Currently, one of the most informative methods of instrumental diagnostics is computed tomography. According to the opinions of pulmonologists, CT of the lungs with contrast is a procedure that is the gold standard. With its help, you can identify any pathological processes that occur in the lungs, even if they are at an early stage of development. Thanks to this, the doctor can take timely measures by appointing the patient the most effective treatment regimen.
Computed tomography of the lungs with contrast is a study that can be prescribed by the attending physician if there are a number of alarming symptoms in the person who addressed him.
These include the following signs of lung damage:
- Hoarseness in the voice for no apparent reason.
- Persistent unproductive cough. This also applies to smokers. Many of them claim that dry cough is a side effect of addiction. However, most often it indicates the development of obstructive pulmonary disease caused by smoking.
- Pain in the chest area, the intensity of which increases during inspiration.
- The presence of whistling sounds when breathing.
- Dyspnea.
- An increase in body temperature to subfebrile values.
- Weight loss for no apparent reason.
- Increased fatigue. Fatigue occurs during the execution of any activity very quickly.
- Nasal cough with sputum containing streaks of blood or pus.
- An increase in the size of the lymph nodes located above the clavicle.
- Difficulty swallowing food.
- Intolerance to physical exertion.
The presence of any of the above symptoms may indicate a serious damage to the organs of the respiratory system. That is why doctors prescribe CT of the lungs with contrast. The procedure allows you to quickly get the most complete information about the patientโs respiratory system. Thanks to this, the chances of a successful recovery are significantly increased.
What allows you to identify
During CT of the lungs with contrast, the following pathological conditions can be detected:
- Malignant neoplasms. During the study, the doctor evaluates the blastoma parameters, and also determines the prevalence of the disease. It is important to know that in the early stages of development, lung cancer does not have specific symptoms. In addition, they are expressed rather weakly. That is why it is so important to timely identify the ailment. You can detect it with a CT scan.
- Fibrous changes in the lungs. What it is? This is a specific organ lesion of unknown origin, manifested by severe shortness of breath. As the disease progresses, healthy tissue is replaced by scar tissue. It is important to know that fibrotic changes in the lungs are a condition that in a short time leads to respiratory failure and other dangerous complications. What is the reason for this? Normally, the lung tissue is elastic, it stretches easily and returns to its original volume, saturating the liquid connective tissue with oxygen. Fibrosis sites do not have similar elasticity. As a result, lung volume is significantly reduced. A natural consequence is the development of respiratory failure or other dangerous complications.
- Metastases As practice shows, they are often detected in the lungs and bones. That is, the organ of the respiratory system in this case is a secondary lesion zone.
- Neoplasms of the mediastinum. It can be both various tumors and cysts.
- Pulmonary tissue compaction syndrome. This is a symptom complex characteristic of a large number of pathologies. It is customary to talk about the syndrome of compaction of the lung tissue in the case when it thickens due to the formation of inflammatory exudate or cavities filled with liquid or thick contents.
- Diseases of an interstitial nature.
- Specific inflammatory processes (tuberculosis, parasitic and fungal infections).
- Thromboembolism. This is a pathology that poses a danger to human life. It is accompanied by blockage of the pulmonary artery by blood clots. In severe cases, the lumen of the vessel is completely blocked.
- Any changes of an inflammatory nature.
- Lesions of the lymphatic system with lymphoproliferative ailments.
- The presence of fluid in the pleural cavities (both free and lumped).
- Any changes in the bronchi.
- The presence of calcifications. These are formations, the composition of which is represented by lime. As a rule, the formation of calcifications is a residual phenomenon after previous inflammatory processes. But this does not mean that it is not dangerous. The more calcifications in the lungs, the faster hypoxia occurs and the functioning of the respiratory system decreases.
- Various kinds of traumatic injuries of the chest.
- Neoplasms on the thyroid gland with their retrosternal distribution.
- Coronary artery calcification.
- Pathology of blood vessels passing through the chest.
CT of the lungs with contrast is a procedure in the course of which dozens of diseases can be excluded. This explains the popularity of the study. Doctors say that CT with lung contrast shows any, even the most minor changes in the tissues.
Computed tomography is a study that does not require any specific actions to be performed first. The only thing that needs to be done is to provide the attending physician with information regarding the presence or absence of pathologies of a chronic nature.
In addition, you need to know that CT with contrast is performed on an empty stomach. The last meal before the study should take place no later than 6 hours. If the procedure is scheduled for the morning, the night before, it is recommended to eat only easily digestible food. You can drink water, but in limited quantities.
How do CT scans of lungs with contrast
The procedure is performed using a computer tomograph. This is a device consisting of a gantry (a ring in which X-ray tubes are mounted). A computer is connected to it, which converts all the received data into information convenient for human analysis.
The principle of operation of the tomograph is as follows: x-ray tubes make a revolution around the patient's body, emitting a certain radiation. The latter penetrates through the tissue and is received by detectors located on the opposite side of the gantry. They, in turn, evaluate the angle at which the x-ray radiation was sent, and its energy. Then all the received data is sent to the central processor of a computer tomograph. It is there that they are converted into information that is understandable to the doctor. The image is displayed on the computer screen.
Research Methodology:
- The patient enters the room where the tomograph is installed, removes outer clothing and shoes. In addition, all metal objects (watches, belts, jewelry, etc.) should be removed away. They can affect the operation of the tomograph and significantly distort the information received. At this time, the doctor explains how CT of the lungs is performed with contrast, for which a person should be prepared.
- The patient is laying his feet on the table. The doctor helps to take the correct position. He can lay his head to the gantry, on his stomach, back (in the vast majority of cases), or on his side. If necessary, the patient is fixed to the table with the help of special devices.
- The specialist starts the work of the tomograph and scans the body of the subject.
- The doctor intravenously administers a contrast agent to the patient. At this time, the subject may feel dizzy. This condition is the norm, it very quickly passes on its own.
- After a few minutes, the specialist again scans the required area. This procedure can be repeated more than once. During its holding several times it is necessary to hold your breath for a short period. It is important to strictly follow all doctor's instructions.
- The patient receives printed images in his hands, dresses and leaves. He can immediately begin to carry out his daily activities.
The process of scanning the human body takes only a few seconds. The duration of the procedure directly depends on how many times it is necessary to evaluate the indicators after the introduction of contrast.
What drugs are used?
If it is necessary to assess the condition of the lungs, contrast is injected into a vein. In this case, both ionic and nonionic substances can be used, which contain iodine.
The former are used much less frequently, they are considered obsolete. This is due to the fact that they often lead to the development of side effects. In such preparations (several years ago, โUrografinโ was the most common) iodine is contained in ionic form, due to which it has a high toxicity index. In modern means, it is in a bound form, due to which the introduction of contrast only in isolated cases leads to side effects. Examples of funds: Omnipack, Yopromide, Ultravist, Iodhexol.
First, a wide-lumen catheter is inserted in the patient's vein. This need is due to the fact that with the introduction of contrast, the vessel experiences strong pressure. To prevent its walls from being damaged, it is necessary to reduce the load level. For this purpose, a catheter with a wide clearance is installed. Then this product is connected to the injector - a device that delivers a contrasting substance into the vein at a certain speed. The latter directly depends on the state of the blood vessel. The speed can vary between 1-5 ml / sec.
Side effects
As mentioned above, the use of modern drugs minimizes the risk of their development. According to statistical data, side effects are detected only in 0.1% of patients and they are usually associated with individual intolerance to a particular drug.
In rare cases, there is a headache and a rash on the skin. As a rule, these conditions pass independently and are not a reason for immediate medical attention. However, with a pronounced deterioration in well-being, it is necessary to come to a medical institution as soon as possible.
Despite the fact that CT of the lungs with contrast is a safe procedure, it is impossible to undergo it only for the purpose of prevention (that is, in the absence of any alarming symptoms). The appropriateness of the appointment of computed tomography should be assessed only by the attending physician. Experts believe that conducting a CT scan twice a year is completely safe for the human body.
Interpretation of Results
At the final stage of the procedure, the diagnostic doctor gives the patient a few pictures. Each image shows tissue sections in a certain plane.
Deciphering the results of CT of the lungs with contrast is carried out by a radiologist. A patient who does not have a medical education will not be able to independently interpret the images. When evaluating the results, the radiologist draws attention to the density of the segments, the presence or absence of adhesions, granulomas, fibrosis, and other conditions that indicate the development of pathological processes.
Like any other study, CT of the lungs with contrast has a number of limitations to conduct. But there are no absolute contraindications to this diagnostic method. Computed tomography with contrast is usually not performed in pregnant women and women who are breastfeeding.
Individual intolerance to substances is extremely rare, but it is also a contraindication. In order to prevent a pronounced deterioration in well-being, it is necessary to inform the doctor in advance about the presence of certain health problems, especially about the tendency to develop allergic reactions.
Where to do, cost
You can take the study in commercial medical institutions of a wide profile or in centers specializing in CT and MRI. For recording, it is enough to contact the clinic registry and decide on the time.
The cost of CT of the lungs directly depends on the region and the policy of the medical institution. For example, in the Far Eastern Federal District the cost of the procedure is 3000-4000 rubles, in the Southern Federal District - 5000-6000 rubles. In Moscow, CT of the lungs will cost about 8,000 rubles. But in the capital you can find small medical centers that provide services for less cost. Nevertheless, the lung CT scan in Moscow has the highest average price.
You can go through the study and in budgetary institutions. To do this, you must first apply for a referral with your doctor and find out in which polyclinics of the city the service is provided. The cost of lung CT with contrast in budgetary institutions is about 2 times lower.
Currently, computed tomography is one of the most informative research methods. In order to obtain the most complete information about the state of the lungs, a CT scan is performed with contrast, a drug whose active component is iodine. The latter can have both ionic and nonionic forms. The contrast agent is administered intravenously. Based on the diagnostic results, the doctor can evaluate the degree of lung function. With the help of CT it is possible to identify any pathological processes even at an early stage of their development. This allows you to start treatment in a timely manner and avoid the development of negative consequences.