Actor Boris Novikov: biography, family, films

Our hero today is the famous Soviet actor Boris Novikov, on whose account there are several dozens of vivid roles in big movies. Want to know the details of his biography, creative and personal life? Then we recommend reading the article from beginning to end.

Actor Boris Novikov

Biography: childhood and youth

Novikov Boris Kuzmich was born on July 13, 1925 at the Ryazhsk-1 station in the Ryazan province. His parents are ordinary people who earned money by hard physical labor.

He grew up an active and obedient boy. Boris studied well at school, attended various circles. Teachers praised him for his efforts, craving for knowledge and responsible approach to any business.

Boris's youth fell on the war years. The guy was admitted to the Red Army. He returned from the war and took up education. Our hero went to Moscow. There, he managed to enter the school-studio of Y. Zavadsky the first time .

Theatrical work

In 1948, Boris was awarded a diploma of graduation. He had no problems finding a job. A young and talented actor was accepted into the troupe of the Theater. Moscow City Council. For a long time was on the sidelines. And only in 1961 he was able to fully demonstrate his creative abilities and talent. Novikov played Vasily Terkin in the same production. He accurately conveyed the character and emotional mood of his character.

In 1963, the actor had to leave the Theater. Moscow City Council. And all because of the terrible persecution that his troupe colleagues arranged for him. Novikov got a job at the Satire Theater. On the stage of this institution, he performed in 1972. During this time, Boris played many bright roles. For example, in Intervention Novikov was a pharmacist. And in the production of "The Old Maid," he tried on the image of Churin.

Few people know that actor Boris Novikov suffered a heart attack in 1971. And for more than 20 years he struggled with diabetes. Due to poor health, the artist was forced to say goodbye to the stage. Since 1972, he was no longer listed in the troupe of the Theater of Satire.

Boris Novikov: films

When did our hero first appear on the screens? It happened back in 1954. He was approved for a small role in the film "Birthmarks. Involuntarily auditors. " The young actor saw the filming process from the inside. Boris liked everything. He made every effort to develop a film career.

Initially, Novikov had to play negative characters: bandits, spies, drunkards and others. Boris received his first significant role in 1958. He successfully got used to the image of Mitka Korshunov in the film “Quiet Don”.

After the filming of the film “Shadows disappear at noon”, the actor learned about what All-Union fame is. His character was Taras Kupiproday.

Boris novikov movies

More than 150 films starred Boris Novikov. Films in which he starred are listed below:

  • “The Extraordinary City” (1962) - Evgeny Oblaposhkin;
  • "Shot" (1966) - Kuzma;
  • “Seven Old Men and One Girl” (1968) - Stepan Bubnov;
  • “These are the stories” (1974) - Gavrilych;
  • “Father and Son” (1979) - Porfiry Isaev;
  • "Autumn Dreams" (1987) - Mikita;
  • "Far Away" (1990) - Stepan;
  • The Talking Monkey (1991) - Vasilich.

Last years

In the early 1990s, domestic cinema was experiencing a severe crisis. Films were shot a little. Actors have been unemployed for months. Boris Kuzmich was no exception. He hoped that some director would offer him an interesting role. But there were no calls.

Armadillo Return

Actor Boris Novikov continued to act. He got small roles. However, he was pleased with any work. And in 1997, luck smiled on the artist. Boris Kuzmich starred in the film “The Return of the Battleship.” Director Gennady Poloka was pleased with the collaboration with him. After all, our hero for 100% coped with the tasks assigned to him. The Russian-Belarusian film “The Return of the Battleship” was watched by millions of viewers. Many of them liked the image created by Boris Kuzmich.

The last role of Novikov took place after he left this mortal world. How can this be? Shortly before his death, the actor starred in the detective series "Transit for the Devil." And the picture was released only in 1999. Footage with the participation of Boris Kuzmich got into the film. However, the role for him was voiced by Yuri Sarantsev.

Personal life of Boris Novikov

A handsome guy with a radiant smile always attracted the attention of girls. However, our hero could not be called a womanizer and womanizer. He dreamed of marrying once and for life. As a result, it happened.

Personal life of Boris Novikov

Our hero met his wife Nadezhda Klimovich as a student. She also chose the acting profession. Their romance was rapidly developing. Soon the lovers got married. The celebration turned out to be modest. But the eyes of the bride and groom shone with happiness. In this marriage, a son Sergei was born. The boy was constantly sick and greatly lagged behind in development. In 1975 he was diagnosed with a cerebrovascular spasm. In order to avoid complications and seizures, Sergey had to take special medications.


Acting is not the only area in which Boris Kuzmich worked. He was a great vocalist. The song in his performance sounded in the film "On the Count's Ruins" (1957). Surely many of you remember the next line - "Because of a pair of loose braids ...".

Boris Novikov biography

Boris Novikov, whose biography we are considering, voiced many animated films. At one time, his voice was spoken by such characters as the postman Pechkin from Prostokvashino, the black-skinned crook from The Adventures of Vasya Kurochkin, and so on.

In May 1961, B. Novikov was awarded the title "Honored Artist of the RSFSR". But that is not all. In August 1994, he became a People’s Artist of the Russian Federation.


In recent years, our hero almost did not leave home and spoke with few people. Before his death, he was bedridden. The only person who looked after him and provided moral support was his wife Nadezhda. The family was in great need of money. After all, a sick actor needed good nutrition and expensive medications. Every month, Leonid Yarmolnik sent him $ 200 each from the L-Club. However, more money was required for treatment.

Novikov boris kuzmich

July 25, 1997 Boris Novikov left this world. The sad thing is that no one noticed his departure. Then the International Film Festival was held in the capital. All famous artists and directors participated in this event. At the funeral of Boris Novikov was attended by several people - his wife and elderly relatives. The famous actor found his last shelter at the Danilovsky Cemetery in Moscow. A few years ago, a monument of black marble was erected on his grave. Money was collected by ordinary citizens.

Another tragedy

The hardest death of the actor was experienced by his wife Nadezhda Antonovna. The woman became isolated in herself, stopped communicating with friends and relatives. The film actors guild began to patronize Nadezhda Novikova and her seriously ill son. They were provided with medical and material assistance.

From year to year, the health status of Nadezhda Antonovna noticeably worsened. Once she fell in her apartment and broke her neck. This event turned out to be fatal. The widow of the famous actor lay down. September 18, 2008 she died.

Unpleasant story with the son of Boris Novikov

The only heir to Nadezhda Antonovna was her son. It was he who got the kopeck piece on Kotelnicheskaya embankment. At that time, housing was estimated at $ 1 million. After the death of his mother, Sergey was left completely alone. The fraudster Nadezhda Bondarenko took advantage of this.

She worked as a nurse and received a penny. And here on her life path appeared the son of Boris Novikov. The woman attracted a mentally unhealthy man, promised him help and protection.

Soon, Nadezhda Bondarenko developed an insidious plan. She found guardians for Sergey. These were dummies who agreed to play a role for the fee.

The son of Boris Novikov

In April 2009, the son of Boris and Nadezhda Novikov suddenly disappeared. Neighbors and family friends began to worry about him. Later they managed to find out that his apartment was sold. Now the housing belongs to Nadezhda Bondarenko. And what happened to Sergey? Firstly, he was prescribed in a dilapidated house located in the Tver region. Secondly, a mentally ill man was placed in a psychiatric hospital. Alekseeva (Kashchenko). Friends of the family have repeatedly tried to help Sergei return housing. And not so long ago, they managed to do this through the courts.


Now you know where he was born, studied, with whom he was married and when actor Boris Novikov died. In the life of this wonderful person there were ups and downs, sad and joyful moments. He made a considerable contribution to the development of Soviet cinema. Bright memory to him ...

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