Of all beef cattle, the Hereford breed of cows is considered to be almost the best in the world, which is somewhat inferior only to Aberdeen Angus, and even then not in all countries: there are states that categorically prefer herefords. And the breed is really worthy of attention.
Breeding history
Selection began in the English county of Herefordshire at the end of the 17th century and was successful by the middle of the 18th. In the ancestors, the Hereford breed of cows had local livestock, rather small and used in several directions: as draft and meat and dairy. The selection was aimed at increasing the weight of individuals, accelerating their maturation (increasing early maturity) and switching the intended purpose exclusively to meat. The breeding results were so successful that since 1846 there has been a pedigree breed book, and by the end of the 19th century it spread throughout almost the whole world. Herefords were also brought to the USSR in the 30s of the 20th century.
Hereford Exterior
One of the main pedigree features is a red suit of cows with a white head. Moreover, white-headedness is transmitted even when crossing with other breeds. The abdomen, the bottom of the chest, the brush on the tail are also white. Marks of this color are also on the scruff and withers. The horns are white, but dark at the tips. The constitution is strong, sometimes even rude. The lines of the withers, back, lower back and sacrum are straight. Legs set wide and short. The chest is round, broad, with a pronounced developed breast. Representatives of the Hereford breed of cows (photo is on the same page) are massive and quite large: an adult uterus weighs about 700 kg, and a bull-producer often reaches a weight per ton.
Advantages and features of the breed
Its main advantage is the easy breeding of cows. They are undemanding to feed, free pasture grazing is widely used, during which livestock eats up all the greens, including weeds and what is considered coarse. Thus, the Hereford breed of cows does not need specially sown pastures.
Cattle have a long life expectancy - up to 18 years, but no less than 15. This is quite a lot for cows. Moreover, throughout life they retain the ability to reproduce; the quality of young animals does not fall from the aging of the uterus.
The Hereford breed of cows is small-fruited, that is, calves are born relatively small - about 25 kg. This allows the birth to pass without any difficulties and without additional help from the person. If in the finishing department the litter changes regularly and remains dry, the calves are practically never sick; their survival rate is close to 98 percent. With light weight, calves grow quickly at the beginning of life; by one and a half years, heifers gain up to 400 kg, and gobies - 430-450. It is this early maturity that stimulates the breeding of cows of this breed.
Separately, it is worth noting the high adaptability of the breed, which is well acclimatized to a much hotter or colder climate than English. In addition, even calves easily tolerate long hauls without losing weight.
The output of meat during slaughter averages 65%. As a result of good content and normal fattening, the percentage reaches 70. Plus, meat from herefords receive the so-called marble, which is much higher than usual. It is because of all the advantages that the Hereford cow possesses, its price is much higher than for animals of other breeds.
However, she also has some nuances that can be considered disadvantages. Hereford breed of cows has an important feature that must be considered when deciding on its breeding. The uterus is so small in milk that it cannot be milked. Therefore, the calves stay on the suction of months to eight.
Arrangement of cowsheds for queens with calves
It is best to get along with loose housing both in the barn and on walking spaces. The barn itself is equipped around the perimeter with separate rooms for queens with calves, in the center there are drinking bowls with feeders. It is also necessary to allocate a pen in which the grown calves will be fed. At the end of the barn, far from the entrance, a clan department is set up where real cows are transferred a couple of days before calving. There they will stay the first week after him. The main conditions for equipping a barn for keeping uterus with calves are: cleanliness, absence of drafts and dry bedding. Heating even in harsh winters should not be excessive: adult individuals are quite frost-resistant, and calves, when freezing, are buried in hay.
Differences in the diet of producers, “nursing mothers” and calves
Just note that slaughter cattle can be fed with ordinary hay mixed with salt and barley crusher. For lactating cows, the diet should be much richer and more diverse: roughage - not more than 45%, silage - about 25, and at least 20% concentrates. Added to the feed and nutrition: bone meal and phosphates (diammonium, tricalcium, etc.). Production bulls have good cereal and bean hay, succulent feed and concentrates. Calves up to three months are mainly treated with breast milk, but hay can be offered already from 2-3 weeks. A calf that has reached 200 kg (on average, this happens by the age of 8 months, but it is not uncommon for a six-month-old calf to gain such weight), is isolated from the uterus - so it will mature faster and its reproductive abilities will be higher.
We can say that it is precisely because of the investments that the Hereford cow requires for breeding that its price is much lower than it could be.
Buy herefords
It remains to mention how much the Hereford breed of cows costs. The price of calves that have not yet passed the suckling age is quite low - from 130 rubles per kilogram of pedigree young and 115 - intended for slaughter. Pedigree cattle, weaned from the mother, transferred to a common nutrition system and matured for reproductive activity, will cost 300 rubles per kilo. And the cow, at least twice bringing high-quality offspring, is estimated at 500 rubles. per kilogram of live weight.