Nail Oil: Benefits

The benefits of vegetable oils in home cosmetology have long been known. With their help, hair can be made healthy, and skin can be protected from wrinkles and premature aging. This happens due to the high content of useful substances and vitamins in oils. But the field of application of oils is not limited only to hair and skin. Using vegetable oils, you can significantly improve the structure of nails.

Vegetable oils for nails are especially useful - they soften the cuticle well, nourish the nails, strengthening the nail plate, do not allow the nail to exfoliate and break from the smallest mechanical influences. In addition, they protect nails from possible fungal diseases. This effect can be enhanced by adding their essential analogues to oils.

Vegetable oils that are used for home nail care

Use natural vegetable oils in nail care if only because they have a beneficial effect on the skin of the hands. If the nails are too brittle, weak and dry, then apricot, peach, olive, castor, burdock and almond oil for nails, as well as rosehip, jojoba, cocoa and sprouted wheat , can improve their general condition and appearance . Slowly growing nails are treated with olive, burdock, castor oil, avocado oil and watermelon seeds. Oil of rose hips, pine nuts and peach stones, sesame, burdock and olive will help to improve or strengthen nails.

Nail Oil: Benefits

The combined use of vegetable and essential oils for nail care gives a much greater effect than separate. For nails, grapefruit and lemon, lavender, tea tree and bergamot oils, as well as sandalwood, patchouli and pine, rosemary and thyme, cedar, calendula, rose and myrrh, are better.

Any essential oil for nails has a huge amount of useful properties compared to conventional ones. It is on their basis that you can make a bath for hands and nails for some specific purpose. For example, you can eliminate the delamination of nails using cedar, bergamot, pine, patchouli, myrrh, thyme, ylang-ylang, frankincense oils . Oil of rosemary, sandalwood, lemon, thyme, bergamot can strengthen the nail plate and make it more durable. Nails are whitened with widespread oils of grapefruit, lemon, myrrh, eucalyptus and rosemary. And additional shine will be given by oils of eucalyptus, lavender, rose and lemon.

To stop inflammatory processes, and even fungal infections, oils of rosemary, tea tree, chamomile, sandalwood can easily. If the nails are already healthy, then bergamot, lemon, chamomile, myrrh and ylang-ylang oil will support their condition. Weakened nails can also be strengthened by adding a few drops of solutions of vitamins E and A to vegetable oils.

How to prepare an oil mixture for nails at home?

Having decided on the choice of means by which the problem of nails will be solved, it is necessary to properly prepare the oil mixture to obtain the maximum effect. The preparation structure is the same for all types of products.

One or more vegetable oils must be heated in a water bath, after which add 1-3 drops of essential oil to an already warm solution for nails (if there are several, the total number of drops should be no more than 10). If desired, you can add 4-5 drops of an oily solution of vitamins. All ingredients must be mixed and left to brew for about 7 minutes.

The resulting mixture is applied to the nails with a brush and left there for 15 minutes, and then the remaining nail oil can be applied to the cuticle or immersed in your fingertips for several minutes. If there is not much time, then the product can be applied to the nails before going to bed, wearing special gloves on your hands.

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