Mackerel - Mackerel fish

Culinary experts and simply lovers of delicious food really appreciate fish such as mackerel. Especially often it can be seen on the tables of our compatriots in salted and smoked form. But few people know that sometimes unscrupulous sellers give out their relative, mackerel, for mackerel. This fish is found in the waters of the Atlantic Ocean, and it really can be easily confused with the more famous "sister."

How to distinguish between them?

It is in this matter that we will try to understand in detail.

mackerel fish
Like mackerel, mackerel is a mackerel fish. They are similar in size, but if you are offered larger or smaller carcasses to choose from in a store or on a market, it is better to choose the one that is smaller - then with a high probability you will get mackerel. Mackerel will, of course, be fatter and larger. This is due to the fact that the stocks of this fish in the ocean are still large, and therefore young animals are not actually used in the fishing industry. Only adult individuals reach consumers.

What kind of fish?

Sometimes confusion also arises when importing - as usual, all imported products are labeled in English as the most common. And in the subjects of Great Britain both fish are named the same - mackerel. Perhaps that is why mackerel is sometimes called the same mackerel. The fish is similar to each other. And to distinguish it, you need to know some important features of each of them. Well, for this you need to at least once see what it is, mackerel fish. You can see photos of her and mackerel in fishing books or magazines. Outwardly, they are very similar: both are silvery-greenish in the same shape. The differences lie in the so-called branded "tiger stripes." In mackerel, they are located clearly on the back. But the mackerel, in addition to the stripes, also has dark spots. They not only adorn the back of the fish, but also flow onto its abdomen.

mackerel fish photo
Mackerel fishing usually occurs between April and October from fishing vessels. But from the shore it is best to start fishing at the peak of summer - June and July.

Why is fishing for mackerel necessary?

Like mackerel, mackerel is a fatty fish, which means it is rich in saturated omega-3 acids, which are important for maintaining human health. It is actively used for food, although it loses to its "cousin" in taste. You can distinguish mackerel meat - it is more rigid than mackerel, it quickly becomes dry during heat treatment. It also differs in color - in mackerel, when cutting, the meat is pale pink. Mackerel is a fish with a grayish tinge of meat. Cutting it is quite simple - you do not need to remove the scales, and the fillet is easily separated from the ridge with an ordinary knife, there are no small bones in it.

catching mackerel
To cook it with maximum benefit, it is better to choose this cooking method, for example, as grilled roasting. For greater juiciness, you can pour it with lemon juice, grease with olive oil, and also wrap the carcasses in foil. Mackerel, grilled on charcoal on the grill, will retain juiciness and softness, and the almost complete absence of bones in this fish will make it a favorite dish for both adults and children.

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