Fasting days on green tea: pros and cons, rules, effectiveness and reviews

Fasting days on green tea not only help to stabilize weight, but also cleanse the body well. Heals the human body. They help activate metabolic processes. A positive effect on well-being. They are not easy to withstand, but the result fully justifies all efforts.

Drink properties

Fasting days on green tea are good because during this period the body receives many healing substances that are contained in this drink. First of all, these are groups of vitamins C, B and PP. Still green tea is rich in trace elements such as iodine, potassium, fluoride and copper. It contains antioxidants, polyphenols and flavonoids. These substances protect cells from the negative effects of the environment, including the effects of free radicals. If tea is prepared correctly, then it retains all the healing qualities. And only benefits the body.

The drink normalizes the pressure in hypertension. It positively affects the body with liver pathology and atherosclerosis. Prevents the occurrence of oncology, cardiovascular pathologies and lowers the amount of sugar in the blood. Fluid is good for people with bad teeth. Improves the functioning of the kidney organ. Establishes the work of all internal organs. It has diuretic properties, which helps to lose weight. Has zero calorie content.

If you regularly resort to tea fasting days, then there is a chance to extend life expectancy by seven years.

Fasting days: options

Fasting days on green tea

Fasting days require a certain willpower, not everyone can withstand them. There are several variations of this mono-diet, these are:

  • Fasting day on green tea with milk. This combination of products helps reduce the negative effects of caffeine, which is found in large quantities in green tea. At the same time, green tea, due to its tannin content, prevents bloating, often caused by milk. To prepare a drink for weight loss, you need to take 4 tsp. tea, pour them with a liter of boiling milk. The resulting product should stand for twenty minutes. After that, you need to strain it and drink a glass. The interval between drinks is three hours.
  • Fasting day on grapefruit and green tea. In this embodiment, green tea is drunk in unlimited quantities. Additionally, consume one and a half kilograms of grapefruit. The total number of fruits is divided into five receptions and eaten in between, between tea receptions. It is allowed to add a little honey to the drink.
  • Fasting day on cottage cheese and green tea. The most sparing diet. The drink is consumed every three hours. In between eat cottage cheese to reduce hunger. The total daily amount of curd product should not exceed 400 g.
  • Fasting day on apples and green tea. 1.5 kg of apples and 5-6 glasses of green tea are consumed per day. The drink can be consumed both in cold and in hot form.
  • One-day diet on green tea and honey. Honey is added to tea to relieve hunger. With him, the fasting day is easier to carry. Honey saturates the body with useful substances and improves the functioning of all internal organs. Take a teaspoon of honey in a cup of tea.
  • Green tea combined with kefir. The fermented milk product with green tea not only relieves hunger, but also normalizes the intestines. Improves the overall health of the body. With this diet, green tea is drunk every three hours, and kefir is consumed at intervals. The daily rate of fermented milk product is 1.5 liters.
  • Water and green tea. The most stringent diet option. All day you can only drink. Any food is prohibited. This mono-diet helps to normalize hydroflow. Helps to cleanse the body. Removes toxins and toxins.
  • One-day diet with green tea and dried fruits. Such a diet is not very strict. Of dried fruits, nutritionists advise choosing dried apricots. It is believed that this product is rich not only in vitamins and minerals, but also contains organic acids, pectins. They accelerate the process of fat burning and help to lose weight. In addition, dried apricots normalizes the activity of the gastrointestinal apparatus and relieves the body of harmful substances. The daily norm of dried apricots is 0.5 kg.

In any diet, water should be drunk at least one liter per day. One day a week spent on green tea not only helps to lose weight, but also cleanses the body well. It improves metabolism. If such unloading is carried out systematically, then you can achieve remarkable results without resorting to long and strict diets.

Fasting day on green tea with milk

Pros of fasting day

Fasting days on green tea have many advantages. Among which:

  • short diet, because you should stick to this diet only one day;
  • excellent results, up to 2 kg per day;
  • mono-diet allows you to keep weight normal;
  • stabilization of blood cholesterol;
  • fat burning;
  • normalization of blood pressure;
  • prevention of cancer;
  • cleansing the body of harmful substances;
  • reducing the risk of diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • general well-being.

Still green tea has antibacterial, neuroprotective, anti-inflammatory, antiviral properties. The quality of the drink positively affects the work of the whole body. Heals and rejuvenates the body.

Negative sides

Green tea fasting day reviews

In addition to the benefits, this diet has negative aspects. This is the scarcity and uniformity of the diet, which does not always allow drowning hunger. For this reason, many break down and can not stand the mono-diet. Still green tea raises pressure, which categorically does not suit hypertensive patients and people with cardiovascular pathologies. In addition, the drink greatly tones the body, excites. A drunk cup of tea before bedtime can cause insomnia. Tea has a pronounced diuretic effect, therefore, following this diet, a lot of water should be taken so that the balance in the body is not disturbed.

In general, the fasting day with green tea and milk received positive reviews. There are very few discontented persons.

Features of the diet

You need to prepare for the fasting day. Gradually reduce the amount of food consumed. Exclude sweets, flour products, spicy and salty dishes from the diet. Do not eat convenience foods. And dinner, before unloading on tea, should be light, without drinking alcohol.

Fasting day on grapefruit and green tea

The total amount of green tea that needs to be drunk per day is 1.5-2 liters. The indicated volume is divided into 5-6 mugs. Drink the drink in slow sips, dulling the feeling of hunger.

If you experience weakness or dizziness, it is allowed to eat a little dried fruit or cottage cheese.

The fasting day should always be a weekend. This day you should not leave the house. You need to have more rest and less to load yourself with household chores. You should not engage in active physical activity on this day, as they will arouse appetite, which will be difficult to control.

Do not forget about water. You need to drink it at least a liter on the day of unloading and the same amount the next day. This approach will prevent dehydration caused by the diuretic properties of tea.

Exit monodiet should be gradual. You need to eat little by little, and the dishes should be light and easily absorbed by the body. These are porridges on water, steamed, stewed or baked vegetables. Dairy, fish and chicken are allowed.

If there are health problems and chronic diseases, it is worthwhile to consult a doctor.

Fasting days on green tea: the result

Green tea milk fasting day reviews

Every day spent on green tea removes up to 2 kg. This result is achieved due to fluid loss in the body. If you do not adhere to proper nutrition and do not spend regularly fasting days, then the weight will return quickly. With the systematic use of mono-diets, you can achieve amazing results and lose impressive weight. Stabilize the work of the whole body and improve health.

Fasting day on green tea: reviews

Reviews about mono-diet are very different. The positive opinion of those who are losing weight says that fasting day on green tea helps them to keep fit. Well cleanses the body of toxins and toxins. A positive effect on the activity of the gastrointestinal tract. It makes you feel light. It improves well-being. These people sit on a mono diet every week and lose weight from 500 g to 2 kg. In their opinion, the diet is easily tolerated, and green tea dulls hunger. In this category of people, fasting day did not cause side effects and helped remove excess weight.

Fasting day cottage cheese and green tea

Negative opinions of those losing weight say that green tea should not be drunk in such quantities, since it can cause hypertension, insomnia and stomach problems. These people withstood the mono-diet and did not see the result, the weight remained unchanged. According to them, you should not risk your health and resort to this diet. It’s better to eat right, then the effect will not take long.

The opinion of nutritionists

Unloading day on water and green tea nutritionists find it useful. And if there are no health problems, then it is advised to resort to it once a week. They say that at first the body loses weight due to the intense loss of water in the body. But if you practice these days constantly, then soon the body will begin to part with fat reserves. The process of losing weight will occur more intensively. First, the folds from the waist will leave, then the hips will become more slender, and only then will the rest of the body be built.


Despite the effectiveness of mono-diet, it should not be resorted to during pregnancy and lactation. Do not consume a lot of green tea for bone problems, as potassium will be washed out with the lost fluid. Fasting day is not suitable for people who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract and in case of impaired renal function.

Do not drink the drink for people with hypertension, pathologies of the cardiovascular system and diabetes. Diet is not suitable for those who have problems with the digestibility of iron.

You can not follow a mono diet for a long time. Prolonged deprivation of the body's food can cause dizziness, a feeling of fatigue, anxiety, impaired coordination of movement and bloating. If negative symptoms occur, the use of tea should be stopped and seek help from a doctor.

Which tea is better to choose?

Fasting day on water and green tea

While following this diet, the quality of tea is also important. For a fasting day, you should choose loose tea and refuse bagged tea. The first has more pronounced diuretic properties, contains more nutrients and will act more effectively.

How to brew

Fasting days on green tea are undoubtedly useful, but on condition that the drink was prepared correctly. The sequence for preparing green tea for weight loss is as follows:

  1. Pour boiling water over the kettle.
  2. Put dry tea leaves in a teapot. On a teaspoon of tea you need to take 250 ml of water.
  3. Pour tea with a temperature of 80 Β° C. First, the teapot is filled by a quarter, then to half, and only then they are added to the full volume.
  4. A container of tea is covered with a towel and allowed to infuse for five minutes.

Tea leaves can be used up to three times. To prepare a drink, you should choose glass or porcelain containers and abandon plastic dishes, which will negate all the useful properties of tea.

Having prepared the drink correctly, you can spend a fasting day on green tea. With milk, the drink is prepared in a similar way. Only instead of water use a dairy product.

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