Lumbar intervertebral disc protrusion: treatment, diagnosis, main symptoms

Disk protrusion is considered the most popular form of dystrophic disorder, which occurs mainly in the intervertebral discs. In most cases, this pathology appears in the lumbar spine. Well, why is this happening? In fact, it is precisely this section of the spine that accounts for particularly heavy loads. Almost 50% of Russians aged 30 and over face this pathology. In our article, we will examine in more detail the symptoms, causes of protrusion of the lumbar intervertebral discs , treatment and prevention of pathology.

Protrusion of the lumbar intervertebral disc

Signs of lumbar protrusion

Pathology of the disk in the lumbar spine contributes to the occurrence of stitching or shooting pain in the lower back. Its intensity increases with movement, sneezing, coughing, when walking and while standing. At rest, the pain subsides. With protrusion, a person feels stiff in the lumbar region, weakness in the legs, tingling in the feet, numbness of the toes, and even difficulty urinating. It causes severe headaches and dizziness, sudden pressure surges. Symptoms of protrusion of the lumbar intervertebral discs decrease as the pathology disappears.

Education Background

Protrusion takes place against the background of destructive processes in the discs, that is, as a side effect of osteochondrosis, which leads to thinning of the cartilage tissue. The disk in the spine gradually loses its own elasticity. In addition to dystrophy, there is also dysplasia, which is most often hereditary. Dysplasia is a definite deficiency in the tissue of the intervertebral disc, its weak space. In addition, protrusion of the lumbar disc occurs for the following reasons:

  • Scoliosis and other curvature of the spine, against the background of which there are severe overload of the lower back. This contributes to the formation of places for future protrusion.
  • Significant physical activity. Excessive interest in sports and work related to lifting heavy things often have a powerful negative effect on spinal health.
  • Low mobility. Like excessive energy, inactivity also leads to the development of pathology of the intervertebral discs. These are two opposite poles, which lead to one disease - protrusion of the lumbar discs.
  • Uncomfortable body position. If you are sitting on an uncomfortable chair at the desk, in the wrong position or during sleep, your mattress is too soft or hard, spinal protrusion in the lumbar region is provided.

According to medical statistics, lower back pain due to protrusion most often appears in middle-aged people.

What is dangerous pathology

After we find out what protrusion of the lumbar spine is, it is important to determine the consequences that may arise due to ignoring the pathology. If you have protrusion, the most important thing is not to bring to the appearance of a hernia.

With this pathology, the disc goes beyond its usual position, but the fibrous ring around it remains intact. Little by little, this fibrous ring wears out, does not withstand frequent heavy loads, which is why small breaks (cracks) form. Through them, over time, the disk core begins to come out, which is called a hernia. Such a pathology causes severe back pain, which does not allow a person to move normally, including to work. Due to a hernia, difficulties arise with the pelvic organs, backache of the lower back, and in severe cases, paralysis of the legs.

How to detect intervertebral protrusion?

Initially, doctors conduct an initial diagnosis based on explanations of the victim and the medical history. The symptoms that are present are studied in detail. In addition, clinical trials are being conducted to prove the presence of protrusion of the intervertebral discs of the lumbar spine. More advanced studies are MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) and CT (computed tomography).

Drug treatment

Drug treatment of protrusion

Medication for protrusion of the lumbar intervertebral discs should be prescribed only by qualified doctors, based on the patient's condition. The assigned course should be performed with high accuracy. If there are side effects, you should urgently inform your doctor. Please note that many medications are addictive, so their effect may be reduced. In the presence of changes in the spine, pain relief does not solve the main problem of this pathology. Drugs that are often prescribed for this disease:

  • Antidepressants to remove the depressive state and emotional disorders that occur due to prolonged protrusion. As a result of taking drugs, sleep improves and fatigue decreases.
  • Painkillers such as Morphine or Codeine, which have a strong effect on the central nervous system. Such drugs cause severe side effects in the form of nausea, vomiting, drowsiness, and constipation.
  • Non-narcotic painkillers are considered ideal for relieving moderate pain. Drugs can be bought at a pharmacy without a doctor’s prescription. These include Ketanov, Ketanol, and Kotoleks.
  • Muscle relaxants, for example, "Midokalm".
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs of the non-steroidal group (NSAIDs) are painkillers that reduce the pain that occurs against a background of muscle spasm. These include Ibuprofen, Diclofenac Sodium, and Voltaren. "Aspirin" - a drug that can only slightly reduce pain in the back.

Surgical treatment of disc pathology

But what treatment of protrusion of the intervertebral discs of the lumbar spine should be carried out if severe pain does not allow you to perform exercises and massage? In this situation, doctors are likely to resort to surgical intervention. Indications for surgery:

  • severe and prolonged pain that does not subside even when taking medication for 7-10 days;
  • a person cannot move independently.

In modern medical practice, minimally invasive methods of surgical intervention are most often used. These are operations that are performed by micro-tools with the smallest incisions of surface tissues. One of the most modern methods is the removal of the affected core of the disk. But in most cases microdisectomy is used. The option of surgical intervention is negotiated only with the attending physician. The patient’s health status, pathology features and the presence of complications are mandatory.

Conservative treatment of protrusion of the disc

Today, a large number of treatment methods for protrusion of the intervertebral discs of the lumbar sacral region are presented. But how to choose the right one? Most of them are aimed primarily at reducing the pain syndrome, and not at eliminating the root cause of the pathology. Determines what to do with protrusion of the lumbar intervertebral discs, only the attending physician after making an accurate diagnosis. To combat pathology, the following methods of conservative treatment are used:

  • manual therapy;
  • physiotherapy;
  • self-massage and massage;
  • physiotherapy.

The main objectives of conservative therapy is to reduce inflammation and pain, strengthen the muscle frame. To cope with all the tasks, you need to act only in a comprehensive manner, regularly resorting to all treatment options.

Shock wave therapy

Shock wave therapy for protrusion

When carrying out this option of physiotherapy, the doctor can instantly adjust the parameters and duration of the shock wave therapy. The course of treatment, which consists of several sessions, it is possible to achieve the best result, and with some pathologies - to avoid surgical intervention.

Shock wave therapy is contraindicated in the following conditions:

  • neoplasms that are located near the exposure zone;
  • diseases that are associated with bleeding disorders;
  • acute infectious diseases;
  • pregnancy;
  • installed pacemaker;
  • blood clots in the heart cavity (often observed with arrhythmia).

This type of physiotherapy allows you to remove the compression of the nerve roots, strengthen the muscles of the back. Also, shock wave therapy will make your posture better, accelerate recovery due to injuries, and increase muscle tone. This procedure is prescribed both as the main treatment for protrusion of the lumbar intervertebral discs, and as a prophylaxis.

Laser therapy

Protrusion laser therapy

Laser therapy can have a therapeutic effect due to the ability of the human body to absorb the energy of light. This physiotherapy helps to restore biochemical processes, relieves pain and normalizes metabolic processes. Laser therapy also helps to strengthen immunity, improve nutrition of soft tissues and reduce inflammation.

There are no exact contraindications to the treatment of protrusion of the lumbar intervertebral discs with laser therapy today. However, indirect factors that negatively affect treatment have been identified: the patient’s age, acute tuberculosis, pregnancy, or tumors of various etiologies. The listed pathologies and conditions are not considered absolute contraindications to the procedure, but they should nevertheless be taken into account.


Treatment of protrusion of the lumbar spinal disc with magnetotherapy helps to mobilize the body's resources and improve the functioning of internal organs. It speeds up metabolic processes. Physiotherapy is used primarily to reduce pain, inflammation, and wound healing. In addition, magnetotherapy stimulates tissue regeneration and relaxes muscle spasms. Contraindications to the procedure:

  • bleeding and blood diseases;
  • heart disease
  • severe heart rhythm disturbances;
  • acute myocardial infarction;
  • the presence of a pacemaker;
  • central nervous system diseases;
  • malignant neoplasms or suspicion of their development;
  • tuberculosis;
  • infectious diseases;
  • fever;
  • a sharp exacerbation of the chronic inflammatory process;
  • gangrene;
  • exhaustion of the body;
  • individual intolerance.

Mud therapy

Applications with healing mud for prophylactic purposes are prescribed quite rarely with protrusion. Most often they are used during the course of rehabilitation and prevention. Physiotherapy promotes cell regeneration, reduces myospasms and swelling. At the same time as the mud treatment procedures, exercise therapy and massage are performed. It is not necessary to use therapeutic mud for diseases of the cardiovascular system, skin pathologies, chronic respiratory diseases, ophthalmic lesions.


Acupuncture with protrusion

The essence of this method is reduced to the impact on certain active points on the human body using thin needles. Acupuncture is considered one of those methods of treating protrusion of the spine, around which doctors' disputes have not subsided for a long time. Some claim that this therapy does not bring improvements and, at best, a placebo effect occurs. Other doctors claim that acupuncture is highly effective. In practice, such physiotherapy is successful in many cases, due to which the patient's condition quickly improves.

For acupuncture, various types of needles are used. It directly depends only on the impact zone. Such needles are made of high quality metal, and auricular needles are made of surgical stainless steel. In some situations, an electric current is conducted through the needles introduced into the human body. This option of physiotherapy is not used if the patient has an elevated body temperature.

Criteria for exercise therapy for protrusion of the lumbar spine

Physiotherapy exercises is considered one of the most effective and efficient methods of treating protrusion of the intervertebral discs of the lumbosacral spine. Despite this, exercise therapy for pathological changes has many implementation rules. These include the following:

  • Before performing exercises, you should consult your doctor. Treatment with exercises for protrusion of the lumbar intervertebral discs has its own nuances. They need to be done carefully, without rushing. Clothing for classes should not constrain movements. Choose pants and a jacket that are made from natural materials.
  • Shoes should also be special, athletic, with an orthopedic insole.
  • If exercises from the exercise therapy program cause severe pain, then they should be stopped immediately.
  • During training it is allowed to drink water in small sips.

A set of exercises for protrusion of the lumbar intervertebral discs

Physiotherapy exercises for protrusion

These exercises should only be started after consultation with a specialist in order to avoid a deterioration in health. The following are considered popular and effective:

  1. "Scissors". Lie on your back, place your hands along the body, lift your legs up perpendicular to the body. Spread your legs from side to side, alternately crossing them. Repeat 15-25 times.
  2. Walking on all fours. Perform this exercise for 5 minutes. The back is best kept curved.
  3. Lying on your stomach, stretch your arms and legs. Stretch up with all your limbs, gradually increasing the amplitude, but not reaching the maximum limit. Stay in this position for 30 seconds, and then assume the starting position.
  4. Strap. Take a plank position, rest your elbows on the floor and alternately stretch your legs up. Repeat 5 times each.
  5. Stand on all fours, bend your leg to your stomach and return to its original position. Repeat exercise 6 times on each leg.

During protrusion, this complex of exercise therapy is focused on strengthening the tone of the back muscles, reducing pain in the lumbar region and reducing the total load on the back. As shown in the photo, protrusion of the lumbar intervertebral discs is facilitated by swimming on the back or crawl. You will not get good results if you swim with brass.


Protrusion nutrition

The condition of the spine is directly dependent on human nutrition. That is, an insufficient amount of calcium and a complex of vitamins causes rapid destruction of bone tissue. During treatment of protrusion, it is important to maintain water balance, because cartilage tissue is more composed of fluid. The lack of water in the body provokes a decrease in the size of the intervertebral disc, as well as a deterioration in the blood supply to the tissues of the spine.

Of all food products, special attention should be paid to the following:

  • Sesame milk, which contains a large amount of calcium. You can cook it yourself by grinding sesame seeds and pouring them with one liter of warm water.
  • Fresh milk, which should be free of additives and preservatives. Factory milk contains a small amount of calcium, so it is best to buy raw milk.
  • Fish, such as salmon or mackerel, which includes a lot of phosphorus. It is necessary for the normal development of bone tissue.
  • Chondroprotectors, which are important for the normal formation of cartilage. Chondroprotective drugs can be replaced with frequent use of pork or beef jellied meat.
  • So that calcium and phosphorus, which enter the body with the above products, are absorbed as much as possible, it is important to take vitamin D3 at the same time. There are special additives with it, and it also begins to be produced when walking in the sun.

Disease prevention

It is interesting that the advice and recommendations of doctors on the prevention of osteochondrosis are quite general. Protrusion of the intervertebral discs of the lumbar sacral region appears mainly with a sedentary lifestyle, obesity, the presence of acquired diseases, the treatment of which requires time and effort. In this regard, to reduce the risk of lower back protrusion, you should increase physical activity, while ignoring sudden movements.

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Protrusion Swimming

A separate recommendation: do not save and do not neglect your health, because your well-being is in your hands. Remember that if you ignore the treatment, the protrusion of the intervertebral discs of the lumbar sacral region "develops" into a hernia. Try to visit a chiropractor with the goal of prevention at least once every 3-6 months.

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