Herpes type 6 in children. Herpes simplex virus type 6: treatment

Herpes is a very common viral disease. Studies prove that about 90% of people on the planet are carriers of this virus.

Herpes Types

There are several varieties of herpes. The herpes virus of the first type is manifested by a rash, similar to vesicles in the places through which the infection occurred. Herpes on the lip of a child occurs when the virus enters through the mouth with dirty hands, toys or dishes, as well as through kisses. The child experiences general malaise, the temperature may rise.

Herpes type 6 in children

Under favorable conditions that contribute to a decrease in immunity (hypothermia or overheating, stress), the virus activates, the manifestation of which is herpes on the lip of a child. Since the baby's immunity is not yet fully formed, the transition of this form of herpes to stomatitis is possible. Vesicles characteristic of the disease appear in the mouth, the child cannot normally eat and drink.

After this, the virus can infect the mucous membrane of the throat. In this case, a temperature increase of up to 40-41 degrees can be observed. Herpes in the throat of a child is manifested by characteristic rashes in the form of vesicles, which are surrounded by a red corolla and filled with a clear liquid. These rashes are accompanied by pain, so children refuse to eat. With improper treatment, herpes in the throat of a child can become chronic.

A baby can become infected with a genital (second) type of herpes while passing through the birth canal of the mother if she is suffering from this disease at the time of delivery.

Herpes virus type 6. Treatment

The disease proceeds mainly hard, since the baby's immunity has not yet been formed. Infection can spread to the entire body. Possible damage to the mucous membranes, umbilical wounds, conjunctiva of the eyes, skin, blood. In severe cases, internal organs and the central nervous system suffer.

During the initial infection with herpes of the third type, the child develops chickenpox. The secondary manifestation of the virus is in the form of herpes zoster (lichen).

The fourth, fifth and sixth types can cause infectious mononucleosis. This disease has an acute infectious nature, manifested by lymphocytosis, fever, sore throat, the patient's lymph nodes, liver and spleen increase.

Infection with the herpes virus of the fifth type (cytomegalovirus) occurs in early childhood only by direct contact with the carrier of the virus. Perhaps intrauterine infection. The disease in healthy children proceeds without symptoms, or they are minor. After a few days, the symptoms go away.

With a primary infection of the herpes virus of the sixth and seventh type, exanthema of the newborn occurs. An accurate diagnosis can only be made by a specialist.

Common features of all types of virus

  • Infection occurs from the carrier of the virus upon contact (from mother to fetus).
  • Once having recovered, a person remains a carrier of the virus forever.
  • Various favorable conditions (overheating or hypothermia, decreased immunity, vitamin deficiency, stress) contribute to the activation and active reproduction of the virus, which is accompanied by certain symptoms.

Herpesvirus type 6

Herpes simplex virus type 6 multiplies in lymphocytes and macrophages. It mainly affects T-lymphocytes. Two subspecies of the virus are known: A and B, each of them has its own epidemiological and genetic characteristics. The most common is type B, the risk of type A damage is present only in those who have weak immunity.

Basically, the disease proceeds imperceptibly, so most carriers of the virus are not even aware of its presence in the body. After the virus first manifests itself, the immune system will begin to develop protection, which in the future will constantly suppress its development. To date, there are no drugs that could destroy the herpes simplex virus type 6 in the body.

Most often, type 6 herpes in children develops before the age of 2 years. Since the transmission of the virus occurs mainly through saliva, infection in babies occurs almost from the very first days of contact with the mother or other infected people. Such a primary infection does not manifest itself in any way, but with a decrease in immunity, the disease can become more active.

How to treat herpes in children?

What is the danger of herpesvirus type six?

Herpes type 6 in children is an urgent problem of pediatrics. A baby can become infected very easily, but it is much more difficult for his body to fight the virus, since the child’s immunity is not yet fully formed. In addition, a significant increase in temperature can provoke febrile seizures. The child may lose consciousness, he rolls his eyes, the muscles twitch involuntarily. As a result of such seizures, the development of epilepsy is possible. Much less commonly, type 6 herpes in children has complications in the form of pneumonia, encephalitis, meningitis and myocarditis. Therefore, the sooner the disease is detected and therapeutic measures are taken, the better.


The incubation period is usually 1-2 weeks. The first sign of the disease is a sharp increase in temperature (up to 39-40 ° C). Herpes type 6 in children has two varieties that differ in the presence of a rash on the body.

In the first case, after the heat subsides, rashes of a pinkish tint in the form of individual spots or their clusters appear on the baby's body. So manifests herpes in children. A photo showing the picture of the disease can be seen below.

Herpes in children photo

The rash is accompanied by constant itching. This phenomenon has the name - baby roseola.

Rashes first occur on the back with a disease such as herpes in children. The photo above shows only the initial stage of the disease, then the rashes go to the neck, ears, arms, legs and abdomen. Combing them, children slow down the healing process. But at the same time, the well-being of the child does not suffer, the appetite is not impaired. The rash disappears after two to three days, leaving behind traces in the form of small wounds and dents.

Herpes on the body of a child is often mistaken for rubella, measles or allergic dermatitis. If the spots are pressed, they become white. In this way, the disease can be distinguished from rubella.

Herpes on the body of a child

Sometimes the disease is not accompanied by a rash, but manifests itself in the form of a fever. Herpes type 6 virus in children in this form is manifested by severe symptoms. The temperature can rise to 40-41 degrees, which is very negatively reflected in the condition of the child. The kid rolls his eyes, sharply jerks his arms and legs.

In addition, a runny nose with pus, coughing, nausea, problems with stools are possible, lymph nodes increase.


Since the disease can manifest itself in different ways, to make an accurate diagnosis, you need to contact a specialist who will advise how to treat herpes in children. As soon as the first symptoms are identified, drug therapy is prescribed.

Herpes in the throat of a child

Treatment of herpes simplex type 6 in children includes the use of antipyretic drugs based on paracetamol in the form of syrup or rectal suppositories. To avoid dehydration, the baby often needs to be drunk. Herbal teas, compotes and plain water are suitable for this purpose.

After a type 6 herpes virus has been detected in a child, treatment is carried out with antiviral drugs in the form of tablets or injections. The most effective way to combat this disease is Foscarnet. Such drugs as Lobucavir, Ganciclovir, Adefovir, and Zidofovir have also proved quite good. The dosage is determined by the attending physician depending on the age of the baby.

Herpes on the child’s body is treated with special ointments that are applied to the affected areas 4-5 times a day. It should be borne in mind that many drugs of this type are used only from the age of 12.

Herpes on the lip of a child

For a speedy recovery, medications are needed to stimulate the immune system, thanks to which antibodies are actively developed to resist the virus (Immunal, Proteflazid, Groprinosin). Their intake prevents the spread of infection to other parts of the body.

It is important to observe bed rest, the patient should avoid stress, eat right and get enough sleep. It will not be superfluous to take vitamins in order to strengthen the body as a whole.

After illness

As you know, the herpes virus remains in the body for life and, under favorable circumstances, manifests itself. But since a persistent immunity is developed after a disease, the re-development of the disease usually does not occur.

In order for the child to feel good and not be bothered by the unpleasant manifestations of the virus, it is necessary to carefully follow the rules of hygiene - do not forget to wash your hands, have an individual towel, etc.


Infection is promoted by a decrease in immunity, therefore, first of all, it is necessary to do its strengthening. To do this, you need:

  • observe the daily routine. A full sleep for the baby and good nutrition are very important;
  • consume more fruits and vegetables, natural juices and lean meat are useful;
  • babies need to try to breastfeed longer, thanks to this, the baby's immune system is formed correctly;
  • young children need activities such as gymnastics and massage;
  • less often with a child to visit crowded places where it is very easy to catch an infection;
  • take vitamins recommended by your doctor.

If you still could not avoid infection, you need to start treatment in a timely manner under the guidance of a specialist who will tell you how to treat herpes in children and how to avoid its possible consequences, which can be very dangerous.

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