Actress Zoryana Marchenko: biography, filmography

Zoryana Marchenko is an actress originally from the city of Dneprodzerzhinsk. Born December 9, 1988. The girl starred in Russian and Ukrainian films. It gained wide popularity after playing a major role in the series "While the Village is Sleeping." She graduated from the acting department and became recognizable after 2010.

Zoryana Marchenko

Zoryana Marchenko: biography

The girl was born in a family of actors. A cousin chose such an unusual name for her. It turns out that he had a girlfriend, a classmate, who was so called. Parents liked it too, and they no doubt named their child like that. Today, Zoryana Marchenko, whose photo you see in the article, attracts fans not only with her beauty, but also with an unusual name. At baptism, the girl was given the name Zoya, although no one calls her that, and even her family and friends call her Zoryanaya.

As a child, little Zoya spent a lot of time in front of the TV. Mom constantly scolded her for spoiling her eyesight. But the girl only answered that in a few years she could also act in films. At school, she was not given subjects very easily, especially with physics and mathematics. But Zoryana Marchenko was an active student and took part in all school concerts and holidays.

Zoryana Marchenko filmography

The girl even wanted to become a model, but could not pass the casting due to her short stature. Today, she is not at all upset about this, as it can be said that the girl managed to build her career.

After leaving school, Zoryana Marchenko entered the university to study cinema, which she successfully completed in 2010. At the same time, she began acting in films. But Zoryana did not count on special successes; she did not think that she would succeed in doing it the first time.

Zoryana Marchenko, whose photo is presented to your attention in the article, carefully hid her personal life. She constantly stated that she was immersed in work with her head and she had no time even to think about a young man. But no matter how the girl was hiding her personal life, the press managed to find out that in 2014 she got married.

Zoryana Marchenko photo

First films

The girl played the first role in the horror film "Synevyr", which was shot in Ukraine. The world premiere took place in 2013, after which the girl was again invited to appear in the Ukrainian film. But it was already a comedy.

After such a successful debut on Zoryana, offers simply rained down. True, her roles were not so large, but the films in which she starred are popular. Therefore, fame and glory quickly came to Zoryan.

Zoryana Marchenko filmography

the main role

The role of Marysi in the series "While the Village is Sleeping" Zoryana got simply. Before the producers of the series met her, they searched for a long time for a suitable girl for the shoot. But when they saw the 25-year-old beauty Zoryana Marchenko, they immediately realized that she would play this role. The heroine herself is more a negative character, but the girl tries to play a role so that people understand that she cannot be different, since the modern world is very cruel. Zoryana Marchenko herself understood that this role seemed to be created for her, even despite the fact that Marysya was its complete opposite.

At first, when the girl was just starting to appear on the set, she was afraid of Dmitry Nazarov, who played the role of her father. But when they got to know each other, all fear passed.

Once during the filming, an incident occurred that almost changed the girl’s entire life. But fate turned so that she managed to escape. The chaise in which Zoryana rode overturned, as the horse was frightened and rushed from all legs. And since that time, the role of Marysi in scenes with animals was played by the understudy.

After the role played, Zoryana Marchenko became famous not only in Russia, but also in Ukraine. Especially with her game she gained popularity among males.

Zoryana Marchenko biography

Zoryana Marchenko: filmography

As already mentioned above, Zoryana began acting in films since 2010. And these were films that were watched by large audiences. So, her roles in the films were the most memorable and vivid:

  • "This is Love".
  • "Sniff".
  • "Gunpowder and shot."
  • "The Return of Mukhtar 7".
  • Euphrosyne.
  • "Faith Hope Love".
  • "While the village is sleeping."
  • "The Last Janissary."

Despite the fact that the girl’s acting career is just beginning, she has already managed to achieve a lot. We wish her good luck and creative ups!

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