Are rangefinders needed for hunting?

The world is changing before our eyes. Things that seemed to us fiction ten years ago, now turned into everyday objects. The product of technological progress, they accompany us everywhere - from battery- powered toothbrushes and dishwashers to sophisticated computing devices and spaceships. Progress has also reached such a traditional occupation of man as hunting. At the same time, the use of advanced materials and constructive solutions in weapons had practically no effect on its process itself. But when the rangefinders were used for hunting, significant changes occurred. We’ll talk about this.

range finders for hunting

Principle of action and a little history

Range finders for hunting are electronic-optical devices used to calculate ranges. The principle of their action is the ability of light to reflect from objects and in determining the speed of its movement. The device calculates the time during which the light beam reflected from the object returns to the device, and thus determines the distance to it. High accuracy and ease of use make it possible to use the range finder in the most diverse spheres of human activity, but for the first time, of course, it appeared among the military (for which, in fact, it was developed). At first they were equipped with tank sights (in the 70s), and as the device improved and its dimensions decreased, they began to use it in manual optical observation and aiming devices .

laser rangefinders for hunting

With the improvement of manufacturing technology and cheaper costs, it became possible to offer range finders in the civilian market. Though not immediately, but their capabilities were appreciated by consumers, and now their popularity is growing every year. There were laser rangefinders for hunting, for construction, sports and even automobile. However, there is enough general information, back to the topic of our conversation.

Laser Rangefinders for Hunting

I think there is no need to explain what gives the hunter the knowledge of the exact distance to the target. An eye meter is one of the most important qualities of a good hunter. However, it is given by nature and in this sense, not everyone is lucky. Of course, years of training and experience can work wonders, but isn’t it easier to buy a range finder for hunting? The price for it will not be comparable with the effort and time spent on acquiring the necessary skill. The most effective use of the rangefinder from an ambush and in the open, where the game does not allow you to come close. Using this device will increase the accuracy of firing with an optical sight by an order of magnitude and ultimately save the arrow ammunition and nerves.

range finder for hunting Price

It is taken for granted that rangefinders for hunting are completely useless on a duck or small game. Meanwhile, this is not entirely true. Experienced shooters, having arrived at the hunting site in advance, compose a fire card (using laser rangefinders), in which they mark the landmarks and the distance to them. With such initial data, fire from a gun is an order of magnitude more effective than firing by eye.

Information for Skeptics and Conservatives

As practice shows us, no matter how experienced the hunter is and no matter how well his eye gauge is developed, errors in determining the distance are a frequent occurrence. Indeed, a lot of factors influence the human eye: fatigue, lighting conditions, movement of warm air, etc. In turn, rangefinders for hunting are always able to accurately determine the distance and create the conditions for a single accurate shot.

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