How to write a concise statement "What does it mean to be a cultured person"?

At present, the question of human culture is very acute. After all, the so-called pop culture is ubiquitous; many people even refuse to develop their own intelligence, education. A cultured person has a number of qualities that distinguish him from others. What are they? And how can we understand that in front of us is a truly cultured person?

Communication Culture

Cultural contact or duty?

A concise statement, “What does it mean to be a cultured person?” the student can start with the following definition. A cultured person is, first of all, one who enjoys contact with the world heritage of mankind. In the process of learning at school, students constantly come into contact with this treasury - for example, when reading literary works of world and domestic classics. However, for some reason, not everyone becomes cultured. After all, the school system is built on a system of obligation. For example, in a very short time it is necessary to read the work “War and Peace”.

The role of cultural property

In a concise statement, “What does it mean to be a cultured person?” it is possible to touch upon the problem of attitude to the world heritage, possible ways of development of this relationship. The student, rather, will form a concept that he should do homework by the right time, and not the desire to enjoy a literary work. It is unlikely that world culture could hold out until the present time - and this is hundreds and thousands of years - on mere obligation. This leads to the fact that the mention of culture can cause protest - and this is fundamentally wrong. After all, a cultured person is one who is able to assimilate the heritage of previous generations, absorb the experience of billions of people who lived before him, learn universal values, love. He does not view perception with cultural heritage as duty or duty. Culture for him is a part of life.

Qualities of cultured people

Respect and self esteem

A concise statement, “What does it mean to be a cultured person?” can continue with the fact that a cultured person also has a high degree of respect for other people and self-esteem. Respect is the ability to recognize the high status of another person. A cultured person is able to evaluate achievements or features, merits, unique qualities inherent in other people. At the same time, a worthy person will respect even his enemy if he realizes the value of his life achievements.

In a concise statement, “What does it mean to be a cultured person?” it can be emphasized that self-esteem is not given to people from birth. Psychologists also note that it is not directly related to the results of human activity. Self-esteem is most often a copy of other people's attitudes. The way parents and other significant people relate to a person are unconsciously assimilated by him and becomes self-relation. Thus, a cultured person is one who has received a good upbringing, in which parents have been able to develop self -esteem.


In the statement “What does it mean to be a cultured person?” the student can talk about the role of such a quality as intelligence in the formation of this type of personality. Academician Dmitry Likhachev compares intelligence with moral health. Like physical health, it is necessary to maintain mental health for many years. Intelligence is an essential quality of any cultural person. But it also happens that he was not able to get an education in an elite university or his profession does not imply intelligence. However, this is not a reason to abandon the culture. In the concise statement “To be a cultured man”, we can add: a person needs intelligence in any life circumstances. It is necessary both for the person himself and for those around him, and is one of the main attributes of culture.

Culture and good breeding

At the same time, the academician emphasizes, intelligence is not only a set of knowledge, but also the ability to understand another person. This quality manifests itself in a thousand different trifles: the ability to argue correctly, to behave modestly at the table, and the ability to quietly render assistance to another. An intelligent person will not litter in nature. And also he will not litter with swearing and empty ideas - after all, this is also unnecessary trash.

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