The fingernail exfoliates: possible causes, features of the nail plate, methods of treatment, useful tips from specialists

This is not such a rare situation when the nail exfoliates on the arm. This problem, causing severe discomfort and causing negative emotions, can be due to various reasons. To bring your nails in order and find the right effective treatment, you must first find out the source of the disease. This is what the publication will tell about the causes of nail detachment and their elimination.


Typically, such a condition is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • Nails exfoliate from the skin on the hands.
  • Under the plate, a free space is formed in which air accumulates.
  • The nails begin to turn yellow, gradually becoming dark brown.
  • The skin around the exfoliated part becomes inflamed.
  • Sometimes there is bleeding and pus.
  • Unpleasant sensations and pain.

If you do not take any measures, then subsequently the nail can completely peel off. The disease proceeds in different ways.

  • The middle part of the plate is moving away. This condition is called kailonkhiniya. It is characterized by the formation of an air or blood bubble.
  • Detachment occurs across, perpendicular to the nail bed. This is onycholysis.
  • The base of the plate lags behind, in which serious inflammation occurs. The disease is called onychomadesis.

The most common onycholysis. It usually occurs on the nails of the hands: on the little finger and ring finger. As a rule, the exfoliated part occupies no more than half of the plate. It can take the form of a half moon, trapezoid or stripes. A process that affects the entire nail is extremely rare and occurs due to significant damage.

exfoliate nails on the hands: reasons

Why do nails peel off fingers?

There are many reasons for this ailment. In exfoliation of nails, physical activity plays an important role. The sad consequences most often occur during weightlifting. It can also occur from a hit on the finger. In this case, the plate immediately changes color, but the process is rarely accompanied by severe pain.

Perhaps the most severe case is considered to be fungal diseases. Even with a clean and proper lifestyle, onychomycosis can occur. On the hands it does not spread as fast as on the legs, but it is difficult to treat. With a fungus, pain is almost never felt, but the color of the plate changes, a certain discomfort is felt, an unpleasant smell is felt.

As already mentioned, due to significant damage, the nails peel off very strongly on the hands. The reasons may be as follows. Non-infectious finger injury, erythroderma, alopecia areata, taking tetracycline drugs, acute paronychia of strepto-staphylococcal or candidal nature.

Minor Sources of Problem

Doctors note that there are also reasons that indirectly affect why the fingernails peel off. This ailment itself can be a symptom of other diseases: atopic dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, circulatory disorders, functional disorders of the endocrine, nervous or cardiovascular system.

Exfoliation of nails is facilitated by the use of strong and fluoroquinolone antibiotics, contact of the hands with chemicals. It is important to monitor your diet. Synthetic additives and fast food should not be included in the diet: they harm the health of the whole organism. Constant lack of sleep and stress also greatly affect the condition of the hands.

nails exfoliate from the skin on the hands

At the first suspicious symptoms, urgent measures must be taken. The first step is to figure out why the fingernails are peeling off. Causes and treatment are directly interconnected. The doctor will be able to choose the appropriate treatment regimen only on the basis of the diagnosis.

Exfoliated nail exfoliation

Many girls are faced with the fact that extended nails disappear. This is often due to improper preparation for the procedure of a natural plate. The master should not use tools with rough abrasiveness, since excessive filing reduces the adhesive properties of the nail. If you file it in the transverse direction, the plate will also weaken, and the material will not hold. Also, stupid files can become the cause of exfoliation. They do not remove the thickness, but only heat the material. As a result, it moves from a natural nail, disrupting adhesion.

Of great importance is the quality of the spreading of the gel. If the composition gets on the cuticle or lies in a thick layer, then in most cases this will lead to delamination. In addition, it is important to press the corners in the stress zone when working with forms. If the extended fingernails exfoliate, and during the correction the master left a crack or made another mistake, this will further aggravate the problem. This can be explained by the fact that the left air under the new material will begin to move and lift it.

Also, the cause may be too cold or wet hands of the client. In the first case, the fingers need to be warmed up well. In the second, you will have to use special tools to eliminate excessive moisture.

The use of old lamps also leads to delamination of the artificial material. The fact is that LEDs do not burn out suddenly, but gradually lose power. This negatively affects the polymerization of the gel. Under a low-power lamp, the material “dries” only from above, and below it remains “raw”. Because of this, peeling of the extended nail occurs.

exfoliated fingernails exfoliate

Features of diagnosing a problem

If the nail exfoliates from the nail plate on the hands, you must urgently go to the clinic to see your doctor. Usually, with such a problem, doctors write out a direction for analysis, according to the results of which they determine the presence of fungal infection. If the results of the study are negative, additional studies are conducted to identify the cause. As a rule, the doctor sends to the dermatovenerologic dispensary, in which other types of diagnostics are already used.

Which doctor should I contact?

If you do not want to stand in line and spend time going to the clinic, you can make an appointment in private medical offices. There, doctors will conduct a quality examination and laboratory tests. To solve the problem, you should first consult a dermatologist.

If there is confirmation of a fungal disease of the nails, then it is worth signing up to a specialist in this problem. A doctor of a narrow orientation - mycologist - is engaged in such ailments.

Exfoliated fingernail: treatment

The method of therapy directly depends on the reason that served to develop the detachment of the nails.

The easiest way to put in order is a plate that has changed its condition and suffered as a result of some kind of injury. As the experts themselves say, in this case, simple care is often enough. It does not cause difficulties, but it must be done in a timely manner and very carefully. Care consists in the gradual shearing of a damaged nail. The next step is the treatment of the finger with antibacterial agents and its sticking with a plaster. This is necessary so that foreign microorganisms that can initiate infection do not enter the site of damage. If everything is done correctly, you will only have to wait until the peeling nail grows out and is replaced by healthy tissues.

exfoliate fingernails: causes and treatment

If the nails exfoliate from the skin on the hands due to a systemic disease, then local processing of the finger can only temporarily eliminate the symptoms. In general, this will not give the expected result, and the problem will not be solved. Therefore, it is required to tackle the underlying disease that caused the detachment of the nails.

If the occurrence of the ailment is due to exposure to strong chemicals, you will have to get rid of any contact with the irritant. The condition of the nails will eventually return to normal. The same can be said about taking potent antibiotics. In this case, you don’t have to do anything either. The plates themselves will cease to exfoliate and become healthy, although this process will drag on for an indefinite period. To speed up recovery, experts advise drinking vitamins for nails.

If the fingernails exfoliate due to a fungal infection, you will have to be patient. The treatment will be very difficult, and you can’t do without the help of a doctor. Fungi are insidious in that they can spread throughout the body with a blood stream. In some cases, they can only be completely eliminated after a few years. The duration of treatment depends on the extent of the damage to the body and the stage of the disease. Doctors usually prescribe antifungal drugs and antimycotic drugs. It is also recommended during the treatment period to combat the disease using auxiliary methods. This is the observance of proper nutrition, physiotherapeutic procedures, baths with salt, soda and potassium permanganate.

exfoliation fingernail treatment

An important point in recovery is following hygiene requirements. As a rule, experts recommend excluding any allergens from use. It can be anything: food, household chemicals, animals and so on. It is also necessary to constantly use a pharmacy hand cream, which is intended to treat dermatitis or eczema. If the disease arose in the cold season, it is necessary to treat the gloves with special agents that can kill the fungus. It will have to be repeated often until the street is warm.

Folk methods

Some doctors recommend that their patients supplement drug treatment with folk remedies. They will accelerate recovery if the fingernail exfoliates. What can you do yourself at home? In general, not all popular recipes will be good. With serious pathology, there is a risk of harm so much that complications arise that will not be easy to eliminate. Usually, doctors prescribe all kinds of baths and lotions. The following folk remedies will help restore health to nails:

  • Olive oil. Warm up to a warm state and dip nails into it.
  • Sea salt. Dissolve in warm water and lower the fingers there.
  • Chamomile. Prepare a decoction, cool and hold the affected area in it.
  • Green tea. Allow to insist, cool and lower nails into it.
  • Berries of black currant, cranberry or lingonberry. Grind and apply to the affected area as a mask.
  • Alum. Dissolve in water and mix with glycerin. Moisten a solution of cotton wool and attach to the finger.
  • Iodine. Apply to plate before bedtime.
  • Sea buckthorn oil. Wipe the affected nails several times a day.
  • Gelatin. Dilute in water and heat a little. Lower fingers and keep mixture cool.

If it is a bath or lotion, then the procedure can last 15-30 minutes.

exfoliates a fingernail: what to do

If the nail still hurts

If the nail exfoliates on the arm at the initial stage, then usually this process is not accompanied by pain. Only over time does the pathogen enter the cavity under the plate. It extends already to the soft tissues under the nail, resulting in the formation of sores, which become inflamed and often fester. It is this condition that is accompanied by pain. In some cases, they are unbearable. The disease is dangerous because it develops very rapidly and can lead to complete loss of the nail. No doctor will guarantee that the plate will grow back. In addition, the risk of spreading the infection to neighboring fingers is high.

If not only the fingernail exfoliates, but also pain is felt, it is necessary to act immediately. Urgently consult a doctor and take tests to determine the source of the problem. Only correct and timely therapy will help get rid of discomfort and save nails. If the pain began in the evening, and there is no way to immediately go to a specialist, you can take an analgesic. It will reduce discomfort, give you the opportunity to sleep and endure until the morning.


In order not to know how the nails exfoliate from the nail bed on the hands, it is necessary to prevent this problem. Experts recommend that the following preventive measures be observed:

  • Carefully and regularly care for your nails. Promptly clean them of dirt and trim as they grow.
  • Observe personal hygiene. Wash hands after each visit to the street. After bathing in a pool or pond, use antibacterial soap.
  • Do manicure after disinfection of instruments.
  • Boost the immune system, periodically drink a course of vitamins.
exfoliating a fingernail: treatment
  • Timely deal with the treatment of chronic diseases.
  • Massage your fingers when applying the cream to improve blood circulation.
  • Minimize contact with toxic and harmful substances. When cleaning a house using household chemicals, wear personal protective equipment. Hands must be wearing gloves.
  • When treating with antibiotics, it is advisable to take antifungal drugs. But on this issue, you should first consult with a doctor.

This publication provides information on what measures should be taken if the fingernail exfoliates, and why this happens. The reasons for this ailment can be many. This is a fungus, trauma, chronic disease, an unbalanced diet, poor hygiene and safety precautions when working with chemicals. Only an experienced doctor will be able to diagnose the cause of the pathology and prescribe the appropriate treatment. If you do not start it in a timely manner, then you can completely lose the nail. In order not to feel this problem, it is necessary to take elementary preventive measures in a timely manner.

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