A blood test is an important study that helps to identify both the cause of general unwell well-being and diagnose the disease, pathology. Blood donation is also carried out as part of the donation. For all these procedures, a certain preparation is required, on which the quality of the taken sample, the reliability of the analysis results will depend. Therefore, everyone needs to know what cannot be done before giving blood. As an example, we will consider blood sampling for various tests, as part of a donation.
Blood sampling
Almost any changes in the body affect the composition of the blood. In humans, a sample of material is standardly taken from the ring finger or internal elbow bend - at the location of the vein.
Blood can be taken for transfusion to people in need - this is a donation. In most cases, this fluid is a sample for various analyzes:
- General clinical. It allows you to identify the number of red blood cells, hemoglobin, white blood cells, platelets, etc. Diagnosis of hematological, infectious, inflammatory processes.
- Biochemical. A study that helps to evaluate the functioning of the whole organism, the work of some of its organs, and metabolism.
- For sugar. The amount of glucose in the blood mass is determined.
- Immunological The percentage of protective cells in the blood is found out. Allows you to detect immunodeficiency at an early stage.
- Allergological test. Determines the sensitivity of a person to certain allergens.
- Serological. It determines the blood group, the presence of antibodies to a particular virus, infection.
- Hormone. Determining the level of any hormones in the body, allows you to judge the presence of certain diseases.
- On tumor markers. Identified proteins produced by tumor processes in the body.
What you can not do before donating blood: general recommendations
We will analyze in more detail the preparation for each type of blood test. Now - that before blood tests can not be done at all:
- Tests are given on an empty stomach. How many hours before giving blood can not be eaten? The last snack should be 8-12 hours before the procedure.
- The use of foods or drugs that have a diuretic effect.
- On the eve of the test, eat fatty, spicy, sweet food, sugar in its pure form.
- It is recommended that you refuse citrus fruits, bananas and avocados before the procedure.
- Try to remove greens - cilantro and dill from the diet.
What can be done before the procedure: general recommendations
You know now what you cannot do before giving blood. Here is a list of actions that are allowed before the procedure:
- The use of clean drinking water - still, without dyes.
- On the day before the procedure, have dinner with white meat, porridge, vegetables (stewed or fresh), low-fat fish.
- Replace mayonnaise salad dressing for dinner with olive and vegetable oil.
- On the day before the procedure, it is allowed to eat pears, pomegranates, apples, apricots, plums. Of dried fruits - dried apricots and prunes.
Study preparation
Now we will analyze the important stages of preparation for the procedure:
- Do not smoke before donating blood. Last smoked cigarette - no later than an hour before the procedure.
- Discard various physiological procedures before taking a sample of material.
- Do not drink alcohol before giving blood. The last drunk glass of any alcoholic beverage is 2 days before the date of analysis. If you pass a sample for testing for HIV or hepatitis, then this period will increase to 72 hours.
- You should also protect yourself from various physical activities. This also includes jogging, fast ascent / descent of stairs.
- The emotional state should be calm and balanced.
- It is worthwhile to come to the procedure in 15 minutes - this time is enough to calm down before the analysis physically and emotionally.
Most of all, pay attention to temporary abstinence from eating food, alcohol and drugs. It is they who primarily distort the results of the analyzes performed.
General clinical analysis
Preparation for a general blood test is as follows:
- Analysis is given only on an empty stomach.
- The last snack - at least 3 hours before the procedure.
- Blood is allowed to donate not only in the morning, but also during the day.
- What can not be eaten before giving blood? Products from the list in general recommendations.
- Exclusion of physical, emotional stress, alcohol intake the day before a blood sample is taken. Smoking - per hour.
Biochemical analysis
Consider what you can not do before donating blood from a vein in this case, which is recommended by experts:
- The exclusion of physical and emotional stress, alcohol and smoking 24 hours before taking a blood sample. Smoking - for 1 hour.
- An analysis is given on an empty stomach in the morning. From the moment of the last snack, at least 10-12 hours should pass.
- If there is an urgent need, then blood sampling after 4 hours of fasting is allowed.
- On the day before analysis, also eliminate chewing gum, candies and refreshing lozenges.
- Without restrictions it is allowed to drink non-carbonated drinking water that does not contain dyes.
Note that biochemical analysis is very sensitive to violation of these rules - ignoring them can easily lead to distorted research results.
Blood glucose test
Preparation for such a study of a sample of material will be somewhat more comprehensive:
- It starts in 3 days. All this time, the patient should adhere to a diet that is usual for himself, not to avoid the usual physical activities.
- What can not be done before donating blood for sugar? 1 day before the procedure, completely exclude emotional and physical activities, the intake of alcoholic beverages. For 1 hour - smoking.
- The test will include sampling two blood samples. The first is taken in the morning on an empty stomach (the last snack - for 10-12 hours). Then the patient takes a load of 75 ml of glucose diluted in water. Then you need to wait two hours - all this time the person is sitting quietly or lying down until the second test.
- What can not be eaten before giving blood? In addition to food and drink, for 10-12 hours do not use chewing gum, various lozenges and candies.
- Drink clean water - non-carbonated, without dyeing elements without restrictions.
Hormone test
Consider the important prescriptions from specialists here:
- Before the procedure, strictly adhere to those individual recommendations that were voiced by the specialist who wrote out the direction for analysis.
- Stop taking drugs that have not been previously discussed with your doctor.
- Blood is donated in the morning, on an empty stomach - no later than 12 days. Last meal - in 10-12 hours
- Lollipops, chewing gum, lozenges should also not be consumed 10-12 hours before analysis.
- An unlimited amount of pure drinking water without flavors and flavors is allowed.
- If you are taking certain medications, plan to get tested before taking the medicine.
Thyroid hormone test
Preparation for passing this type of analysis will be as follows:
- 2-3 days before the start of the procedure, refuse to take iodine-containing drugs.
- Those patients who are prescribed drugs that include thyroid hormones should definitely consult their doctor about medications. Perhaps before submitting the material you need to cancel their reception for a while.
- The day before the study, all physical and emotional stress, the use of alcohol-containing drinks are excluded. Smoking - at least an hour before the procedure.
- Blood is donated in the morning, no later than 12 noon.
- Blood sample taken on an empty stomach. The last meal is no later than 10-12 hours before the study. This also includes chewing gum, lozenges and candy.
- Before the procedure itself, you need to sit in a relaxed state for 10-15 minutes.
- If the patient is taking medications, then their use should occur after a blood sample is taken for examination.
- A person is not limited in the use of pure drinking water without gas and dyes.
Blood coagulation test
Preparation for the study of the hemostatic system will look like this:
- Alcohol intake, excessive physical activity, emotional stress are excluded a day before the procedure. Last smoked cigarette - no later than an hour before blood sampling.
- Analysis is standard. In the morning, on an empty stomach. From the last meal, drink, chewing gum, lozenges or candy passes 10-12 hours.
- Without restrictions, you can drink only water without flavors and dyes.
- If the patient is taking drugs that affect the functioning of the blood coagulation system, then their use should be planned after the procedure.
Donation of blood: what should not be eaten?
And the first limitation. Men can donate blood 5 times a year without harm to health, women - 4.
What donors should not eat before donating blood:
- Spicy, fried, smoked, fatty foods.
- Sausages.
- Dairy products, fish and meat of all varieties.
- Eggs and all types of oil (vegetable oil also applies to them).
- Nuts, chocolate, dates.
And here is what is allowed:
- Sweet tea (with jam).
- Compote, fruit drink, juice.
- Mineral water.
- Bread, dried or crackers.
- Porridge, pasta on the water.
- Vegetables and fruits. Only bananas are prohibited.
Unlike providing material for analysis, a light breakfast is required before the procedure.
Blood donation: what should not be done?
What donor should not do before donating blood:
- Drink alcohol (up to 48 hours before the fence).
- Smoking (up to 1 hour before the procedure).
- Take medication (up to 72 hours before blood sampling).
- Come to the procedure after a sleepless night, night duty.
- Donate blood before an important event - the defense of a diploma, project, competition, etc.
- Donate blood on an empty stomach.
- Come to the procedure in the afternoon. The exception is for regular donors only. Other people's bodies can react negatively to such late blood loss.
How to behave after donating blood?
Doctors advise to adhere to the following recommendations:
- After the procedure, sit quietly for 10-15 minutes. You may feel worsening, lightheadedness.
- If you feel weak or dizzy, tell your staff. You can independently deal with unpleasant sensations like this: lie on your back and raise your legs above head level. You can also sit and lower your face between your knees.
- Do not smoke for an hour after collection.
- 3-4 hours do not remove the bandage, make sure that it is not wet.
- For a day refrain from drinking alcohol.
- One or two days try to eat hard, drink a large amount of liquid.
- The first vaccination after the procedure is allowed to be done only after 10 days.
- After blood donation, it is recommended to drive a car no earlier than 2 hours later.
How to behave after analysis?
You now know what you cannot do before giving blood. But it is equally important for your health and well-being to listen to the recommendations of specialists in behavior after the procedure:
- Do not rush to immediately begin active work - after the procedure you should sit in a relaxed state for 10-15 minutes.
- After taking the test, rush to drink enough water and have a good bite.
- All day after the procedure, protect yourself from excessive physical exertion.
- If possible, spend more time outdoors, take a walk in the park.
- After the procedure, do not rush to drive - wait at least two hours. If you feel weakness, malaise, it is better to postpone driving for a day.
Preparation for the analysis, donated blood is simple and easy to remember. However, it directly affects the reliability of the research results, the quality of donor material.