Deposition of salts in the joints, arthrosis, arthritis - myths and misconceptions

Most Russian citizens even delay a long overdue visit to doctors until the last moment, when there is already "nowhere to retreat."

Unfortunately, there are diseases in which such behavior is simply unacceptable. Arthritis, arthrosis and other diseases of ODS (musculoskeletal system) are just one of these ailments. Those who in the initial period delayed a call to doctors because a common myth says: “salt deposition in joints is not treated” now already knows how hard it is to take each step, but time is lost forever. Adds pessimism and statistics. ODS diseases, according to recent data, are among the reasons for the issuance of sick leave in third place after cardiovascular and respiratory. And according to the number of all kinds of inventions and myths - for sure these diseases are confidently leading. And why be surprised if even on the First Channel in all kinds of near-medical programs you can sometimes hear about “deposition of salts in the knee joint”.

Let's try to figure out which errors are based on, and which are myths.

Myth # 1. Deposition of salts in the joints threatens only the elderly.

Degenerative-dystrophic diseases that occur with severe deterioration of the cartilage, indeed, can be found in middle and older age much more often than in young people. It should be noted that arthrosis has recently significantly “become younger”, thirty-, and even twenty-year-old patients are no longer rare. But those joint diseases that are inflammatory in nature (ankylosing spondylitis, reactive arthritis) are found even in children. And the ideas about the deposition of salts in the joints, as supposedly the main cause of painful sensations, are absolutely incorrect.

Myth # 2. Diseases of the musculoskeletal system are the destiny of men.

In fact, in women much more often than in the stronger sex, rheumatic ailments are diagnosed. In addition, women are more likely to be treated with folk remedies for self-diagnosed diagnoses. Therefore, if a modern lady, who has an all-knowing computer on hand, has found “a typical deposition of salts in her joints”, she will prescribe treatment for herself, as is the case with “healers”. Wrapping the knees with burdock or plantain, followed by warming.

Myth # 3. The deposition of salts in the joints is the main cause of all ills.

Residents often take osteophytes - growths that form on the surface of the bone with arthrosis, for salt deposits. But in fact, these hillocks have nothing to do with salts.

Now that we have figured out the basic myths that are popular among people about joint diseases, we will move on to treatment methods.

Today in pharmacies you can find a huge selection of different ointments of tablets and gels designed to reduce joint pain and strengthen them. Doctors often advise patients who have been diagnosed with arthritis as anti-inflammatory drugs. Such as voltaren, diclofenac, ibuprofen, nimesil, nise and others.

As a rule, the so-called “chondoprotectors", medicines designed to restore the cartilage tissue of the joints, are prescribed along with these medicines. Typically, the patient is prescribed glucosamine and chondroxide. Of course, medicine is not limited to medicines. Other methods of treatment are also used.

So more and more doctors are appearing who use massage, acupuncture, physiotherapy, and therapeutic exercises in the treatment of arthrosis.

Acupuncture helps if it is necessary to reduce the intensity of pain and relax the muscles surrounding the joint, with the help of massage, they improve the blood flow in the joints, and therapeutic exercises work well as a preventive measure.

And at the end of the topic, I want to add that you should not give up if you have been diagnosed with “joint disease”. The sooner you start treatment, the more chances you have for a successful outcome. Do not waste precious time, missing it, you yourself take away the chance.

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