What do women feel after embryo transfer

Nowadays, many women suffer from infertility. The IVF procedure helps them to find the joy of motherhood. In this case, fertilization is carried out in vitro, and then ready-made embryos are transplanted into the uterus. Many women are interested in: what are the sensations after embryo transfer ? Is the implantation process accompanied by pain? Next, we will consider in detail the IVF procedure and possible sensations after it.

Preparing for embryo transfer

Before the procedure, the couple undergoes the necessary examinations and passes a series of tests. Then, from 1 day of the menstrual cycle, a woman takes hormonal drugs. This is necessary to cause "superovulation" (the maturation of several eggs). Treatment takes place under the supervision of an ultrasound scan. When the follicles grow to the desired size (usually by 8-10 days), the patient is given chorionic gonadotropin. After that, ovulation occurs.

It should be noted that under normal conditions, a woman usually matures one egg. And for the IVF protocol, you need to get several mature germ cells. This requires the use of potent hormones in considerable doses. Therefore, most often, sensations after embryo transfer in a successful protocol are associated with the action of these drugs. Residual effects may persist even when the patient has already stopped drinking hormones.

Implantation process

Mature eggs are removed from the body of a woman with a special needle. Then they are examined under a microscope. For the IVF procedure, the most mature cells are selected. The male ejaculate is also being investigated, the most motile sperm are isolated from it.

Egg collection

The process of fertilization takes place in vitro. Embryos are usually introduced into the mother’s body on the second day. A fetus is considered ready for implantation if it consists of at least 4 cells.

A special catheter is used to implant embryos, which is inserted through the cervix into the uterine cavity. In one procedure, 2-3 embryos are usually transplanted.

In vitro fertilization

Sometimes the discomfort after a successful embryo transfer can be related to the consequences of this procedure. Some women are sensitive to penetration of IVF instruments into the uterine cavity.

Sensations in the first days after the procedure

Often, patients are interested in what sensations they will experience after embryo transfer. Gynecologists say that it is impossible to feel the process of implantation of the embryos. After all, most women do not feel pregnancy at such an early stage. In the first 4 days, patients most often do not experience any sensations.

Embryo implantation

However, some patients complain of a feeling of heaviness and slight pain in the suprapubic region. They are pulling in nature. This may be due to stimulation of the ovaries during preparatory hormone therapy, as well as the introduction of instruments during the procedure itself. On average, the recovery period after embryo replanting can take up to 30 days. During this time, pain may persist.

Heaviness in the stomach

Some women feel weak, insomnia, headache. Such sensations after embryo transfer are associated with emotional experiences. Many patients experience emotional excitement before the procedure. Slight malaise is a consequence of stress.

Feeling of the day

What if the woman does not feel any sensations after embryo transfer? Some patients consider this a sign that the implantation failed. However, the lack of sensation in the early days does not necessarily indicate failure. Moreover, reproductologists consider this the norm.

Doctors distinguish the following possible symptoms after fertilization by the extracorporeal method (depending on the days):

  1. 1-4 day. Many women do not experience any sensations. Only insomnia and mood swings are possible. But this is due to emotional experiences, not embryo transfer.
  2. 5-8 day. At this time, the implantation of the embryo is completed. The placenta begins to form. The production of chorionic gonadotropin increases. A slight heaviness in the lower abdomen may be felt. If a basal temperature graph is maintained, then at this stage its increase is noted.
  3. 9-14 day. If implantation is normal, the fetus begins to develop. The embryo is fixed in the uterus. At this time, we can conclude about the success of IVF. The feelings after embryo transfer at this stage are the same as at the beginning of pregnancy. There is a swelling of the mammary glands, a pulling sensation and discomfort in the suprapubic zone.

After 14 days after IVF, you can diagnose pregnancy and find out whether the procedure was successful.

Pregnancy test

Dangerous symptoms

Women should listen to their feelings after embryo transfer. This is necessary in order not to miss the dangerous symptoms.

Some patients experience a serious complication of hormone therapy - ovarian hyperstimulation. This dangerous condition is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • severe pain in the suprapubic region;
  • chills;
  • swelling;
  • bloating;
  • flickering black dots in front of the eyes.

In such cases, the patient requires urgent medical attention. Hyperstimulation can lead to rupture or torsion of the ovary, as well as renal failure.

Pain with ovarian hyperstimulation


About 1/3 of women have post-implantation discharge. They appear on the 6-12th day after the procedure and have a smearing consistency. The color of the discharge is pinkish or brownish.

If the discharge is not abundant, then this is not a pathology. During embryo transfer, small vessels in the uterus are sometimes accidentally damaged. This is the reason for the separation of a small amount of blood.

With heavy spotting, you should immediately consult a doctor. Such a symptom indicates that the implantation of the embryo took place with violations or complications.

Doctors Recommendations

Embryo transfer is a critical procedure. Therefore, women during this period need to monitor their well-being. Doctors recommend following these guidelines:

  • avoid hard physical work;
  • exclude sexual intercourse;
  • do not take hot baths;
  • refuse to drive;
  • every day to take walks in the fresh air;
  • sleep at least 8 hours a day;
  • avoid stress whenever possible.

If the patient has severe pain after embryo transfer, it is urgent to visit a doctor. If the above recommendations are not followed, the implanted embryos can change their location. This is usually accompanied by acute pain and requires immediate medical attention.


You can find different reviews about the sensations after embryo transfer. Most women report that their health has not changed.

Another part of the patients felt pulling pains and heaviness in the lower abdomen. However, such symptoms did not occur in the initial period, but after about 1-2 weeks. If such sensations are moderate, then this is considered the norm.

Some women experienced severe pain and bloating. Later they were diagnosed with ovarian hyperstimulation.

It can be concluded that immediately after the procedure, most patients do not experience any sensations. The severity of the lower abdomen and a slight pain syndrome is associated not with embryo transplantation, but with side effects of hormonal drugs and with instrumental intervention.

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