing discomfort to the baby and leaving no residue on clothes.

mustela for children

"Mustela Stelatopia" for children

This unique cream is based on the distillate of sunflower oil, which is responsible for the synthesis and restoration processes of skin lipids. The drug is used for the most delicate baby skin, prone to allergic reactions. Mustela cream for children allows you to safely moisturize the skin, providing a caring and healing effect.

In addition to cream, the company offers such care products as shampoo foam for seborrheic crusts, diaper cream, sunscreen lotion and bath foam. "Mustela" for children will be a real gift for the skin of a newborn in the first months of his life. Proper care will help protect children's skin from inflammation, chapping and bright sunlight.

Mustela stelatopia

The composition of the cream "Mustela"

The main products of French creams are AHA emollients and moisturizers. These substances act as an elastoregulator responsible for the condition of the skin. In addition, Mustela cream contains trace elements and extract of Japanese sophora, which has a regenerating effect.

The product has a light consistency, which allows you to use it both as a lotion and for local massage. Doctors sometimes use a cream for ultrasound, which does not negatively affect the condition of the fetus and the pregnant woman.


The advantage of Mustela products, according to the company's pharmacists, is the complete absence of any contraindications. Before entering the production, the product was tested for more than one year, so the company guarantees safety and the possibility of use even for newborn babies.

cream emulsion mustela

However, in order to protect yourself, you should try the cream for the presence of individual intolerance to its components. To do this, you can apply a small amount of the product on the wrist and monitor the condition of the skin during the day. If there is no redness or any discomfort, then you can safely begin to use the products. The same applies to the baby’s delicate skin and the application of Mustela Stelatopia cream.

How to use the product?

Cream "Mustela Stelatopia" is recommended for use with dry skin in a child, as well as as a care after bath. You need to apply it on clean, dry skin, rubbing with gentle movements.

A special remedy for stretch marks can be used at the first sign of skin damage. In this case, the field of application does not matter, since the drug can be applied both to the stomach and to the area of ​​the chest and buttocks. Dermatologists recommend starting to use the cream at the first sign of the appearance of stretch marks, which many women encounter in the first trimester of pregnancy. Mustela emulsion can be used daily until the skin is completely restored.

mustela cream reviews

Where to buy Mustela cream?

You can buy Mustela products both on the manufacturer’s official website and in any online store that specializes in elite imported cosmetics and care products. In both cases, you can arrange home delivery by courier or mail. Remember that the prices on the official website will always be lower than with intermediaries.

Unfortunately, most pharmacies in Russia and neighboring countries do not cooperate with a French cosmetic company. Therefore, you can buy Mustela cream for stretch marks, the price of which is not the most affordable, you can only in large pharmacy supermarkets or official retail stores.

Price and expiration date

cream mustela for stretch marks reviews

The cost of Mustela is rather high, given the small volume of packaging. For example, a 300 ml cream emulsion will cost no less than 2000 rubles. Of course, one must take into account the high quality of products and their unique properties. But such a high cost of funds makes them inaccessible for mass use.

The shelf life of Mustela cream is no more than two years, since it contains exclusively organic components. When buying, always pay on the date of production of the goods.

Mustela cream for stretch marks: reviews of real customers

Reviews regarding Mustela products are usually positive. Most women notice a quick effect of applying cream for stretch marks, which can be used from the first months of pregnancy until the end of the period of breastfeeding. There are no side effects and allergic reactions to the skin.

Women also point to the airy texture of the cream and its pleasant aroma. Due to the fact that the remedy for stretch marks is more like a lotion, it is well absorbed and economically consumed. On average, for the entire period of pregnancy, expectant mothers use 1.5-2 tubes of Mustela. The cream is available in a volume of 200 ml, but is rather economically consumed.

Negative reviews are associated with the unavailability of the drug. Too high a cost makes Mustela creams available only to women with high affluence. Therefore, often future mothers have to resort to folk remedies to prevent stretch marks during pregnancy.

In addition, counterfeit products by the French cosmetics company Mustela began to be found on the shelves of retail stores and some pharmacies. Cream, reviews of which are very popular, must be accompanied by a certificate of the manufacturer. Therefore, before buying, be sure to ask the pharmacist for the necessary documents.

Folk remedies against stretch marks

Of course, not every woman can afford elite creams against stretch marks. In this case, you can always use folk remedies, which, although they do not have such a quick effect, but are available to absolutely everyone.

Natural oils from wheat germ, jojoba avacodo and almond help fight stretch marks. They have a regenerating property and are great for daily manual massage. After several months of regular use, stretch marks will become less noticeable, as with the use of Mustela products. The cream, of course, has a more pronounced effect, but also oil procedures will perfectly affect the condition of the skin.

cream mustela for stretch marks Price

Homemade scrub based on natural ground coffee also helps to cope with this unpleasant cosmetic defect. However, it is better to use such a remedy after childbirth, since a strong release of toxins can adversely affect the baby's condition. Before using any alternative method of dealing with postpartum stretch marks, it is better to seek individual advice from your doctor and pass all the necessary tests.

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