Exercise for the back - a special set of exercises for the prevention of many diseases

Every day, from morning to evening, our spine experiences physical activity. This may be sedentary work or β€œwork on the feet.” Naturally, towards the evening stoop is manifested, fatigue and fatigue , and sometimes aching back pain, occur. Over time, the situation worsens and leads to deplorable

exercise for the back
results. A simple exercise for the back will help to avoid unpleasant pain in the spine and strengthen muscles.

Exercises must be performed systematically. With exacerbation of back pain, gymnastics cannot be performed. Charging for the back is performed at a slow pace to soft, calm music. Sharp slopes should be avoided and the amplitude maximized. The load for the back muscles should be increased gradually. Useful unloading movements will be dancing, swimming in the pool, visiting the sauna, walking in the park area, massage courses.

exercise to strengthen the muscles of the back
Exercise to strengthen your back muscles

  1. Lying on your back and stretching your arms up, pull the whole body tightly (from the tips of the toes to the arms). Then you need to relax. Repeat six times.
  2. Lying on your back and pulling your knees to your chest, and your chin to your knees, at least five times, smooth back and forth rolls are performed on your back.
  3. Kneeling and resting his hands on the floor, the head turns in different directions five times. In this case, the hands and hips are perpendicular to the floor, and the knees are slightly apart.
  4. Sitting on the heels, the body leans forward and the pelvis rises. Swinging movements of the body forward-backward are performed at least seven times.

Charging for the back can be done while standing even in the workplace. It will take only five minutes, and fatigue will pass instantly:

spinal traction

  1. Put your hands behind your head, and then sharply take them aside and raise them up. Perform a backward bend, strain all the muscles, and freeze for 5 seconds. Give up. Do six to seven times.
  2. Stretching his arms forward and resting them against the wall at a distance of one step, make a deflection in the back back. Make 5-7 repetitions.
  3. With your legs apart, rotate the pelvis in different directions, then describe the number eight. Do all exercises five times, while trying to keep the body motionless.
  4. Legs apart, torso tilted to the sides with arms down along the torso.

It is very useful to perform the following exercise to stretch the spine several times a day, sitting on a chair in the office. To do this, put your palms on your hips, and slowly lift and stretch each vertebra, starting from the coccygeal part. At the same time, the back is stretched, and the shoulders straighten. Then you should relax the shoulder region and stretch the neck. The chin does not protrude. The result should be a feeling of intense tension throughout the back. Hold in this position for a while and relax. During the day, this exercise for the back should be performed at least ten times. Correctly performed exercise is considered if there is a feeling of weightlessness and flatness of the spine.

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