Uterine tone: consequences, treatment, symptoms, causes

During pregnancy, a woman expects many surprises, unfortunately, and unpleasant too. One of them is the tone of the uterus. It has various reasons, but in the absence of the necessary treatment, it can lead to pathologies such as premature birth, miscarriage, placental abruption, fetal hypoxia.

Normally, uterine muscles should be relaxed during pregnancy. If they begin to contract, then they say that she is in good shape. This condition is not an independent disease, but is considered a symptom of a threatened miscarriage or termination of pregnancy.

The tone of the uterus during pregnancy is manifested by pains of a pulling and aching nature in the abdomen and lower back. They resemble a sensation during and after menstruation. There may be spotting from the vagina. In the later stages, you can even see and feel, when touched, how the uterus tenses. If such manifestations occur, it is necessary to consult a gynecologist.

Uterine tone occurs for the following reasons:

  • somatic diseases;
  • endometriosis;
  • malformations (saddle, two-horned uterus) ;
  • increased emotionality and anxiety;
  • uterine fibroids;
  • immunological (e.g. rhesus conflict);
  • endocrine (high levels of androgens and / or prolactin);
  • genetic.

The diagnosis of uterine tone is made on the basis of a examination by a gynecologist, ultrasound and patient complaints. However, a woman does not always experience any discomfort with this pathology.

But it must be treated in any case. Since the tone of the uterus leads to poor nutrition of the placenta, as a result, the fetus receives less substances and oxygen. This can lead to developmental delays, various pathologies and even death of the child.

In addition, the uterus is compressed, but the placenta is not, so it is possible to exfoliate. The most terrible consequence of this pathology is a miscarriage. At a later date, premature birth is possible.

When making a diagnosis, the uterine tone is trying to find out the cause that caused it. For this, the doctor may prescribe a number of additional examinations.

In the early stages, a frequent cause of tonus is a lack of progesterone, the task of which is to maintain pregnancy and relax the muscles of the uterus. You can figure out if this is the case by making a blood test for this hormone. If its concentration is below normal, then artificial gestagens that are allowed during pregnancy are prescribed - Dufaston or Utrozhestan.

Regardless of the reasons that caused the tone, they are usually prescribed:

  • sedatives, because nervousness increases tone;
  • magnesium preparations, they relieve spasm, preventing the penetration of calcium into cells;
  • antispasmodics that reduce muscle spasms.

Additional drugs are introduced into the treatment regimen according to the results of the examination for the causes of this condition.

In addition, the doctor will strongly recommend changing your lifestyle:

  • refuse flights, trips to other countries and cities;
  • to exclude sexual activity, since uterine contractions occur during orgasm;
  • do not take a bath;
  • exclude long and tiring walks (more than 3 hours);
  • you can not stand and lift weights for a long time;
  • limit physical activity (fitness, washing, mopping).

If a woman experiences constant pain, there is spotting, treatment in a antenatal clinic does not give the desired result, then bed rest, complete rest and hospital stay are recommended.

The tone of the uterus in the second trimester, if it is short-lived and does not cause pain, may be a variant of the norm. So the body trains before the upcoming birth. In the third trimester, this is even more common.

So, the tone of the uterus is a consequence of disorders in the body of a pregnant woman with various causes. This condition necessarily requires observation and treatment, otherwise it can lead to serious consequences. Among them, miscarriage, preterm birth, fetal hypoxia, placental abruption. Quite often, treatment is carried out in a hospital.

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