"Chanel No. 5 Premier": customer reviews, description of the fragrance and photo

Our name Chanel is undoubtedly associated with tweed suits, black-toed shoes, a small black dress and pearls. But mainly after hearing "Chanel" I want to continue: "number five." Because these spirits will soon turn one hundred years old, and they are still at the peak of popularity. If they don’t like the classic version of the fragrance (due to its age), it is respected. Therefore, many flankers were released, and one of them is Chanel No. 5 Premier. Reviews about this fragrance will not let you lie: it is unique.

Small introduction

All the fragrances that have been released under this magical name throughout the Chanel fashion house have one thing in common - it's sweetness. There is not a single perfume in which there would be no sweet, spicy or oriental notes. No fresh and citrus flavors, no marine, translucent, white-flowered. All compositions are very rich, gourmet, deep and very sensual. Among them there are those who achieve the apotheosis of these indicators - this is the well-known initial version No. 5, and Soso. Along with them, more youthful variations are presented - for example, the Chance line. What to choose, and whether to choose Chanel in general, is a personal matter. But regardless of tastes, this brand is respected, honored and considered the standard of the classics. That is why in 2007 it was decided to update the original version of the fragrance, which Gabriel herself was developing. They did not dare to issue the same perfume with a new composition, so the flanker, which was called "Chanel No. 5 Premier," went on sale. Reviews instantly flooded the Internet. It was a new explosion of emotions and feelings, a new fragrance, a new story.

Gisele Büdchen in an advertisement for Chanel no. 5 Eau Premiere

a brief description of

The description of "Chanel No. 5 Premier" is worth starting with the fact that these spirits are just a bit like their distant ancestor. At their core, they are fundamentally new, keep up with the times and try to be universal. The tradition of the fashion house has been preserved in this - a woman should feel comfortable, and this applies not only to clothing, but also to aroma. He must be universal - to emphasize femininity during the day and make the image more elegant in the evening. Chanel No. 5 Eau Premiere is a new classic that would definitely appeal to modern Coco. But at the same time, the fragrance did not turn out to be another useless bottle against the backdrop of many new perfumes. In it are deeply and deeply hidden those notes that make us think for a second about whether this fragrance is vintage. What is the secret?

Chanel no. 5 Eau Premiere and Chanel Handbag

Olfactory Pyramid

The most important issue is the components from which the new Chanel No. 5 Premier was woven. The description of the fragrance and reviews make it clear how much the public has accepted it, but the list of its ingredients is the basis that allows you to build an unbiased opinion about perfume and understand what it smells like:

  • Initial notes are bergamot, aldehydes, ylang-ylang, lemon and neroli.
  • Heart notes are lily of the valley, rose and jasmine.
  • Base notes are vetiver, vanilla, sandalwood and amber.

So we learned the very secret of the Chanel No. 5 Premier fragrance - it's aldehydes. Frankly, since the beginning of the 90s, no one has allowed himself to add this component to the perfume. Production reached a new level of odors, and this component was considered a relic of the last century. But the Chanel masters took a chance and did not lose. These sharp, but at the same time tenacious and bright notes turned out to be very helpful in these spirits.

perfume Chanel no. 5 Eau Premiere

Impressions - they are so different

It is difficult to find two people who would say that Chanel No. 5 Eau Premiere evokes in them related associations, for example, dreams of a night of Paris or a chic party, or a luxurious lady ... For everyone, this fragrance is revealed in its own way, apart and very intimate. Thanks to this, he has another tricky feature - he often remains incognito. People smell the divine smell that comes from you, but they don’t even realize that this is the famous "Chanel No. 5 Premier". Reviews of some ladies make it clear that this fragrance is associated with powder mixed with citruses and roses, others are sure that the fragrance is filled with the fragrance of flowers and woody motifs, which instantly takes you to a flowering spring garden. But in one criterion all opinions and reviews agree: "Chanel No. 5 Premier" - perfumes are exquisite, delicate, multifaceted and incredibly majestic. They give the impression of a beautiful, well-groomed and stylish girl for whom there are no unsolvable problems. She is perfection itself.

Updated Chanel no. 5

How to tame a wild beast?

Coco Chanel had many secrets of beauty, tricks that she used in her craft, and other secrets. Often, she shared them with a narrow circle of the elect, and they were worth its weight in gold. After Mademoiselle left our world, her secrets remained with her followers, who led the eponymous fashion house. These secrets were revealed to the world in the inserts that were applied to each perfume. If you have stumbled somewhere on a negative review about Chanel No. 5 Premier perfume, be sure that the girl did not bother to study the information on the insert. It says that to reveal the aroma, you need to spray it off yourself, creating a light cloud, and go into it. Only in this way will you feel all the notes of these spirits, their integrity and originality. This cloud reveals the beauty and charm of Chanel.

Resistance and loop

Criteria that determine the quality of any aroma, whether it is citrus and watery or gourmet and spicy. What are the reviews regarding the durability of the Chanel 5 Eau Premiere? Like all perfumes of this elite brand, the fragrance is incredibly persistent. On the skin, perfumes last up to 12 hours, and even the next day they leave behind a light powdery-woody aftertaste. Often this fragrance is applied to clothes - so it starts to smell fragrant with luxury, and if you put the perfumed thing in a closet, then its "neighbors" are slightly saturated with a divine smell. Regarding the fur, only one thing can be said: with it, "Chanel No. 5 Premier" will live almost his whole life. Therefore, if you do not intend to change this aroma, then boldly spray it with a fur collar. If changes are planned, refrain from such a risky step.

Chanel no handbag versions. 5 Eau Premiere

Incredible and the train "Chanel No. 5 Premier." The reviews tell us that perfumes literally stretch for meters, noting even specific numbers - from 3 to 5. That is, you leave the room, and the aroma remains in it with enchanting notes of wood, citrus and powder. Moreover, he is not intrusive, easily perceived by others and makes them give you endless compliments.

To wear - not to wear ...?

There is a category of people who assigns all the fragrances from Chanel to Grandma’s Chest. For them, these perfumes seem too sweet, too aldehyde, too harsh, too balsamic, too, too, too ... Most likely, only those who like translucent toilet waters say so. But what can gourmets who spoiled their noses with hundreds of spicy and oriental flavors tell us? These perfumes were produced as a modern version of the original "number five." In those days, Coco released perfumes for a modern, young and confident woman - they corresponded to the fashion of 1921 and really emphasized youth and grace. Times have changed, that viscous aroma really grew old along with its creator, and on its basis a modern analogue was created. Now it suits modern young girls who know what they want from life, confidently walk towards their goals and at the same time always look like a million. The age range is 25-45 years, and only subject to status, style and great taste.

Perfume Chanel no. 5 Eau Premiere

How much depends on the weather?

Perfume "Chanel No. 5 Premier" - a complex and rich composition. Powder, oriental notes, wood and spices are clearly audible in it. These perfumes will be extremely unsuitable for spring and especially summer time. The only exception is a luxurious party where you can "put on" Chanel after the heat leaves. This aroma is most favorably revealed in the autumn or in the winter. At low temperatures, perfumes seem to “ring” on the body, but at the same time they warm with their spicy warmth and give a feeling of grace and beauty, even under outerwear. Another amazing quality of the fragrance is its interaction with water. It is worth falling into the rain, as citrus notes begin to appear, and on their background wood sounds. Perfume becomes thinner and brighter, more saturated and very interesting.

smaller version of Chanel no. 5 Eau Premiere

Consumer Opinions

Reviews on "Chanel Number 5 Premier" - proof that the updated version of the classic fragrance failed. New spirits managed to fit in a special charm and style of Chanel, and at the same time were on the same level with time. This is a fragrance that even a young girl can wear if she understands it, loves it and matches his style. Another feature of women is that the perfumes on each person sound differently. They can be both woody and citrus, both powdery and spicy-floral. The only one for whom it’s not at all unfortunate to pay the money that he costs.

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