Where in Moscow to get a medical policy and how to do it?

Insurance is protection against various dangers, including a special policy in case of loss of health. For this reason, among all types, a special place is given to health insurance, which is able to provide guaranteed and timely medical care to its owners. To date, another significant document, as binding as a passport or military ID, for most Russian citizens is a medical policy. Moscow as a capital primarily requires insurance of its residents. Consider how and where to get an insurance document.

Where in Moscow to get a medical policy?

where in Moscow to get an insurance policy

The Russian insurance system is divided into compulsory (also known as compulsory medical insurance) and voluntary (otherwise - voluntary medical insurance). Both of these forms of health insurance are completely independent, but functionally voluntary insurance is a kind of addition to the mandatory. They have a number of significant differences, and the most important of them is that in the MHI, the state determines the conditions of insurance. Not everyone knows how and where to get a medical policy, which is mandatory for citizens of the Russian Federation. VHI is executed at the request of the owner: thanks to this policy, a citizen can count on some additional medical services, usually not included in the minimum provided by the state. Today, there are twelve places where you can get a medical policy in Moscow without any problems.

medical policy Moscow
These are the companies “Consent-M”, “Medstrakh”, “Spassky Gates”, “ROSNO-MS”, “Ingosstrakh-M”, “SMK RESO-Med”, “MAX-S”, MSK “Ikar”, “SOGAZ- Honey ”,“ Pantseya ”(branch),“ MSC “UralSib”, “Solidarity for life”. All you need is to come to any point where in Moscow it will be possible to get a medical policy without unnecessary delays, and perform simple steps.

What do you need to get health insurance?

In the company you have chosen, you will need to write a statement about the choice of this organization, after which you will be given a temporary document confirming the compilation of mandatory medical insurance (valid for 42 calendar days). Be careful - do not give duplicates. Upon the expiration of the appointed period, you will be issued with a compulsory medical insurance policy of a single sample in the company to which you entrusted its design. In case of loss of policy, change of name, patronymic or last name, as well as place of residence, you need to notify the insurance company and declare a duplicate or reissuance. It will take one month from the date of application.

Insured events

where to get a medical policy

You know where in Moscow to get a medical policy and how to do it. Now we should talk about possible insurance claims. The presence of the MHI policy allows you to use ambulance services, you will have the right to primary and specialized medical care for various physical and mental illnesses. In addition, health insurance entitles you to a number of drugs. Naturally, all of the above is provided free of charge. In the case of compulsory health insurance, the list of insured events expands depending on the type of policy - this is decided individually by the insurance company. Remember that an insurance policy is not just a binding state document, it is a guarantee for you and your child that medical care will be provided in a timely manner, without unnecessary delays.

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