Types of pensions in the Russian Federation. Types of labor and social pensions in Russia

Material support for disabled and economically vulnerable persons is the basis of the social policy of each state. Today, about 42.7 million citizens of the Russian Federation are pensioners. Most of them receive old-age benefits based on seniority.

The concept

Pension is a means paid monthly to certain individuals. There are three main groups of citizens who receive material assistance from the state:

  • people who have reached retirement age;
  • disabled people;
  • disabled people who have lost the breadwinner.

Below are the types of pensions in the Russian Federation, depending on the presence of citizens with seniority. There is also the possibility of receiving non-state payments.

Types of pensions in the Russian Federation


On state support

  • According to the age.
  • By disability.
  • Upon the death of the breadwinner.
  • For the length of service.
  • According to the age.
  • On the occasion of the loss of the breadwinner.
  • By disability group.
  • Social.

Insurance pension

One of the main types of material support, which receives the majority of unemployed citizens. A retirement pension is a means allocated monthly to individuals as compensation for earnings. Payments are designed to compensate for the income that citizens received during their work or unemployed people after the death of the family member who supported them.

There are three types of labor pension:

  • according to the age;
  • on disability;
  • by the loss of a breadwinner.

Each of the above categories is assigned its own payment amount. A feature of the insurance pension is that the recipient must have seniority.

Types of pensions in the Russian Federation

Old age

An old-age pension is granted to citizens who have reached a certain age, and only if they have a minimum length of service. Women from 55 years old and men from 60 years old can receive payments. Representatives of some professions have a lower retirement age threshold. The minimum length of service at the same time is five years. In this case, only the period of work during which the pensioner made insurance contributions is counted.

The size of payments is not the same for all citizens and is calculated individually. A labor pension is made up of two parts - insurance and funded. The state approves a fixed amount, which is the basis of payments. In addition to the economic condition of the country, the size of the pension also depends on working conditions, length of service and the size of wages.

Retirement pension

Early retirement

Above is the minimum age that the recipient of material support must reach in connection with old age. Nevertheless, representatives of certain professions or workers in the northern part of the state are entitled to early retirement benefits.

The list of types of labor that give the right to the specialists involved in them to receive insurance payments ahead of schedule is presented in the legislation of the Russian Federation. Work in these areas requires great physical effort, responsibility or has a negative impact on health. This changes not only the retirement age, but also the minimum length of service.

In addition to the type of labor, other indicators are also taken into account. Thus, the minimum age for retirement is reduced for workers in the Far North, mothers of large families, visually impaired people and other categories of citizens.

By disability

As in the previous case, only those citizens who have seniority can receive insurance singing. Disabled persons of any group - I, II or III can apply for it. It doesn’t matter when the person has received a disability - before, during or after the working period. It also does not matter whether a person has the opportunity to continue working or not. A senior citizen can continue to work and receive material support.

In order to receive an insurance pension, a person must undergo a medical and social examination in a state institution where he will be assigned a disability group. As can be seen from the table above, the fixed part of payments directly depends on the disability group. The amount increases if citizens worked in the Far North region or have dependents. So, as of April 2016, for persons with disabilities ( group 1 ), the amount of the pension was 9118 rubles per month. However, those same citizens who are dependent on two people are entitled to 12,157 rubles.

This type of pension is issued for a certain period. Upon its completion, a person must come for re-examination of disability in order to confirm his status. In case of failure to attend a medical and social examination, the payment of a pension is suspended.

Labor pension

On the occasion of the loss of the breadwinner

Some individuals who have been supported by a deceased or missing family member also receive an insurance pension. These include the following groups of citizens:

  • minor children, grandchildren, sisters / brothers of the deceased breadwinner or they are also under the age of 23 years old when studying at a university on full-time basis.
  • they, if they acquired a disability up to 18 years.
  • father, mother, their parents or spouse if they are disabled or have reached retirement age.
  • ineffective dependents.
  • grandfather, grandmother, parent, spouse, brother, sister or child of the breadwinner, if they care for the underage grandchildren, children, brothers or sisters of the deceased.

The amount of the survivor's pension (its fixed part) does not differ depending on which category the dependent belongs to, unless he is an orphan or does not live in the Far North. If a person has committed a crime that entailed the death of a breadwinner, he is not entitled to receive material support.

The amount of the survivor's pension

On state support

Types of pensions in the Russian Federation include a wide category of benefits that do not require seniority. Payments for state. security are assigned in the following circumstances:

  • according to the age;
  • on disability;
  • upon the loss of the breadwinner;
  • for length of service;
  • social pension.

Old age

This type of material support is provided to persons who have suffered due to man-made or radiation accidents. An old-age pension is determined by different conditions, depending on the status of citizens, duration and place of residence, the connection of their diseases with the consequences of the disaster. Currently, such payments are received by persons affected by the consequences of the Chernobyl accident.

45 (for women) and 50 (for men) years

50 (for women) and 55 (for men) years

The liquidators of the consequences of the disaster (from 1986 to 1987).

The liquidators of the consequences of the accident (from 1986 to 1987).

Evacuated citizens.

Persons engaged in work in the exclusion zone.

Persons who have become disabled due to a disaster.

Citizens who have received radiation sickness or disability associated with exposure to radiation.

Loss of breadwinner

The state pension is paid to unemployed family members of the deceased in the following circumstances:

  • the death of a soldier from damage caused during military service, or within three months after its completion;
  • death of citizens who suffered as a result of a man-caused or radiation disaster;
  • death of the astronaut during the flight, preparation for it or in the performance of official duties.

The amount of the survivor's pension differs, depending on the degree of relationship, type of activity and cause of death.

Retirement pension

For years of service

There are 4 groups of pensioners applying for these payments:

  • federal civil servants (length of service in civil service - from 15 years);
  • military personnel
  • astronauts;
  • flight test workers.

Representatives of the last two categories should have a length of service of not less than 20 years for women and 25 for men. If people quit their job due to illness, this period is reduced by 5 years. Military pensions in Russia cannot be received by citizens who have been serving in the conscription service.

By disability

The following groups of persons can receive a state pension:

  • affected by a man-made or radiation disaster;
  • participants of the Second World War;
  • received the award "Resident of the besieged Leningrad";
  • military personnel;
  • astronauts.

Citizens receiving disability benefits may continue to work without suspension or financial assistance. Military personnel become pensioners in the event that their status was caused by an injury during the course of service or within three months after its termination. World War II participants and citizens awarded the JBL sign receive payments regardless of the reason that they were recognized as disabled. Persons who have been injured due to a man-made or radiation accident can apply either for this type of material support or for an old-age pension.

Social pension

The following categories of disabled citizens can receive payments:

By disability

Disabled people of any group;

Disabled children.

On the occasion of the loss of the breadwinner

Minor children or persons under 23 years of age when studying at a university on full-time basis, having lost their parent (s).

Old age

  • Representatives of the small peoples of the North at the age of 50 (women) and 55 (men);
  • citizens of the Russian Federation at the age of 60 (women.) and 65 (husband.) years.

Pensioners are entitled to payments even in case of receiving other income and employment. The exception is citizens over 60 (65) years.

Early appointment of a pension

Simultaneous receipt of two pensions

The following groups of people have the opportunity to receive two types of payments:

  • citizens who have received disabilities during hostilities;
  • participants of the Second World War and citizens with the sign "JBL";
  • widows and parents of soldiers killed during military service;
  • families of dead astronauts.

Such citizens can receive material support, which is a labor pension and state.

Social co-payments

Pension for non-working citizens cannot be lower than the subsistence level. If the funds received by a person do not reach this amount, he can apply to the FIU for a social surcharge. In this case, the total amount of payments received by this citizen is taken into account. If a pensioner is engaged in labor activities, he cannot apply for an additional payment.

Pension. Pension Fund

Pension Fund

Currently, through the FIU, insurance and state pensions are calculated and assigned. The Pension Fund has all the necessary information for making social payments. Due to interaction with state institutions conducting medical and social expertise, civil registry offices and other organizations, the FIU is aware of the presence or absence of justifications for receiving pensions by individuals, calculates and accrues funds to needy citizens.

Private payments

The above types of pensions in the Russian Federation do not constitute an exhaustive list of possible material support. Citizens can receive payments by signing a contract with a private organization.

A common way to provide for yourself in case of disability is an agreement concluded with a private pension fund. Participants make regular contributions to the organization, and the latter, in turn, invests contributions. Profit is distributed among members of APF equally. At the same time, the age at which participants begin to receive pension payments is determined not by law, but by a contract.

An alternative solution is life insurance. Organizations also operate by investing contributions from participants. At the end of the contract, the person receives the insurance amount, and in the event of his death, the funds are transferred to the heirs.

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