Kirill Androsov: biography, photos and business secrets

Kirill Androsov is a top manager who has gone through a difficult and interesting career path. He was born and raised in the province, but was able to settle first in the northern capital of Russia, and then in Moscow. Androsov is the owner of unique experience in interacting with both government agencies and business.

Route Murmansk-Petersburg-Moscow

Androsov Kirill Gennadevich - Murmansk, he was born on June 13, 1972. He graduated from the Maritime Technical University (Faculty of Engineering and Economics) in St. Petersburg, studied at the graduate school of ENGECON (Academy of Engineering and Economics). He worked for Don Plus, in the banking company Galza Investments. Then he moved to the municipal authorities of St. Petersburg: he led the Office of investment projects and structures for the supervision of city property. He was the first deputy general director of Lenenergo.

Kirill Androsov

Since 2004, he has been working in various positions in the Government of Russia (in 2008-2010, as Deputy Chief of Staff). Since 2008 - on the board of directors of Aeroflot. Soon it is expanding its presence in the business: since 2010, it has become a partner of Altera Capital, in the same year it is a member of the board of directors of a number of companies: โ€œA 3โ€, โ€œLSR Groupโ€. Since 2011, he has chaired the board of directors of Aeroflot. Kirill Androsov is married, has a daughter.

Universal Manager

Androsov is a top manager of two of the largest Russian companies at once. He heads the board of directors of Russian Railways and holds a similar position in Aeroflot. An interesting fact is that Russian Railways and air carriers are direct competitors on passenger routes of short and medium lengths. For example, passengers have a choice - to fly by plane, paying 5 thousand rubles, or to buy a ticket in a compartment at a comparable price on trips between the same pair of cities.

Androsov, however, admitted in his interviews that he did not see this as a problem, believing that people themselves were able to find the optimal balance between time and money. Moreover, he assured that the problem of the choice of prioritization between different routes does not stand in principle. Androsov believes that the main thing is that both companies are under heavy pressure, both in infrastructure and in social terms.

Global trend supporter

In the management philosophy of Androsov, a balanced, analytical approach prevails. He perfectly understands that the industry, to which one of his companies belongs, Aeroflot, now has low profitability indicators. According to IATA (International Aviation Agency), in 2012, airlines generated about $ 600 billion, while net income was only $ 5 billion.

androsov Kirill Gennadevich

Kirill Androsov, realizing this, considers it expedient to combine the efforts of Aeroflot with other major global carriers. He welcomes the creation of alliances, the consolidation of resources in the international market. Here, a key role, according to Cyril Androsov, is cost savings, through which net profit can increase. And this is despite the potential difference between market players, when in the process of consolidation, larger carriers may experience difficulties due to the problems of small firms.

Be able to negotiate with the authorities

Few people in Russian business know how to properly communicate with the authorities, as Kirill Androsov does. His biography has a number of remarkable facts. For example, in 2005, when Kirill Androsov worked in the Government, an agreement was reached between the government and the country's leading oil companies to freeze fuel prices. This method is non-market, but Androsov believes that such cooperation is quite acceptable, but limited in use.

Kirill Androsov biography

According to Cyril, a dialogue took place between the government and business, when oil companies explained the essence of their problems with field development and equipment wear. In turn, the Government outlined measures that could be applied to increase the efficiency of the industry. It was agreed that it would take these very measures, subject to a series of reciprocal steps on the part of the oil industry: reinvesting the dividends received in the quality of the fuel produced, in the depth of oil refining. This, according to Androsov, is an option that can contribute to a more predictable dynamics of gas prices.

Business model that works

Androsov Kirill Gennadievich, whose biography is so rich in complex managerial decisions, was called to restore order in the management structure of Aeroflot. Under the leadership of this talented top manager, the quality of the work of the board of directors was brought to the highest level. Work was underway to centralize management, procurement, and improve the route network and fleet.

Androsov Kirill Gennadievich biography

Aeroflot has two subsidiaries that do not incur losses. Androsov expects to make the rest the same in 2014-2015. The airline is actively cooperating with such major carriers as Russia, close integration is with Orenburg Airlines. In 2013-2014, Androsov expects to create a business model that is the same for all the subsidiaries of his company.

Abroad we are a competitor

In 2007-2008, Aeroflot plans to acquire a number of foreign airlines. Kirill Androsov, however, does not see this as necessary: โ€‹โ€‹foreigners cannot offer any resources for the further growth of the Russian company. The business model implemented by Aeroflot, Androsov believes, should be based on competitive advantages of a national kind. Moreover, there is something to be proud of: the Russian airline is already in the TOP-5 of European carriers (and from 2009 to 2012 the passenger flow increased from 7 to 27 million).

Kirill Androsov

As for the possible purchase of Aeroflot by foreign companies, according to Androsov, they are only interested in the fact that Russians as little as possible took away transit traffic. For Cyril, the sale of the company to foreign competitors does not have a logical, first of all, justification. At the same time, domestic transactions of this kind, Androsov believes, are quite acceptable, and their implementation depends on the holder of a controlling stake in the airline - the state.

Supporter of a domestic manufacturer

Kirill Androsov is sure: his company's fleet should be replenished with Russian planes. In his opinion, the flag painted on the tail of the plane is a huge amount of duties and responsibilities. The national air carrier, Androsov believes, should fly on domestic planes - as it was in the USSR. Now Aeroflot operates the newest Russian airliner - SSJ-100, which, according to Cyril, is most effective in transporting over a distance of 2 thousand km. It can be flights from Moscow to Eastern Europe, to Sochi or Nizhny Novgorod.

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