Nastasya Kinsky, actress: biography, personal life, filmography

People familiar with German cinema might think that the biography of Nastasya Kinsky was formed thanks to her father, actor Klaus Kinsky. But this is completely untrue.

Nastasya can be called a woman who "created herself." Her father did not pave her way to either the theatrical stage or the set.

But still he gave her, as well as her brother and sister, the genetic set that is required to reach the heights in the world of cinema. Having no connections there, the young girl managed to show herself and achieve success.

In this article we will talk about the difficult childhood of the actress, her reckless youth and balanced maturity. We will also give a short analysis of the films starring Kinsky.

What is Nastasya working on now? And what is the personal life of the actress? If she has children? We will also devote attention to this issue.

Nastasya Aglaia Nakshinsky

Early childhood

The birthplace of Nastasya Kinsky is Germany, or rather, West Berlin. Her father - German actor Klaus Karl Gunter Kinski - met a simple 20-year-old saleswoman Ruth Brigitta Totsky and married her. This was his second marriage.

Before Totsky, Kinsky was married to Gislind KĂĽlbek, who in 1952 gave him a daughter, Paul. The marriage with a saleswoman from West Berlin was also not durable. Already in 1969, the actor married a Vietnamese student, Minha Genevieve Loanic, whom he met at a party in Rome.

From her, Nastasya appeared (in 1976) half-brother Nicholas. And at the end of his life, the windy Klaus Kinsky was married to actress Deborah Capriollo. In fact, children at birth bore the real name of their father - Nakshinsky, since he had Polish roots and was born in Sopot (near Gdansk). At that time, when his youngest daughter was born, and this happened on January 24, 1961, Klaus Kinski was fond of Russian classical literature. He decided to name the newborn girl Nastasya Aglaia - in honor of two characters of Dostoevsky’s novel “Idiot”.

In 1968, the parents of the future actress separated. The girl stayed with her mother.

Nastasya Kinsky biography

The fateful role of the father?

Perhaps Klaus Nakshinsky did not accidentally play the roles of psychopaths in films. In 1988, in order to foster public interest in his person, the actor published memoirs under the title Kinski Uncut.

The cover of this book is decorated with a photograph taken in 1972, depicting Nastasya Kinsky in the arms of his father. In his memoirs, the actor explicitly alludes to an incestuous relationship with his teenage daughter.

Nastasya called it a dirty lie, but in an interview admitted that her father was a "strange man." Even more evidence that the actor who died in 1991 was a pedophile who raped his daughters, was given by Nastasya's sister, Paula.

In 2013, she released a book of her own memoirs, “Lips of the Baby,” where she directly accuses her father of this perversion. Nastya commented on this information evasively: she said that she “cried a lot when she read the book”, and also “considers her sister a heroine, because she found the strength to declare it.”

When asked whether Paula suffered her fate, the actress admitted that her father sexually molested her. One way or another, but both sisters did not appear at the father’s funeral.


After the divorce, the mother and daughter were frankly in poverty. Nastasya lived in Munich, and a year (from 1971 to 1972) in the capital of Venezuela, Caracas. Mother did not work, but connected her life with her lover, who also did not want to work.

The family first lived by selling the things that remained in the house, then moved into the camper. Nastasya Aglaia Nakshinsky had to steal groceries in stores to feed herself.

She traveled by public transport with a hare, for which she was repeatedly fined. But their girl avoided paying. This, in the end, led to the fact that the aspiring actress was arrested right at the airport when she returned to Munich after filming "Stay yourself."

She had to spend three months in a juvenile colony. In 1977, Nastasya dropped out of school at Munich's Willy Graf Grammar School, as it was hard for a crazy girl to be educated. As the actress herself admitted, in her teens she led a hectic life, and went to parties every night.

Nastasya Kinsky Germany

Connection with Polanski

There is another common myth about the career of Nastasya Kinsky. Say, the famous director and producer Roman Polanski made her way into the cinema. The love affair between him and the actress really was.

But a year before meeting Polanski, Nastasya made her debut in Wim Wenders' German film, The False Movement (1975). There, the actress played the dumb role of the autistic girl Mignon.

The result (and end) of that three-year novel is the film “Tess” - an adaptation of Thomas Hardy’s novel “Tess from the d'Herberville Family”. Polanski drove the girl to America to pull up her acting technique at Lee Strasberg's academy, and then decided to entrust her with a central image in Tess.

Kinski once starred for the magazine "Vogue". But there it was Polanski who was the invited editor. The director later recalled that, just then, looking at the girl, he thought that she would be "perfect Tess."

When a sexual scandal erupted around Polanski, the actress supported the accused, assuring that then on his part it was not seduction, but simply flirting.

Nastasya Kinsky and Roman Polanski

Nastasya Kinsky: Early Films

As the heroine of our story herself assures, lack of money prompted her to act in films. The fee for a role without words in the False Movement was scanty, but it was this work that gave her career a powerful start.

For her, she was awarded the Deutscher Filmpreis Outstanding Achievement Award. In this film, the actress is noted under her real name Nakshinsky. She later took her father's creative pseudonym.

And he, in turn, “shortened” his surname in order to cause association with the aristocratic Czech Kinsky family. Two subsequent films were also fruitful. For the role of a schoolgirl and a teacher’s mistress in the Certificate of Maturity (1977), aspiring actress Nastasya Kinsky received the Bambi Award.

In the same year, she played in the first English film, "The Daughter of Satan." But the world fame brought her work in "As You Are," with Marcello Mastroianni.

Gradually loomed the role of the actress - a teenage girl, consisting in a love affair with an adult man. In all of her early films, Kinski appeared nude. Soon, the actress was offered the first main role - in the comedy "Hotel" Passion Flower ".


A fleeting acquaintance under doubtful circumstances, Nastasya with Polansky grew into a long friendship. Back in 1976, the director hatched the idea of ​​filming Hardy's novel "Tess of the d'Herberville family."

But before offering the young actress the main role, he, as mentioned above, sent her to acquire a professional stage education in Los Angeles. After a 6-month training there, Nastasya Kinsky moved to the county of Dorset, where the events described by Thomas Hardy unfolded.

She lived on a farm where she milked cows and worked to acquire the peasant's manners. Living in Dorset also helped her get rid of her German accent.

The success of the film "Tess" gave Kinsky worldwide recognition. She received the Golden Globe and was nominated for a Cesar.

Nastasya Kinsky movies

Other films of the 80s

At the Cannes Film Festival, the actress met Francis Coppola, who offered her the role of a circus tightrope walker in the film “With All My Heart” (1982). In the same year, Kinsky plays Cat People.

This work earned her a Saturn Award nomination. Later came the roles in “In sight” and “Spring Symphony”. Since the mid- 80s, the actress temporarily leaves mass cinema and participates in arthouse films.

Nastasya Kinsky starred in Wenders in “Paris, Texas” and “So Far, So Close”, in A. Konchalovsky in “Beloved Mary” and “Potudan River”.

Her roles are known in the film adaptation of the Turgenev novel "Spring Waters" and Dostoevsky's novel "Humiliated and Offended."

Actress Nastasya Kinsky

Recent work of the actress

The restructuring and interest of the world community in Russia in the early 90s brought success to those films in which Nastasya Kinski was shot. But the role in “Humiliated and Offended” was also the beginning of the sunset of the star.

In 1993, she still starred in the arthouse "So Far, So Close." But since the mid-90s, she was offered only secondary roles in Hollywood action films, which received fairly low ratings from film critics.

This period includes the actress’s works in “Speed ​​of Fall”, “Intruder”, “One Night Appointment”, “American Rhapsody”, and “The Godmother”. Then there were minor roles in the television series.

Her last appearance on the big screen is the film “Inland Empire”. It is known that one long scene with the actress was deleted during the installation.

Nastasya Kinsky: personal life

Despite the frustrated youth, the actress took seriously the choice of satellite. They became producer Ibrahim Musa, an American with Egyptian roots. He was 15 years older than Kinsky.

Before getting married, the actress gave birth to a son, who gave the Russian name Alyosha (July 1984). Two months later, the couple officially married. With her husband, Kinski met during the filming of “With All My Heart” and “Cat People”.

In 1986, the family moved to Switzerland. There was born the daughter of Sonya Leila. Now she is a fashion model. Several times the family went to Egypt to see the parents of Ibrahim Musa.

About her husband, Kinski said that he was a very liberal Muslim, never required her to change her faith and did not impose closed clothes. Nevertheless, the actress left him in 1991 for the sake of the American composer Quincy Jones.

The couple did not formalize their relationship officially. But as a result of living together with a man who was 28 years older than the actress, in 1993 the daughter of Nastasya Kinsky was born, who was named Kenya Julia Miamba Sara.

Daughter Nastasia Kinski


Despite the fact that the actress is no longer removed, she left a significant mark in the cinema. Her sister Paula, brother Klaus, as well as cousin Lara Nakshinsky, also became famous as stage workers.

Nastasya herself was twice a laureate of the German Deutsche Filmprice award (in 1975 and 1983). She was also awarded the Golden Globe Award (in 1981).

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