Hand skin diseases, treatment and prevention

Diseases of the skin of the hands, which have a different etiology, are determined by external symptoms and with the help of laboratory tests. So, various purulent rashes can be caused by streptococci and staphylococci. These diseases occur with burns, scratching, cuts and severe contamination of the hands. They are characterized by characteristic rashes of red color (pustules), which eventually suppurate. The best prevention of pustular diseases is the cleanliness of the hands and the elimination of the causes of excessive pollution. Skin lesions should be treated in time with appropriate medications.

Hand skin diseases can also be caused by parasites such as scabies mites. Scabies is a very unpleasant contagious disease, from which almost no one is safe. It can be infected almost everywhere. With this disease on the surface of the hands, scabies moves that the parasite - the scabies mite - makes. At the initial stage, moves are found between the fingers, and if measures are not taken in time, they can spread further. The disease is characterized by severe itching. Treatment is prescribed by a dermatologist. It will require perseverance and preventive measures aimed at isolating patients and treating them with antiparasitic drugs.

Diseases of the skin of the hands caused by viruses and transmitted through close contact are called warts. The development of this disease is preceded by skin injuries, dryness, hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating) and a decrease in the acid-base balance of the skin. The incubation period of the disease is from a week to 4-5 years.

Warts come in various shapes. The elimination of these unpleasant neoplasms by folk remedies is not an effective method of dealing with them. Recently, they can be relatively easily removed with liquid nitrogen, lapis pencil, vinegar essence. Laser cutting and electrocoagulation are among the most advanced treatments for warts.

Fungus of the skin of the hands, the treatment of which is complicated by increased infectious disease - a common skin disease. It is quickly transmitted to other people, which leads to the need to treat all people who are in close contact with sick people. Diseases of the skin of the hands caused by fungi can easily spread to the nails and skin of the feet. Treatment is prescribed by a dermatologist.

A very dangerous disease of the skin of the hands is ringworm, also related to fungal infections transmitted by contact. The main symptom of the disease is reddish sores, mild or severe itching.

Signs of nail fungus on the hands: yellow spots on the nail plate, longitudinal grayish or whitish stripes on the sides of the nail plate, thinning of the nail plate and its deformation, thickening of the nail rollers and a change in its normal color. When infected with mold, the color of the nail changes. It can acquire yellow, green, blue, brown and even black color. In any case, one cannot diagnose oneself without conducting appropriate analyzes. With any changes in the appearance of the nail plate, you must contact a specialist. It is the dermatologist who, having carried out all the necessary studies, can establish an accurate diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

Recently, various dermatitis and eczema have arisen, caused by different chemicals contained in household chemicals. For their prevention, you must constantly use protective equipment (rubber gloves) when working with chemicals. Although there are a great many different recipes of traditional medicine that promise a quick cure for skin diseases, in such cases it is better to contact a medical institution, and alternative methods should only be concomitant with the main additional treatment.

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