How is ear piercing performed: is the cartilage injured or not?

Today, not only women, but also men wear jewelry on their ears. If earlier only earrings on the lobe were relevant, then recently such a type of piercing as piercing the ears (the cartilage is sometimes injured) from above or from the side is very popular.

Puncture of the auricle (puncture of the cartilage of the ear)

Depending on preferences, you can make either one puncture, or several in one ear.

cartilage piercing
A different number of earring holes is also considered fashionable (for example, 3 on the right and 4 on the left ear). Having pierced the ears, the cartilage can be decorated with various types of jewelry, such as rings, rods (with a double puncture industrial), carnations, horseshoes, labrets, etc. Moreover, this is considered relevant not only in women but also in men. Ear piercing is considered the most painless compared to other parts of the body. If the procedure is carried out by a specialist, then complications after and pain during it will be minimized. A standard puncture heals in about 2 to 4 weeks (sometimes a little longer).

Ear piercing technology (cartilage)

Before making a puncture of the ears, the cartilage is wiped with 95% alcohol or Oktenisept. The earring must be immersed in an antiseptic solution for 15-20 minutes. A puncture point is placed using an antiseptic marker. Technique for puncture: the ear is fixed with a clamp, then pierced through with a disinfected needle - a catheter. What is the secret of this device? The catheter tube remains, the needle is removed. The leg of the decoration is inserted into the catheter, as if pushing it out of the channel. It takes a few seconds. When the jewelry leg appears from the hole, the catheter is removed and the jewelry is fixed at the puncture site. It is advisable to wash your hair before going to the salon, so that in the subsequent weeks of healing do not injure the puncture site.

Puncture your cartilage with a gun or needle?

This question excites many. It is believed that a special gun is best suited for earlobes, especially since there are devices for single use. Their use significantly reduces the risk of infection.

puncture of cartilage of the ear
But if you decide to make a puncture of the ears, it is better to pierce the cartilage with a needle. Although the views of experts differ on this issue.

Ear Cartilage Puncture - Consequences

cartilage puncture
Complications of this type of piercing, despite its prevalence and seeming safety, can be deplorable. It happened when a puncture led to hearing impairment, partial or complete blindness, convulsions, problems with the digestive tract, headache, etc. Some piercers lost their ear (with a puncture of the upper part). So, if infection occurs, getting into this area of ​​antibiotics is difficult. it consists mainly of cartilage and has poor blood circulation. The solution to the problem is partial or complete amputation. If you decide to have a piercing, do not forget that when the ears are pierced, the cartilage is processed in a standard way.

The procedure must be carried out 2-3 p. per day (Chlorhexidine bigluconate should be applied to the decoration and puncture site). The earring needs to be scrolled and shifted for the solution to penetrate the channel, jewelry can be changed no earlier than 4 weeks later.

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