Housing issue few people are not interested in modern society. This is a very urgent topic: where to settle, how to find profitable housing, where to buy an apartment? Almost all, sooner or later, are faced with the problem of housing, and it does not matter whether it is about buying an apartment or about renting it. More often it began to come about minors who want to rent a living space.
In the Russian Federation, despite the significant housing market, renting an apartment is unprofitable and unsafe for this part of the population. And the question is not even how many years you can rent an apartment, how to pay it, etc., but whether the owner will take responsibility to rent the apartment to a minor.
Housing problem
Even adults can not always afford a separate living space, therefore they are forced to live with their parents or share an apartment with other people. Both options remain questionable when it comes to normal life. What can be said about adolescents in this case? For example, is it possible to rent an apartment at the age of 16 in Russia or is it excluded? Let age be a couple of years less or more, are there any chances to live alone? How long can I rent an apartment for rent? After all, situations in life are different. These and other questions will be answered later in the article.
What the law says
How many years can I rent an apartment? According to the law of the Russian Federation, people who have reached the age of eighteen years are recognized as fully capable. From 14 to 18 years, despite the fact that the child may already feel like an adult, all his actions are controlled either by parents, or guardians, or by government bodies. Therefore, when the question arises whether it is possible to rent an apartment at 15 years old independently, the unequivocal answer is no.
However, it is worth considering situations where this is necessary. For example, studying in another city.
The hostel is not provided in all educational institutions (officially - in all budget, but not everywhere, free places can be found), so you still have to rent a house. But how?
The Civil Code of the Russian Federation, namely article 26, states that a child from 14 to 18 years of age is recognized as partially capable by the state, therefore he can be responsible for his actions, perform some financial transactions, and conclude agreements. A prerequisite is written permission from the parents to complete all actions.
It is worth considering the standard situation when the child went to study. At the time of graduation, he can be from 14 to 17 years old. The question is: can a child live alone and is it possible to rent an apartment at the age of 14? From this age, officially, a child can rent an apartment with the consent of adults. To do this, parents in free form write permission. There is no rigid form, it may look like this:
โI (surname, name, patronymic, year of birth, passport data) agree to conclude a transaction of my son / daughter (the data of the child is entered) with the landlord to rent an apartment at (address is indicated).
Date, Signature
Can I rent an apartment at 15? Similarly, with the consent of the parents and with the appropriate document (application).
Consent is not certified by a notary and is essentially a fiction, since any young person can write it, knowing the documents of the parents and knowing how to sign them. Moreover, who will check, especially if the parents live in another city? The owner of the apartment on the basis of a conditional document has the right to rent an apartment to the teenager and sign a lease with him, but this is a great responsibility for the latter. Not every adult will agree to make a deal with a child, because if something happens, he will also be responsible.
Situation abroad
It often happens that in Russia, few people care about the legal issue and rent an apartment to anyone if a person is willing to pay money. This is completely wrong. If you look in the direction of the United States or European countries, for example, you can see that the state clearly regulates the processes of renting housing.
In the United States, most children do not live with their parents, but after school try to find their own housing, albeit small, but separate from adults. You can rent an apartment in America from the age of 18, before no one would even consider the candidacy as the main tenant.
Based on this experience, one can hardly think that foreign landlords turn a blind eye to age, because before renting an apartment, an agreement is signed in which everything is discussed to the smallest detail. In the contract, the employer will meet not only the mention of the conditions for which he pays, but also:
- who to call in case of an accident;
- who is responsible for all services;
- can animals be brought to the house;
- how long can you listen to music loudly and is it even possible to listen to it loudly;
- whether it is allowed to move furniture, hammer a nail and the like.
Everything is agreed, including the amount that will have to be paid additionally if the contract clause is violated. In addition to conscious lessors, there are also neighbors who, in case of violation of the conditions for renting an apartment, will report this to the police. And if you are sure that you can dodge the law, then this will be the main misconception - the state machine of the United States works for the result.
The subtleties of rent
In Russia, things are simpler, as there is always someone who wants to circumvent the law and earn money on a minor. Therefore, if a citizen has enough money, then you can rent an apartment at 16 and live separately. But what must be taken into account and know?
The owner may lease an apartment suitable for housing or part thereof for a fee for a specified period. Such premises must comply with the provisions of housing legislation and meet uniform requirements, such as:
- the possibility of living at any time of the year;
- heatability;
- illumination;
- noise level;
- vibration level;
- sanitary regulations;
- security.
Before thinking about a separate housing, a teenager needs to know not only how much an apartment can be rented, but also what a normal living space should look like so as not to freeze in winter and not to be left without water in summer.
When signing documents for renting an apartment / house, you should carefully study the title documents, make sure that the premises are really owned by the landlord. Otherwise, after paying the rent, there is a risk of staying on the street if there is a real owner.
It will be impossible to return money, as well as to achieve settlement in a rented apartment. Theoretically, you can rent an apartment, but in practice, 14-17-year-olds do not know much, and a conscious adult will not risk signing a contract with them, and an unconscious will find how to circle them around the finger.
Only after signing the contract with the parents (with one of the parents, the guardian), the child is allowed to live alone. The responsibility in this case lies entirely with the parents.
Landlord Consciousness
It must be recognized that the population of Russia was in a socio-psychological sense not prepared for the drastic economic transformations that led to a change in consciousness and psychology. The cult of profit often prevails over rational actions, so you can hear that anyway, to whom to donate, just to pay money. Therefore, many landlords are not interested in how many years you can rent an apartment and whether it is possible to conclude an agreement with a minor ..
An irresponsible approach provokes juvenile delinquency. How to ask children if adults themselves deliberately break the law by renting housing to minors without the consent and presence of parents.
Much is adopted from the West. Much, but not the best. For example, in Sweden, renting apartments by young people is a common phenomenon, as buying a house is expensive, and young people cannot afford it. When renting a house, the landlord will require not only an ID (electronic passport), but also recommendations from his previous place of residence (he may also ask for a description), as well as the citizen must prove his solvency by providing a document on taxes paid.
Therefore, renting an apartment is possible only for adult citizens and only by bank transfer, as the landlord pays taxes on renting the apartment, which really go to the arrangement of the state. That is why women with children under 5 years old travel by public transport for free, and retired people can safely leave for several months in Spain from the cold winter.
Exceptions to the Rules
In any law, some derogations, force majeure circumstances are considered. There are some when renting teenagers from 14 to 18 years old. By law, you can only rent an apartment at the age of 18.
Is it possible to rent an apartment at 17, for example? Yes, there are times when a teenager gains full legal capacity on the principle of emancipation.
Emancipation in sociology is the termination of various social dependencies, in this case, children from the influence of parents, the acquisition of all the rights and obligations of an adult. This does not mean that a teenager must go into all serious sins, begin to lead an unhealthy lifestyle, walk at night. This is another responsibility!
It occurs if minors enter into marriage or for some reason begin to work on an equal footing with adults on the basis of an employment contract, or register an individual enterprise and can independently maintain a balance and pay taxes.
Emancipation is possible only with the approval of the parents and is allowed in exceptional cases. If the approval of the parents or guardians is not received, but the teenager insists on a separate residence, it is possible to consider the case in court.
Despite the fact that the procedure for emancipation is legally allowed, it is practically difficult to obtain it. There must be good arguments for a child under 18 to be allowed to be responsible for their actions on an equal basis with adults. After all, the main thing is not how many years you can rent an apartment, but whether a person is ready mentally and psychologically at the age of 14-15 to be responsible for financial actions.
The independent life of adolescents: the pros and cons
You can ignore the law and consider when you can let the child go for "free bread." There are two diametrical opinions. Some are sure that after graduation, the child must learn to live independently and no matter how long you can rent an apartment in Russia, the main thing is to start living separately from parents.
The second does not see a problem in keeping the child in the parental walls for as long as possible, and spent the money earned not on renting a house, but on travel or education. It all depends on objective factors. It happens that at 16, a teenager acts reasonably, and sometimes, at 34, a person acts like a small child.
If the parents are sure that their child can rent an apartment at age 14, then they themselves need to conclude a rental contract, sign it in accordance with all the rules, and only then allow the child to live separately. But responsibility for the child until he comes of age still remains on their shoulders.
It must be understood that obtaining a passport is not the only criterion for independent living. The child must be prepared for this.
Responsibility of the landlord for renting the apartment to minors
By law, young people under 18 years old can live in a separate apartment, if the rules are observed:
- they are fully competent;
- there is consent from the parents;
- there is a permit from the guardianship and trusteeship.
What awaits the landlord if he did not know whether it is possible for a person to rent an apartment at 17 years old on his own, and rented him a house? Neither administrative nor criminal liability is provided for by law. When the fact of the unlawful signing of a lease between the minor and the landlord is revealed, the transaction will be invalidated, and all responsibility will fall on the parents or guardians of the teenager.
However, if in a rented apartment young people begin to engage in illegal actions: interfere with neighbors loud music, sell drugs, drink alcohol, then the landlord will have to answer for it. Law enforcement agencies, first of all, will come to the owner of the apartment, and only then will they begin to find out the identities of the residents.
The district police officers have the right to write a fine for violation of law and order on the owner of the apartment, because minors are considered children and do not bear full responsibility for their actions. Before renting an apartment to young people, you should make sure that they really are 18 years old.
Apartment for a day
Most teenagers sooner or later try to find a place where you can walk without parents. If the family has a good income, then it will not be difficult for a child to get finances in order to have fun with friends.
How long can I rent an apartment for rent? No one can forbid renting an apartment to adolescents, but the event is risky for the landlord, because sometimes, not knowing how to control themselves, young people begin to drive wildly, and most often the neighbors call the police, who quickly put things in order. If you are lucky and do without crime, you can only get into the "black list" of unscrupulous landlords. If something criminal happens, you will have to answer in court. Therefore, it is important to remember how many years an apartment can be rented legally. You can only rent an apartment from the age of 18!
Positive attitude
As can be seen from the above, if you follow the letter of the law, an apartment in Russia alone can be rented only by adults. But this does not mean that at a younger age this cannot be done. It is enough to convince parents of the ability to be responsible for actions and willingness to start an independent life. At the same time, all participants should be aware of how many years an apartment can be rented independently, without the mediation of parents.
In this case, the parents or guardians will sign a lease of the apartment in which the minor will live. In this situation, both parties are satisfied. The landlord receives responsible tenants, and the minor gets the opportunity to enter adulthood.
As a result, is it possible to rent an apartment up to 18 years old? Yes. To do this, there are at least two legal ways: registration of a lease for parents and emancipation.