Seduction of a minor. What norm protects the normal sexual development of children?

For the normal development of children, both physical and mental, it is necessary that their maturation occurs in stages and gradually. Scientists have long come to the conclusion that early sexual activity adversely affects the mental and physical development of the child. Indeed, sexual relations for a young and unprepared organism are a huge stress. A connection has been established between early sexual life and neurosis and other mental abnormalities.

seduction of a minor
In view of this, and also in the name of morality, criminal penalties have been established for sexual relations with adolescents under 16 years of age. Why can’t you use the alternative name for this crime - the seduction of a minor? And what is the composition of the unlawful act contained in the Criminal Code affecting the morality of children? About it below.

Minor seduction: is there such an article?

This well-established expression does not fully express the meaning of the norm that is enshrined in law. What are the inconsistencies? Firstly, the gender of the victim is clearly defined here - female. In fact, in the legal sense, this criterion is not given importance, as indicated by the corresponding article 134 of the Criminal Code. The seduction of minors is characterized as sexual intercourse or the commission of other acts of a sexual nature with a person of any gender. Another criterion is more important here - the age of the victim. Another discrepancy between the expression “seduction of a minor” and the crime, which actually establishes the Criminal Code as such, is also associated with it. The age of the victim should not exceed 16 years. That is, the legislator gives people who have reached this milestone sexual freedom. In view of these inconsistencies, the concept of seducing a minor is unreasonable to use.

article uk seduction of minors

What is this crime really called?

Despite criticism of the usual and well-established expression in the people, the law protects the sexual interests of children. A similar rule is established by the Criminal Code. The seduction of minors, or rather, persons under the age of 16, is provided for in article 134 of the Criminal Code. In accordance with this rule, people who have sexual intercourse with a child, whatever their nature, are punished.

juvenile criminal code

Composition of seduction of minors

We will analyze article 134 for all the required features. So, the object of this crime is undoubtedly the normal sexual development of children. The objective side consists of alternative actions: sexual intercourse, lesbian relationships, as well as sodomy. The subjective side of this crime is unthinkable without direct intent. The offender realizes that violates the interests of the child, but wants to commit an unlawful act. A subject, as a general rule, is a person who has reached 18 years of age and has a sign of sanity. For the same forms of this crime as sodomy and lesbianism, special signs of the perpetrators have been established. In the first case, it must be a male person, and in the second - only female.

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